Friday, February 10, 2012


THIS ACTION MAKES ME UNEASY! (Green Bay Press Gazette, Frazer Chronicle)

First, it was seat belts, then it was everybody had to have auto insurance, and now it's the smoke cops in your personal life, after hours, "away from your 9-5," telling you what you can do, or not do. It's an uneasy time that we live in today, a time when a security department of the federal government can put you off public transportation, can dictate what you say, and want to know, "in some instances" what you read.

I'm all for people living a healthy lifestyle, but I am against somebody mandating how you are supposed to get there. I could care less how my co-worker lives his life, what he believes in, or who his friends are; each can have a bearing on your health. I also don't care if that same guy drives week-end race cars, plays tittlie-winks with manhole covers, or gets into Russian Roulette tournaments, it's his business.

I also understand the argument about what my co-worker does with his lifestyle does have an effect on me, my insurance premiums and how high they might go. That is the only concern that I have, because if the guy eats crap and dies.....I don't care.

I used to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, I quite for more than 10 years and started smoking cigars 3 years ago. Dumb choice, but my choice, and I sure as hell don't want some penciled geek telling me what I can, or can't do on my own time.

The promotion of better let me see, this Executive Committee is worried about county employees health.....don't make me laugh. All they needed to do was come right out and say, "$600,000 savings," pure and simple, now that's something everybody can get their arms around. A bi-product is better health, but it's an afterthought, not the main reason.

Let me give you a simple test to see what kind of an I.Q. you have with regards to non-smokers’ rights and smokers’ rights:

1. Do you eat McDonalds?

2. Do you drink alcohol?

3. Do you set in front of your television more than 3 hours a night?

4. Do you drive when you could have walked?

5. Do you stress about your financial situation?

6. Do you stress about a promotion?

7. Do you eat meat more than 4 times a week?

8. Do you eat processed foods?

9. Do you have sex less than 4 times a month?

Simple straight forward questions and guess what, if you answered yes to any 2 of the questions, somebody is subsidizing your health care, or will.

Mandates in a democratic country, kind of takes the "dem out of the democratic" doesn't it. And I really, really want somebody to tell me how this silly rule will be policed, with hidden smoke detectors, or odor eater machines that beep whenever somebody smells like an ash who's going to pay for that?

I could go on.....but what for, you get my jest, I'm really, really glad I'm approaching my "twilight" years and won't even have to read what these idiots think up.

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