Thursday, December 26, 2013



(Forbes, Howard Glickman)
(Milwaukee Journal Sentential, Jason Stein)
(Diffen, Frazer Chronicle)

Well it figures, whenever conservatives start talking tax slashes, the election cycle is just around the corner, and by now everybody in the universe should know this fact of political life. First it’s on the local level, then at the state level and finally nationally. It’s like a reverse of trickle down, in this case it’s trickle up!

Here in Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker opened that creaky hinged door a bit in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentential, either eliminating or flattening income tax among options to investigate. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, my tax burden isn’t really a burden, I get services for my taxed dollars.

There is one thing to never forget, people, politicians never, ever eliminate taxes, they simply shift how taxes are assessed and paid into different areas. Politicians are like preachers, tithing is a good thing, in fact the very word means 10%.

Whenever there is talk of cutting the tax burden somebody or something is going to get cut, and it’s always… the beginning…. kind of a secret, or worded so technically that the average guy can’t understand what the hell will happen. (I’m really average, so I’m always grasping for straws when it comes to tax elimination.)

In the Journal Sentinel piece dated 12-26-13, Walker talks about Republican failures by governors pushing massive tax overhauls in Nebraska and Louisiana too quickly without laying the groundwork with voters. A very interesting statement by the governor, but ya know something, I don’t recall any political figure laying groundwork, that would mean that the issue can be judged from both sides…..and that’s just not the case, either from Republicans or Democrats.

Walker, in the same interview, talked about engaging business leaders and the public using meetings, a website, and other tools that the Gov will announce early next year. Until that time, Walker won’t be doing much talking about his plans. Hummmmm, I think Walker is recruiting like minded people for his 2014 tax reform run.


The short answer is no, while the long answer is maybe, look, everybody would like a bit more in their paycheck every couple of weeks…..hell it’s the great American way. I get paid once a month and I’d love a little extra, and I know just what I’d do with the extra…..indulge myself.

For whatever reason Democrats look through different glasses than Republicans, I guess I’d explain it this way, Democrats see things in the here and now, Republicans see things long term. It may not be correct, but it’s my best answer…..and I’ve thought about this issue.

Many people, both Democrats and Republicans seem to think that there’s a shadowy Federal Government somewhere in a misty co-universe, and they produce money, devise stupid programs that’ll take this money that they have produced which means we’ll (taxpayers) have to replace that money with our own. I know it sounds stupid, but I swear some people actually believe that the Federal Government is completely different from the one in Washington D.C.

So to answer the great debated question, do Democrats ever want to cut taxes; the answer is absolutely yes…..but on a more limited basis than Republicans. Both attitudes need to have checks and balances, so that not enough tax breaks is not a good thing, as well as too much tax breaking would be a bad thing.

It’s where we are supposed to come in, the American voter should serve as both the checkers and balancers of what government figures is good for the people regarding our money. You see, unlike some believe, there really isn’t a shadow government, government is us, we hold the purse strings…..and actually can dictate what our federal government does.


With little exception, every tax dollar is explained, oh sure we might not like what the answers are, but non-the-less, a budget does really explain where our money is going. And surprise, surprise, if enough of us taxpayers don’t like what our money is being spent on…..well then we simply kick the bums out of office.

Take stock in what we get for our taxes, schools, street maintenance, police and fire protection, the electrical grid (yes my friends, some tax dollars do go for the power grid), public utilities of all sorts, political services, a standing military, and mouth pieces that deal with whatever foreign policies that we are supposed to mandate through our election patterns.

I don’t need a diet of bull-crap from an elected official (no, I didn’t vote for Walker, and yes, I supported his recall) but as a voting public, we’re stuck with the dink, so why not make the best of it, and really analyze what he stands for, where he wants to take us…..and when we need to stop him through all the legal political avenues at our disposal.

So when these political hacks and whores start chirping like a bunch of dodo birds we can be smart enough to examine the issues (whatever they are) and make decisions on whether to make a stand against the activity, support it, or reluctantly understand that we only have a little while longer with this guy before we vote the jerk out of political office.

And don’t give me the idle assessment of a situation without first examining the top, bottom and all four sides of an issue…..cause in the long run, you’re only screwing yourself.


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