Friday, June 28, 2013


(Buzzle, Jason Reeher)

(Lisa Diane, Steven A. Camarota)

(Karen Zeigler, USA TODAY, Charles Hirschman)

(North American Congress on Latin America, Marian Smith)

(Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Frazer Chronicle)


It’s true, in retrospect, I’m sure that our red brothers thought in 1492, who the hell are these lily white people, with their strange routines, with these huge wooden boats with the white cloth sheets hanging off log looking like things that seem to grow at of the middle of these huge boats. Are they peaceful, do they mean us harm, and where in hell did they come from…..and why are they here on my swimming beaches?


Sadly the fears of our red brothers were well founded, and in fact where beyond their wildest nightmares. Nobody could have, in their right minds imagined the carnage, mayhem, and the hatred that would be spawned between the Native American, and his white brother.


The white men, or white eyes, were the first true immigrants when they stepped off their boats more than 500 years ago. The white man didn’t speak the red mans tongue. Didn’t know the customs, didn’t know of the taboos, and had absolutely no idea the nature of the Indians relationship with the earth, and the animals that roamed freely and in fact co-existed with the red man.


There was an indoctrination that the white man had to go through, but sadly the immigrant white man had little time for what they felt was an unnecessary set of tests, and…..exactly who did these red men think they were anyways? I think that some of the information that was required study was how well an immigrant wrote and spoke the native tongue was based on the failure of the white man to learn more of the red man’s habits and language.        


There was a time here in the United States when a part of the immigration test, the last part, was whether a potential immigrant could express himself in English and be able to write his name in English. Immigrants were encouraged to speak English whenever, and wherever they could. I can remember during my youth waiting to pay for gas, or grocers and having to wait while the potential immigrant tried to carry on a conversation with a checkout clerk…..and taking up my time.


Looking back now, I have to admit that I did really marvel at those people, they were so bent on becoming American citizens that the effort was awe inspiring, but sadly I missed the boat on that thinking and could only get a case of the red ass cause the foreigner in front of me was taking a slice out of my day…..what an idiot I was for not understanding the valiant effort  that it took for the guy to learn my language.


Is there even a citizens test that foreign people have to take before they can become American citizens…..a good question, I’m not sure, but if there is a test, it would not be a tests like 40 or 50 years ago, of that I am sure.


There is a new bill on immigration that passed the Senate yesterday that will allow the nation’s 11 to 13 million illegals to apply for U.S. citizenship. Like any other governmental activity, this Senate bill comes with a few strings, purse strings, in this case, $38 billion dollars that will be spent to secure the southwest border and revamp the legal immigration system to bring in more foreigners to perform high- tech and lower skilled jobs.


Let’s get this junk out of the way really, really quick, the danger in our political system that is called partisanship. These jokers… both parties seem to forget one simple truth, once elected, their own personal likes, dislikes and opinions need to be put aside, and the work that they were elected to do takes precedence.


It says in the USA TODAY that House Republicans will hold a closed door meeting on July 10 to discuss the way forward. Are you out of your friggen minds, nothing, I repeat…..NOTHING EVER GETS DONE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. Plus the fact, the public doesn’t know what transpired behind those closed doors…..and that is never a good thing.


House Speaker, John Boehner said that he opposed the bill and would not allow a vote that doesn’t have the support of the 234 Republican members. Other Republican members talked about “a failure to pass some sort of immigration overhaul” could doom the Republican Party in the national election efforts.


There also is an effort to land 20,000 border agents in a border surge that would double the size of the present effort, to include additional helicopters, boats, drones, and all sorts of advanced surveillance technology that would lock down southern borders.


I’m not sure that the current immigration bill is the best way to go, but I do agree that something needs to be done, almost even if it’s wrong. But to expect our current political atmosphere and attitudes to drop the partisanship and work for the good of the nation…..well, like the man said…..”are you out of your friken mind”?


There are parts of the current Immigration bill that could work, even if overall, the bill is discarded, and I’ve added a few of my own:

1. Complete 700 miles of border fence.

2. Revamp border portal procedures.

3. Within 3 months all business owners have to use E-Verify database program to check immigration status.

4. Any business using illegals shall be busted, serve a 2 year prison term, and an arm of the Federal Government shall take over business for term of prison term.

5. All immigration workers, those people of brown color, and a clear language barrier, must prove their citizenship or must leave the United States within thirty days.


The other crap that is proposed within the current Immigration bill is…..well, just that…..crap. The United States simply can’t keep supporting foreign workers… matter their expertise



Did you know that close to 60% of all illegal immigrants can be attributed to the US-Mexican border, and that other illegal immigrants are from China, India and the Philippines and a few Latin-American countries.  Most sources place the number of illegal migrant illegals staying in America at between 11-12 million, while others place the numbers at between 9-17 million.


Unskilled laborers are likely to be hired ahead of white people for the ago old obvious reason…, thus widening the gap of the rich getting richer, while the poor get poorer. The hiring of illegals further deepens the divide of low paid American workers, and the unemployed.



Crime also plays a role in the proliferation of illegal immigrants as the Secure Communities Project initiated by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency indentified more than 250,000 illegal immigrants who were convicted for criminal activity.


And then there’s the cost of detention and deportation of illegals…..$90 to keep an illegal immigrant…..for a day. Hell, if there care for at $90 bucks a day…..I want some of that action. Total for the year on this aspect of illegals…..$41 billion dollars.


These numbers completely blew my mind, making me look at illegal immigration in a whole new way…..illegal immigration is, like everything else that the United States undertakes…..a major industry, and it ain’t space bucks that their using, it’s my tax money.


Come to think of it…..let’s get these people out of the country, bag and baggage…..really, really quick!



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