Friday, February 24, 2012



Sometimes I come across stories, little tid-bits of information, that shows how far off some people thinking can be. I wonder which brain they are using, the one between their shoulders, or the one that they must be sitting on. The United States is in effect at war with Afghanistan and the whole terror thing, and just got out of wars in Iraq and Libya and now there is a question of war in Iran.

The reason for war in Iran, a program to possible obtain nuclear weapons, Obama staffers talk as if they've already accomplished their mission. These people have taken a page directly out of George W. Bush's operational booklets and applied them into today's political thinking.

Didn't the U.S. make the same mistake against Iraq and Saddam Hussein back in 2002-2003 before the start-up of the Iraqi war which lead to thousands of America's deaths, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian deaths and billions of dollars spent out of the U.S. treasury.

What was the reason for war with Iraq, "mushroom clouds over Washington D.C. weapons of mass destruction and the threat to America by Hussein." Where did this information come from back then, U.S. intelligence, the same source that we use today. Seems as if tyrannical regimes, anxieties over their policies tend to distort Americans estimation of a countries military capacities.

The U.S. is at war in Afghanistan, Americans know about that one, I'm sure troops from our military are in many other countries, places we don't know about, can't pronounce let alone spell. We have sanctioned Iran far, and we have diplomatically joined some of our allies to press Syria to stop the carnage in that country.

These times remind me of that silly movie that came out a decade or so ago, "Starship Troopers," a silly, "at the time" movie about long wars that lasted generations. It pitted humans against some sort of bug creatures that wanted nothing more then for humans to die, to go away so that these bugs could live on and occupy the land.

The move was forgettable, the actors the same, but hey, wait a minute, we have been at war for more then 10 continuous years and it's bankrupting our country. And these asinine jerks want another war, a war to "protect us" from possible danger, a possible aggressor. Seems to me as if we have heard this story before, "weapons of mass destruction" and we haven't learned our lessons yet.

In early October U.S. officials accused Iranian operatives of planning to assassinate a Saudi ambassador to the United States right here on American soil. The proof, the U.S. said so.....Iran denied the charge of course, but the incident did underscore the tension between the two countries.

Weapons of mass destruction all over again, and a large segment of us seem to be falling for it all over again. Maybe the real problem isn't the military, or our elected officials, after all, they have an excuse, they are just doing what we have mandated. The military is locked in to whatever the president orders and our government is locked into whatever we allow them to get away with.

Maybe the real problem is us, we maybe can't get along without some sort of military conflict, some way of  creating jobs, producing war machines and making money. Maybe it's us, maybe we need somebodies ass to kick, somebody to dominate, somebody to rape and pillage.

I went to several anti war demonstrations during the Bush presidency and was totally underwhelmed by the turn-out, 6 or 8 people, what a joke. That experience did teach me one thing, if people decide to take to the streets, to protest, you need numbers, you need true believers and you need to be ready for action, violent action, because it's the only kind of action people like us understand.....sadly.

Countries do not last forever, history is littered with the debris of empires and kingdoms that made some of the same mistakes we are making. A war with Iran.....well it would be a huge mistake, make no mistake about it.

I am no expert, I hate war, war of any kind for any reason, nothing is ever solved by war. A fist fight never solves anything, you beat me up, I just might go get a gun, and I'd end up in jail with a room-mate I wouldn't like.

A war with Iran is completely out of the question, we have thousands of nukes, is Iran filled with some sort of crazy people that don't understand what "we all loose" in a nuclear war. There really are no winners in that kind of situation and everybody knows that.

Make love baby.....not war!!!!!!!!


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