Wednesday, June 20, 2012



(Politifact/Frazer Chronicle)

What the hell’s the deal, don't people get it, oh wait, maybe their driven by do God's work, to spread the word. You know, one time in an airport, (where I was renting a car, I do not fly) a woman in her 40's, who was behind the desk, mentioned the fact that all liberals were sex perverts. Wow, I have yet to figure out where she was coming with that one.

I had some time to kill, and was making small talk with the rental car attendant, talking about the "loser" war in Iraq, how Bush was taking the country down the wrong road when she said that “I must be a liberal.” I asked her "What was wrong with a liberal?" and her retort was the sex pervert thing.

Now I run across a Michigan state legislator, Lisa Brown who has been banned from speaking on the Michigan house floor because she uttered the word.....are you ready for this.....VAGINA. Oh the shame of it, the utter outlandish nerve of this Jewish women to say the word.....VAGINA.

The word is tied to another hot topic issue, "I don't mean any disrespect.....using the term (hot topic)," it's just a figure of speech.....anyway; the hot topic is abortion and all the religious connotations the subject brings to the table.

Come on, I used to drive a truck, I've seen those signs talking about "stopping a beating heart", and "abortion kills." It's funny, "not in a ha-ha way," but that in many ways we, as a culture have attempted to move into the 21st century, yet in other ways, we are mired in the dark ages.

Throughout our nation, political people are made up primarily of men, and men aren't really equipped to deal with such a feminine issue. I don't get past the initial issue with the raping of a woman, the helpless, violated feeling that seems to haunt the victim. I just can't figure it out, I mean I know "having your way when a female objects is wrong and against the law," but the event wrecks some women for life. I really am sorry that I don't get the attitude; I feel that I am somehow missing something that I should know.

Now we have this women legislator in Michigan seemingly voicing her opinion and getting socked down by the "good ole boys." Look, here's the deal, nobody, I mean nobody has the right to quiet a person on a legislative floor debate for an opinion, an idea, or a word anywhere in the United States of America.

It may be crude, or rude, but it's only a word.....and you know the old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names and words will never hurt me." And shock of shocks, that old statement still applies in today's world.

Would I have said the word in public, probably not, I would probably have used the term "mommy parts," or "down there," but hey, I'm not a women, so in the case of using the word VAGINA in a conversation, I don't really count.

In our world today, we make so much fuss about being politically correct and not hurting people with words. Forget kicking the crap out of some protester on Wall Street or in some public park. Forget about law enforcement tazing some wasted drunk to the point of serve and protect, so it's okay.

We seem to be a society bent on saving people from themselves, "it may be your body, but what’s going on inside it is our business." Wrong-go-bongo," I do not agree with abortion, I would never want any of my family members to make that decision.....but in the final analysis, it's their choice, and they will have to live with it.

After so many weeks, then I do believe that the laws of the land should take over.....with regards to the termination of the little life. Rape, incest or retardation of course is special, and special rules should apply. But make no mistakes, if a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy because it might be an inconvenient issue, (after a certain number of weeks), I say "rotten luck baby, you you pay."

Of course the issue is a hot topic, gets people's blood boiling, but at the end of the day, we need to be cool, and remember, our bodies are ours and nobody has the right to dictate what happens to them, that is, "until after a certain period of time has elapsed" then moral beliefs need to take control.

So in the end, before a certain number of days have been achieved, "No really does mean.....No."


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