Monday, June 17, 2013


(USA TODAY, Aljazeera, Atlantic Wire, Paul Rosenberg)

(Laura Beth Nielsen, Frazer Chronicle)


Let me see now, NSA and their metadata trolling…..I didn’t even know what metadata was, I had to look it up. My first thought was that metadata was some sort of Italian pasta dish, (sounds delicious) but it wasn’t, it’s data ABOUT data, only in America huh.


And of course, starting today the big G8 summit in Northern Ireland with Canada, Russia, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States. Although there are no official rules regarding membership, there however is an unwritten rule that members should be a democracy and have highly developed economy, gee those unwritten rules eliminates about half of the countries on the face of the earth.


Syria and its crisis will probably dominate the summit this year, and will feature the seeming break between the U.S. and the Russians, the U.S. supports the rebels while Russia supports the current regime of President Bashar al-Assad, will this rivalry between the two nations never end?


Russian President Vladimir Putin insists that Russia has abided by international law when supporting weapons to Assad’s regime and demands that Western countries contemplating aiding the rebels do the same. Sounds like the boys and girls of the world are at it again…..another pissing contest, I thought women were above those childish games!


I think President Obama has a bigger problem right here at home, and how he’s either going to reign in his intelligence community’s dipping into our Metadata. Me personally, I don’t really care what the NSA has on me, I don’t have anything to hide…..although that seems to be a misnomer, cause they already have that information.


Several years ago, when I was still driving a truck over the road my wife bundled our land-line phone, cable, and computer service into one company…..Time Warner. So if the NSA hacked Time Warner, I don’t have any secret movements that the federal government doesn’t already know about. I subscribe to Verizon cell phone, and they turned all of those records over to the fed… they, (NSA) know who I call on that device.



I can remember a time in my life when things seemed to be in an order, there were bad guys, and good guys, it was easy to tell which was which…..bad guys wore black, good guys white, it was a kind of wham-bam-thank you picture of good and evil. I grew up in that time, a gentler and for sure…..a simpler time.


When I was a kid we knew that cops were here to help and protect us, that government never lied, and it was safe to travel through the neighborhood after dark. It was an idyllic time for me, my family and my friends, but…..things have changed, right?


Actually things haven’t changed, government has always been a force to be feared, at least for a hundred years and more, maybe always. I’m a simple man, with simple needs, and probably a pretty simple mind, I used to trust, blindly what politicians, or enforcement officials said, or did, there was always a reason.



But now, well I just don’t get it, why would an intelligence organization worry about an enemy who actually lacks most of the technical advances that the United States has…..and I’m being polite here when talking about our perceived enemy having technical advances.


We need to put our enemy into proper prospective, if its terrorists that we’re talking about here, aren’t these the same kinds of people who load up their bodies with explosives, walk into a crowded area and blow themselves up, or have the same mentality as the September 11, 2001 bombers had.


How in hell are my phone records going to aid a governmental agency in my government going to safeguard me? I call my sisters, a few friends here in Green Bay and some old acquaintances from around the country. My point, they are pretty much the same people that I’ve talked to for years, they are well documented, and my government simply needed to let me supply a list…..and I’d have supplied one.


I had to laugh last week when the President talked about “nobody listens to the content of people’s phone calls,” the information taken is “pretty much what’s on your phone bill you get every month.” Well there you have it… closed, everybody go back to your lives, Mr. President has reassured us all that there really isn’t a governmental conspiracy. (“Man I feel so much better,”) kind of like the old days when everything seemed to be copacetic.



The above aren’t birds or wildlife animals; they are people, people who blew the whistle on what the National Security Agency was doing in past years. These people discovered what the NSA was doing years ago…..and each paid the price, they lost their jobs because they reported what they thought was wrong.


I’m sure that their jobs were engaging, that they felt important with regards to their jobs meaning something, and that the pay and benefits were really good too, after all they worked for the government, and we’ve all heard how well we treat OUR employees!


Now to be sure, I have never heard of any of these people, the guys, Thomas Drake, J. Kirk Wiebe and William Binney look like geeks, and the women, Jesselyn Radack kinda looks hot, but probably has an uninteresting life since being canned by the fed.


The point is simple, these people saw what they perceived to be not a good thing, told every outlet that they could think of, and nothing happened… they took the only avenue left, they went public, just like the latest blower did, Snowden just didn’t take as long.


The Federal Government has painted themselves into a corner, left themselves with no leg to stand on, they have eavesdropped on us citizens…..and there are more of us then them. The bad part is that we, the people really can’t trust even one of our elected officials… least I can’t.


We need to have some sort of an alternative, and I’m not talking about the Green Party or the Tea-baggers, it has to be something brand new, something new so that we can revert to a gentler time and lead more copacetic lifestyles…..ah there, doesn’t that sound nice?



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