Tuesday, February 25, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


Ok so maybe Chuck Hagel isn’t the best that American has to offer, but at least he’s (driving in the right direction.) Hagel is 67, was a U.S. Senator, (Republican) from Nebraska, and was appointed as the United States Secretary of Defense by President Obama a year ago this coming Thursday, February 27.

Why is he one of my new favorite bestest of Americans, he is the bearer of glad tidings, my reading buddies, he’s talking about cutting the defense budget and the size of our military. Don’t read me wrong here, I don’t think that Charles Timothy Hagel sat down in a corner of his office, or his apartment in Washington D.C. and figured out that the country is headed for military spending Armageddon, oh no, he had help on this project…..and much input from all of those people around him…..in his department as well as outside his offices.

What Hagel suggested was a new approach to military thinking going forward in the 21st century…..notice I didn’t used the worn-out cliché POST 9/11. Hagel did talk about a nimble, smaller sized Army to better confront with a more nimble U.S. military, a more volatile and unpredictable enemy. The budget that President Obama submits to Congress next week will (according to Hagel) reflect the nation’s transition from 13 years of war.

Hagel goes from a glimpse of hope and sanity, given cutting back troops strengths, and budgets right back into the core of his plan, that the U.S. military will no longer be sized to conduct large and protracted ground wars. It will put more emphasis on versatile, agile forces that can project power over great distances, including Asia.


In exactly 299 words, Chuck Hagel went from a hell of an American to just one more of those war mongering Washington D.C. officials that really isn’t interested in any change. The toys, gadgets, and gizmos that are produced by industry here in the United States…..and the world will still be produced, will still need to be paid for, and will still be portrayed as spreading democracy, and protecting our freedom.

There are millions and millions of Americans that are employed by…..well, Americans, yea that’s right, we’re hiring ourselves to pay…..ourselves. (You’re gonna have to follow me here for a minute) it takes people working in manufacturing to produce the military equipment that is necessary for the U.S. to safeguard our freedom, and to spread our kind of government in foreign countries.  

These military manufacturing jobs pay good money; they afford employees a good set of benefits, and do offer a modicum of stability in job security, especially in today’s job market. These people work hard, do a proven great job, and are worth every penny that their paid.

That said…..exactly where do you think that the money comes from to pay these military manufacturers? There isn’t a magic money tree, or a pit where twenty dollar bills are stored…..no-sir-e my friends, that money comes from taxpayers…..which in some way, we all are. Even those people that work in defense contracted jobs, those people who are responsible to make the gadgets, and gizmos, so to a slight degree, these workers are paying themselves.

Does this make sense, or am I simply whistling in the wind here, I mean am I the only one who looks at this stuff from this prospective? To me the facts are irrefutable, we are hired by us, to make stuff for us, so that we can go to war (no matter what the reason), we than pay taxes so that we can pay ourselves…..it’s this kind of like a cruel joke that we’re playing on ourselves?


Nearly every government that goes to war does so underestimating the initial, or the long term costs to do so, underestimates the duration of hostilities, underestimates the harm to political objectives that can be attained through brute force, and overestimates their citizens approval of war in a foreign land that is thousands of miles away.

The war on terror has cost more than $4 trillion dollars, has taken more than 240,000 confirmed kills, another 365,000 physically wounded, and more than 8 million people displaced. As people said in the Bush administration, “this is the long war,” and I have a sneaky suspicion we’ve only seen the front end of a continuing military, religious, and political effort of conservative change throughout much of the world.

What the United States is going through is unlike any other period in human history, where an almost “perfect storm” of ideology, military might, political upheaval, and religious alignment is in place, and the powers that be have either recognized or implemented these conditions. It is a situation that if not dealt with…..and damned soon, could signal the end times!

All told, including military contractors, the United States has lost more than 6,000 U.S. soldiers and an additional 2,400 contractors killed. In addition some 25,000 deaths have occurred to coalition partners and Afghan and Iraqi military.

The estimates of what this war is going to cost aren’t a conversation that the Pentagon, the Congress, or Obama’s administration wants to address. However it was estimated that an additional $3 trillion would be needed…..back in 2010, and that figure has already been exceeded.

And at this juncture I’m not even going to get into environment or the cost to human health, suffice it to say that it’ll take decades for the earth to recover, and for man, the jury is still out on us. I remember Viet Nam, and the cancer that was caused by the crap that was used in the name of freedom, I’m sure that body parts are still falling off because of that war.

What has happened to the human aid, and the monitory affects that were meant for the war effort, and where did these trillions go…..that question my friends can’t be answered by me, and for that matter by anybody else…..nobody had a handle on that question.


Reduction and a reducing diet, it’s what fat people need, fat people also need an exercise program to help in the overall health. I gotta be honest, I don’t see it and I’ll tell you why…..Marinette Marine, 50 miles north of Green Bay, Wisconsin might be in danger of losing a $34 billion dollar boat contract, putting more than 1,400 people out of work…..which would devastate that community.

There are military contractors all over the country just like Marinette, Wisconsin, in fact there are more than 2,000 sites where somebody, somehow is building some sort of military gadget. There are millions of people that are employed by these companies…..all working towards the same goal, U.S. military might, they just don’t know that there actually brothers and sisters in the same industry.

They all make pretty decent wages, they all get pretty good benefits, all paid for by every citizen that pays a tax here in the United States. The reason that they work for the military industry is simple, like the rest of the employed of the United States, they got bills to pay. You can’t blame these people, just like you can’t blame the military soldier on the ground.

The blame lies with those people who are willing to wage war without a foreseeable end, without an exit plan of any kind. Politicians too wishy-washy on military, political, and religious issues and questions that are raised when one looks straight on at these people and their organizations. These people are to blame, and we also are to blame because we also seem to be too wishy-washy in our due diligence with regards to keeping this people involved, answerable for their actions.



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