Thursday, June 21, 2012


(Paul Rosenberg, Random Lengths News/Frazer Chronicle)
Narg, narg, narg, it's funny to me, "Narg is like a Curly of Three Stooges fame laugh," it's a ha, ha least to me. The struggle between liberals and conservatives has evolved into an all consuming debate that has, and will continue to escalate toward a point of no return.

After the fall of the former Soviet Union, Russia, the United States floundered; the U.S. had lost its way. We had nobody to fight, nobody to liberate and nobody to protect, it was a terrible time for much of the conservative thinking people of America.

The cold war between Russia and the United States had been a passion for many a conservative, a communist ideology, that a true American conservative could wrap his/her arms around, embrace and feel warm and fuzzy about.

Mostly the cold war was a chest bumping, Mano y Mano test of testosterone, a time of "hot breathing" where nothing really happened.....except an extraordinary build-up of military hardware unlike any in the worlds history.

From 1980, "Ronald Reagan," to Bush 41, to Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton, to George W. Bush, and finally to Barack Obama, first the search for a new cold war partner and then once a new candidate was found….terrorism, to Osama bin Laden, to Saddam Hussein, to Qaddafi, the search has brought some fruitful results.

We vanquished each and every one of them, rid the world of some truly ugly vermin, and yet with each success, nothing really changed. We continued our quest to uncover yet another bad guy, maybe there's still a Hitler out there "cutting his teeth" on his own people, perfecting his terror skills before he takes on bigger and better fish.....the U.S.

The only presidents in the past 30 plus years to negotiate in any real way has been Bill Clinton, during his two terms in office, and Barack Obama in his first term of office. And let's face the facts of negotiations; they weren't the best that the U.S. could offer.

Obama has offered the olive branch to terrorists and the conservatives here in the United States more than any other president over the past eight administrations, and democrats and republicans have been split right down the middle during these past 32 years. But lately, U.S. conservatives have lost their minds.....a little, they have looked in all sorts of places for an enemy, under rocks, in sand piles and in wrecks of buildings in cities I can't even pronounce the names of.

Obama realizes that the left and the right, liberals, conservatives, republicans and democrats must work together to accomplish much of anything. After all, politicians are supposed to be in Washington to do the bidding of the people, to make government and our way of life work.

But even Obama hasn't gotten it right, you negotiate with an opposing people for so long, and then you push them to except your proposals, believe in your proposals and you will not compromise, ever.

Obama seems to fail in his vision of the conservative parties, "Tea Baggers and Republicans," and that their thinking is flawed, you simply do not offer monetary bail-outs in times of peril. You do not continue tax breaks and financial incentives to industry and at the same time take away from the countries needy.

For Obama to get into bed with conservatives would be disastrous for both the democrats and for the country. The United States needs a two party system, it's what the country was built, Obama, sleep with your own kind.....liberals. Sleeping with conservatives, even though they might be good looking, is much like having sex with a watermelon, it feels good for a little while, but the novelty soon wears off.

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