Sunday, June 24, 2012


(News & World Report/Huffington Post/Frazer Chronicle)
So Marco Rubio is making the rounds, testing the waters....."Of presidential politics," and offering his opinion about a subject he feels that he is qualified to opinionate about because Cuban. But wait, he was born in Miami, Florida in 1971, his parents were the ones from Cuba, immigrating to the United States back in 1956.

So how does that connection make Rubio, "who I thought might have been Italian," an expert on immigration rules and regulations in the United States.....?”Oh wait," he's Cuban, so he has to know all about immigration, legal or otherwise.

Rubio's parents were naturalized as U.S. citizens in 1975, some four years after Marco was born, so actually Marco is much more American than either of his parents. Although immigration hasn't been a "hot button" issue until Obama wanted to grant "some" illegals a reprieve from deportation, Rubio quickly stepped forward and pointed the fickle finger of politicking at the President.

I haven't blogged about immigration basically because I feel that the United States already has enough laws in place to deal with the issue. Our elected officials and hired law enforcement simply needs to carry out the laws already on the books.

I live here in "little old Green Bay, Wisconsin," thousands of miles from the U.S.-Mexico border, yet there is a presence of illegal workers here. Meat packing facilities are the culprit in "Packer-land," don't try and tell me the industry is going to bend over backwards to cooperate with the federal government with regards to illegal workers.....because they won't.

The Wisconsin farming community stands shoulder to shoulder with the meat packers in using illegal workers.....they say they need low cost employees to make ends meet. Huh, I watch these jerks drive around in their Cadillac's, and take winter trips to Florida.

I do not care why these people, no matter the race, come to America and work and live here illegally, it's against the law.....Nuff said. The question of immigration IS political, is a law enforcement question and is easy to address.....follow the laws of the land.

I could care less if a Mexican is having a tough time in his native Mexico City, or wherever, I feel for their plight, I have compassion for their lot in life.....but hey, it's not my problem and it's not my fault. So Marco Rubio has immigration as one of his "pet" projects.....big deal, the only way he can identify with illegal Spanish-Mexican-South Americans is under what race he was born, that's as far as it goes.

The issue of illegal immigration is what I call a "bend issue," both political parties use "bend issues" to keep the voters’ minds occupied.....away from the real issues, whatever they might be. Let's get back to following the law(s) of the they are written, okay.....Teabaggers.

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