Saturday, March 14, 2015




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)

A bunch of US Senators send a nasty open letter to the leadership of Iran, Congress invites a foreign leader address a combined session of those dudes…..without the president’s approval. Huh, I guess it’s finally happened, something that’s near and dear to my heart, something that I’ve been preaching for some time now…..isolationism. Hurray, halleluiah and a great big mazel tov, somebody somewhere finally got their head out of, well, you know what I mean.


But alas it’s not true, very few people want isolationism, don’t you all know that the only way that the United States is every going to stand on its own is to stand alone. Americans are self-reliant, Americans are resourceful, and Americans raise to the challenge…..any challenge.


Whenever I read about how the United States reacts, and is wary of another nation (in many cases any nation), developing nuclear progress and capabilities, I have to smile, it’s like the pot calling the kettle black. The US has developed one of the top nuclear programs in the history of the world. Wasn’t the United States the very first military powers in the world to use an atomic bomb, wasn’t the United States the very first country in the world to more or less publically the first nation to advocate proliferation of atomic weaponry first and then publically advantages research second?


The open letter that was sent to Iran…..(I wonder, did they send it through the regular mail, or did they air-mail it, huh, one of life’s little secrets I guess). Anyways there are several misconceptions attached to the letter…..some huge misconceptions that I think need addressing.


A. there aren’t any negotiations with Iran presently, regarding a nuclear program because the world’s intelligence agencies (including the United States) do not believe that Iran is currently building nuclear weapons.


B. An active Iranian nuclear weapons program would render the current negotiations moot because Iran would be in fundamental violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)…..that Iran signed.


C. Iran is within the terms of the NPT which allows nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.


D. The current negotiations are focused on strengthening verifiable safeguards against weaponization over-and-above those required by the NPT.


E. negotiations are not between the US and Iran alone, included is Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China.


F. the deal being pursued reflects an international consensus, the same consensus that had made sanctions against Iran so effective.


G. any agreement reached would be endorsed by the UN and any US new administration would be obliged to uphold, and any attempt by the White House or Congress to abrogate, unilaterally modify or impede such an agreement would be a breach of United States obligations.




The Middle East is a hodge-podge of volatile countries that have been at one another’s throats a total of 88 times since the turn of the 20th century, 19 times since the turn of the 21st century, which have claimed in excess of 2,000,000 lives.


There have been religious wars, wars over property, wars over mineral rights, wars for independents, revolts, coups, civil wars, pro-Communist wars, pre-emptive wars, religious holiday wars, wars of unrest, and even a PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan), war with the KDP (Kurdish Democratic Party).


There has been war in the region for centuries, war has evolved into a way of life for some of these people. They can trace their lineage through centuries of dead relatives, leaving them wondering how there were enough able adults left to pro-create.


Many Middle Eastern conflicts are actually decade’s old and only flare up periodically and usually in isolated areas. Those people who keep track of such skirmishes don’t even take notice because they don’t consider them worthy of reporting because only a couple dozen people die.


These people, when they hear about 47 United States Senators sending a letter to either their countries leaders, or a neiboring countries political potentate simply giggle, shake their heads on move on with their lives. It’s what these Middle Eastern countries have come to except about the United States…..clueless.


This area, the Middle East, has a combined population of 410,154,000, and collectively, as a species have never ever been defeated in a war…..they lose battles, but never the war. This area or member nations brought Russia to its military knees, bent the will of Britain to continue its empire in the area, and is breaking the military bank of the United States.


These people (as a whole) pass their fears, their anger, and their attitudes down to their children who pass it on to their children who pass it down to…..well you get my drift! And in actuality, in the high tech world of 2015, they only thing that they’ve got going for themselves is black gold…..Texas tea, or in this case, Middle Eastern tea.




Education, culture, religion, not necessarily in that order all had their origin in the Middle East, do you understand how silly the United States most look to some of these people. An open letter…..ya, well, I’m sure that some in the Middle East would love to tell these 47 Senators where to stick their letter.


Unrest in the Middle East is a way of life, death, rape, a subservient attitude towards women, mayhem, and racial discord are just a tip of the iceberg when you start talking about the Middle Eastern culture. Believe me, I am not an expert on affairs in the Middle East…..and more important, I could care less about the area. It’s thousands of miles away, costly to… anything with, peaceful, or militarily, and with regards to petroleum products, we can get that stuff closer to home.


Partisan politics can put a country on the road to ruin pure and simple, and the United States’ brand of partisanship isn’t getting to be less…..far from it. Obama is the president for the next 21 months, let’s make the best of it and move on from the constant child-like bickering before somebody gives us a good switching…..and we lose our collective best stuff…..our country and our identity.


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