Friday, July 18, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


Some people figure that illegal immigration into the United States is not that they are here using our resources; it’s that these people are, in many cases, using our resources without contributing to anything. Some immigration experts…..always government officials… call the problem a convoluted, unsolvable mess. I will grant you this; immigration into the U.S. is an ongoing mess.


However the issue of undocumented illegal immigration into the United States is solvable, and is not a complex issue. There are two simple questions that you need to ask yourself with regards to immigration into the United States;

1. Do these people have citizenship identification papers?

2. Do these people have a sponsor, or relatives who are legal citizens living in the United States?


If the answer to either question is in the negative…..back they go to the country of their origin…..and guess what, I’m not sorry. Usually the predicament that these people find themselves in can be traced to their front door, whether it be a lack of decent jobs in their country, or the inability of their country to afford them a job that will sustain them in a minimal fashion.



I suppose that you could call the gross domestic product, GDP, the gold standard for how a country is rated on the world’s stage of finance. Believe you me, the more that a country’s domestic product is divided, gives an accurate picture of how that country operates, acts, and reacts to its citizens, workers, and to what extent public funding programs (entitlements) are available to its people.


People need to earn a living wage, it’s not just the right thing to do, it’s a mandatory rule of any successful culture in today’s world. Without exception countries of the world are judged by how their people are taken care of. Oh sure, I understand that a self absorbed conservative will misconstrue what I am saying, figuring that I’m another bleeding heart liberal who figures that the poor should be taken care of by the government and the people of wealth.


Sorry dick reed breath, what I am saying is that it’s the responsibility of those Captains of Industry to continually strive to create more jobs that will pay their workers a living wage. If that were the case, everybody would benefit, the Captains of industry, the workers, and the federal government.


Of course the Captains would realize a bigger share of the profits through the efforts of their labor force; the workers would of course make more money per hour, and could pad their financial books because of the owner’s additional revenue, and the overtime necessary to meet production schedules. The federal government would, of course, enjoy the additional tax revenue that would be developed by the prosperity that was enjoyed by the Captains who would need bigger production areas, and warehouse storage buildings.


All in all a happy and winning atmosphere for all of those people that are involved with such a scenario…..however, illegal immigration does not figure anywhere in my plan for a winning business situation. My plan calls for better distribution of that U.S. GDP and immigration can do nothing but drive down wages, and throw a monkey wrench into the overall operation of the success of the American worker.


Anybody who knows me realizes that I don’t usually use terms like Gross Domestic Product, (GDP) or Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). Actually I’d rather not waste my time “pontificating” what I consider to be “high falutin” words, or catch phrases…’s too short.


The United States has been built on immigration, blood, sweat, tears, labor, and dreams…..dreams of being able to have the opportunity to catch a piece of the  Great American Dream. And the best part of the entire equation is the fact that almost without exception, American citizens each… their own way, actually do catch a piece, no matter whether that piece is big or small.


Of course there’s a brand new issue that is sapping American workers, it’s called outsourcing, and between illegal immigrants, and the outsourcing of American jobs overseas, it’s a wonder that we, as a nation, are as solvent as we appear to be.


I’m retired, so I need to either read or watch the plight of the American purchaser and how little power he has. There are a whole slew of low wage earners here in the United States…..not including immigrant workers. For employers, class distinction with regards to how they pay their workers does not enter into the equation, it’s getting whatever product made and shipped for the lowest possible wage and benefits.


For employers it’s getting whatever job done with the least possible employee interaction…..if a machine can do the job, all the better, machines do not get sick, don’t ask for time off, do not require vacations, nor benefits…..and machines never, ever talk back…..and never have tried to unionize. An added benefit, machines never get pregnant, therefore do not need maternity leave.


It’s a funny twist however, because when an American worker, legal, or illegal is working for a sub-standard wage, he can’t afford to purchase whatever it is that he is producing, so that product, with all of its lower cost, in many cases is sent overseas for distribution. You’d think that a business-man would understand that fact…..but apparently he doesn’t.



Illegal immigration imposes enormous costs, monetary as well as crime related, on an unsuspecting society. In many instances American citizens, labor leaders, and business owners sing the praises of what the hard working immigrant brings to the work place, and that is an undeniable fact.


Many immigrant workers are quite, stick to their jobs, do them either as good as or better than their American counterparts…..and almost never complain. To many of these people, family is everything, and to have a family requires that a person work…..therefore the job that an immigrant has is second in line to how he prioritizes his life.


Illegals can also bring the unsavory underbelly of the criminal element into the United States, gangsters, drug abusers, and traffickers, and even human flesh peddlers. According to statistics, many illegals are chased out of their countries; some of these people are highly organized, and have direct links back to their countries and the materials that are necessary for their lives of crime.


In my opinion the question of immigration into the United States is upside down, an immigrant used to have to speak English, had to count, and needed to pass a competency test before they were even considered for citizenship. I live in Green Bay, Wisconsin, population 103,000, and they say that there is a sub-culture of around 10,000 undocumented illegals that are living here, working here, driving on the streets, and receive (on occasion,) emergency room medical treatment.

There are hard working, humble, and polite people, and for them (like I said) family is everything. There have been several different era’s connected with immigration into the United States, and on each occasion, there was industrial revolutions going on. The same can be said about the current time here in the U.S.


Only this time the revolution is going backwards…..back to a time when labor in the United States languished in an unsupportive time…..kind of like share-croppers, you know, those folks who busted their butts bringing in the crops for the man. And after all was said and done, the only thing that the worker could look forward to was another growing season, and the same ritual all over again…..kind of like a vicious cycle, with the exact same results as in past years.




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