Monday, June 4, 2012



(Scott Bauer/Frazer Chronicle)

How common does a recall election happen in the United States? Not very often. For the most part, if we vote the bums into an office, there they stay until their term has run its course. For better or worse, we are usually saddled with the person we elect and put our faith in.

Wisconsin is now embroiled in a rather heated debate and recall of its Republican Governor, Scott Walker, rebelling against his "divide and conquer" mentality. Walker signed his own recall petition when he worked to abolish the collective bargaining regulation between state workers, their unions and state and local employment officials.

Walker's attitude was a "take it or leave it" mentality regarding wage and benefit negotiations with state paid workers, and has spelled trouble since he took that stance. I really can't understand what in hell everybody is so worked up about, for the working class, its business as usual, wanting as many benefits as negotiators will allow.

For state employers, they want as much control and as much latitude as the law allows, and if the law won't allow some of the things they want.....well, change the laws. It's exactly what Scott Walker has done, and is doing.

Will Walker stand up to the ground-swell of opposition to his thinking? I think absolutely so. I don't think the guy has a clue, or a chance. There are hundreds of thousands of state workers in Wisconsin who's paychecks have been dramatically altered by the Walker machine.....and that has pissed a whole bunch of people off.

There have been 2 other governors that have been recalled, or as it should properly be described, "Kicked out of office, or fired from their jobs." Nobody likes to be reprimanded during the course of their duties, or worse, fired from their position, it's messy, it's hard to do and it's down-right expensive, but it has been done.

In the history of the United States, there have been 6 attempts at recalling state governors, North Dakota's Lynn Frazier was successfully recalled as governor in 1921, and California's Gray Davis was kicked out of office in 2003. Both recalls were related to financial problems that cropped up during both men's watches.

People today are more informed then just 8 or 10 years ago, Fox News, M.S.N.B.C., C.N.N and the talk radio hosts make sure of that. The air-waves are chuck full of information; most of the time slanted in one political direction or the other, yet its information.

Watching this story unfold means one thing to my way of thinking, I am watching history right now, and I am keeping an eye on exactly how smart people really are. If Scott Walker retains his office, then people will have forgotten the 16 hour day, the mandatory 6 day work week, the low wages, the no benefits and the brutal atmosphere that existed in Americans work place for decades.

If Scott "Sleepy" Walker retains his office, the rest of his term will see the further decay of the Wisconsin work-place. The divide and conquer mode of operation will put the "fat cats" of Wisconsin right where they want to be, at the workers wallet.....on in total control.

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