Sunday, February 5, 2012



Terrible, terrible, terrible, any time a kid accuses a teacher of any inappropriate behavior, school administrators need, "across the nation" to involve police departments. School officials are ill equipped to handle any sort of forthright investigation, they are neither educated or independent.

Does this sound like a teacher is assumed guilty until proven innocent, "you betcha," where children are involved, absolutely. Do children make inaccurate accusations against authority figures, of course, are there ways to weed out real instances from the false ones, I'd hope so. However for me, the bottom line is a kids well being.

It is a misnomer for people, "any people" to say or think that school-grounds and the classroom are "safe havens" for kids. Kinda like saying that schools can be a safe place away from their homes, there sisters and brothers, and parents. Kids are bullied each and every day during school hours, the actions include hitting, pushing, kicking, tripping and humiliating taunts. Does that sound like a "safe haven."

Schools today are set up as the judge and jury for their students, and they set standards for punishment, all without the benefit of council for the kid. I'm 68 years old, come from the old school and in fact have been thrown down a few stairways in my time, as well as getting the old McDuff paddle, you know, the one with the holes drilled in it.

What I am simply saying is that parents need to take command, to be involved with their kids, their schools and what happens to their kids, and with their education, it's damned important. It's important not only for them, but for us all.....that's how much an education means today, actually always has.

When school systems do not adequately screen prospective teaching applicants, it opens the system up for all sorts of liabilities, but worse, lets the kids down. When I went to Andersonville grade school near Waterford, Michigan back in the early 1950's there was a teacher, "can't remember his name," but he routinely hit the boys in his class in the head with his fist, I know, I was one of "his boys."

My school "experience" was not the most enjoyable, I in fact hated school, from kindergarten right on through to my "high school career." That's another misnomer, "school career," kids don't look at school as a "career," at first it's a pain in the butt, "even in kindergarten," and then a few decide to take advantage of the situation.

School administrators need to understand that parents need to be included, almost whether they want to or not. Rules need to be laid down to insure that parents do in fact stay involved with their kids, I don't really care where the rules come from, obviously some sort of rules are necessary.

No set of rules are ever going to "cover all the bases," but we sure need to revamp what we have going on. When a teacher creates ways to feed a little kid semen, or fondle little girls, something is wrong.

Investigating backgrounds seems to me to be a pretty easy way of being part of safeguarding our future. I have 3 lovely grand-daughters, I want them safeguarded at all costs and educated to the best of those teachers in charge of that part of their lives. No.....I don't want it, I demand it.

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