Free Press, USA TODAY, NBC Sports, Article Geek)
Christopher Jones, Frazer Chronicle)
the silly, to the outlandish, to the bizarre, sports figures can do it all;
some more off the playing field then on it. There are several things that some
people overlook when they read about some professional athlete flipping out, or
committing really dumb stuff. Before you are quick to judge, people should
consider two basic rules, where did the guy come from, and what college degree
to he earn!
heard the old adage, “walk a mile in my shoes”, well it applies in some instances
more than others, but in sports, it applies in every instance! The average person has little idea how tough
it can be to be under a magnifying glass…..all the time. Some thirst for the adulation…
first, but the attitude quickly wears off, once it is discovered that every
minute of your waking day is spent on ducking adoring fans, or worse, criticism.
really don’t talk from experience, unless you call a high school, or college
baseball coach, or the manager of a summer adult men’s baseball team. I do know
this, through experience, you have to watch what you say in an interview,
things can be taken out of context really quickly, and they soon become a part
of the baggage that is attached to you, and that is carried around forever.
learned my lesson quickly when I was misquoted in the local sports section more
than 40 years ago, when I said it “sure would be nice if my ace pitcher would
start winning.” Next day in the sports section, in big bold print, (Inability of Top Pitcher to Win Hounds
Team). I got into trouble with the pitcher; I was resented by some of his
teammate buddies, and the newspaper wouldn’t make a retraction.
reporters, and radio people take cheap shots all the time, and they wonder when
athletes won’t talk, what’s the reason, how can I do my job if you won’t
talk to me? Most sports figures, (players) do not understand that the fans
are really important…..because ultimately the fans are part of the engine that generates
money that pays their salaries.
athletes are a different breed today, they have come to understand that their sport is their living, and
many act accordingly. They eat right, exercise under the tutelage from an
expert and have financial advisors to funnel their income into the right areas
for maximum return.
course there are others who for whatever reason completely disdain almost the
entire above paragraph, they drink, eat fast food, and figure that they are
working out whenever the drive past a health club. Their day starts at 8:00 P.M. and they finish it off
around 4:00 A.M. with an encounter of
a close kind.
kinds of professional athletes, the irresponsible, usually are like a shooting
star, bright for a few seconds, then burn out and are gone as abruptly
as they appeared. It is for these types of athletes that today’s blog is
dedicated…..for without these people, the sports world would be a rather mundane
experience for those of us who watch sporting events.
athletes sadly are in abundance in today’s sports world, maybe more so then in
other periods, probably because there is constant coverage of the games that
they play. Its funny how for some reason we expect our sports figures to be a notch or two above us…..mere
mortals. Usually most sports fans look at their teams with an air of awe,
usually not making mistakes, and always trying to win.
success on the playing field can be an overwhelming experience…..I never personally experienced it,
and some players can be ill equipped to handle the pressure. There was a kid
here in Green Bay, a basketball player who played for the University of
Wisconsin at Green Bay, and he suffered from some sort of seizure from time to
time because of his success on the court. Had to take some powerful medication
to combat his issues.
there’s former Detroit Lions footballer, Titus Young, who must have wanted to
get on one of those lock-up
television shows. How else could you explain the wide-receiver being arrested twice in the same day? Arrested first
for suspected drunk driving, and then 14 hours later, arrested again, for attempting
to get is car out of the police impound.
wait, Young wasn’t done, 5 days later, on May 10, 2013, was arrested for a 3rd
time in less than a week on suspension of burglary, resisting arrest and assaulting
a police officer. Young’s father, Richard revealed that his son has a severe
mental disorder and badly needs help.
ya think, Richard…..what tipped you off, was it when your son punched a
teammate, or when the Lions football team first put Young on the inactive list,
and then injured reserve…..and then released the receiver in February? And then
there was the quick claiming off the waiver list by the St. Louis Rams the next
day…..and subsequent release on February 15th.
suppose the jury is kind of still out on Young, he’s young…..won’t be 24 until
August this year, and he seems to have control of his physical talent which is
sizable, 48 catches in his rookie year and 33 in 2012. Whatever becomes of
Young, from now on his every move will be scrutinized.
course than there is the curious case of Adam “Pacman” Jones, not to be
confused with the video game Pac-man. Jones is defensive back for Cincinnati
Bengals, and to date has more arrests then interceptions in his 8 year career.
Pacman got himself arrested on July 13, 2005 for vandalism after an altercation
at a nightclub, it was before he had made a defensive play, he was a rookie.
The only thing I want to know is how a person can get arrested for vandalism in
a strip-club. Of course there have been a number of other arrests during his checkered career in the National
Football League, like at least ten.
part of my blog wouldn’t be complete without talking about Chad Johnson, or
Ocho Cinco, or Hachi Go, or Chad Johnson. That’s right, Chad Johnson, Ocho
Cinco, ahdn Hachi Go are one in the same, in fact, after changing his name
twice, he decided to reclaim his original name, Chad Jovon Johnson… get
back in touch with himself.
Johnson, or Ocho, or Hachi Go couldn’t beat a rap, the former Cincinnati
Bangles wide-out got 30 days for slapping his attorney on the butt. The judge
in a probation violation had agreed to give the wide-out a suspended sentence in
a domestic violence case, but after Johnson cracked his attorney, Adam Swickle,
on the butt, Judge Kathleen McHugh angrily slapped the shackles back on
Johnson, giving him 30 days in the slam. Keep
your hands in your own pants!
the “Stilt” Chamberlin bragged to have bedded
20,000 women during his formative
years, probably between 18 and 50, (cause servicing 20,000 women would
leave absolutely no time for old age.) To say that Chamberlin was a stud
basketball player is an under estimation, the Big Dipper was all of that , and
was a game changer, he’s the reason that goal tending became a rule, how else
could stop a giant like the Stilt was without altering the rules. You see
Chamberlin simply stood near the basket and batted shots down throughout the
game, no matter whether the shot was in the cylinder or not.
Wilt… his soul, 20,000 women…..impossible, or at least I hope impossible,
can you imagine the kinds of trouble the male of the species would be in if we
were expected to perform, oh I don’t know, maybe 6 or 7 times a week well into
our 60’s…..not gonna happen.
Simpson, what a fool, he latterly got away with murder, most white people knew
he was guilty, and most black folks knew it too. The “if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit’ fame needed to
keep a lower then low profile…..but did he, hell no, so what happened, he got
railroaded on another far less violent charge, and will probably spend the rest
of his life in jail.
study in intellect would be Plaxico Burress who served two years in jail for…..number
one not being very smart, and secondly being an extremely poor shot. You see
Burress had a pistol in his pants belt, had a few too many cocktails, pulled
the dumb thing out and shot himself in the foot, you’ve heard the term moron, sorry Plaxico, but you’ve
created a new word…..the word, moroff!
probably the biggest and most silliest stunt of all was Michael Vick and his penchant
for the dogs…..not dog racing, but dog fighting…..are you ready for this, on his own property. Not just a few
buddies, but a dog fighting syndicate
with some really bad people involved.
paid the ultimate, he served time in prison, lost most of his millions, and was
banished to Philadelphia where he played for Andy Reid, and suffered the same
frustration as Reid, not winning an NFL championship.
there you have it, a condensed version of the really bizarre and fickle pickle
sports figures can get themselves into. I believe these people should hire not
only agents to look after the money, but people who can lay down the law, and
make this guys understand that they no longer are in College where things get
swept under the carpet all the time. In the grown-up world there are consequences
for stupid or illegal activities.
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