(Conservative Daily
News, E.J. Haust, Bobby Calvan)
(Al Jazeera America,
Jack Anderson, Greg Lee Carter, Wayne R. LaPierre)
(Emilie Raymond,
Robert J. Spitzer, Laura I Langbein, Josh Sugarmann, Frazer Chronicle)
is a war going on out there,
where that is, I’m not sure, but it’s what
they say, whoever they
are. Already we’re talking in metaphors, there really isn’t an out there, and nobody cares what they say. Americans are
famous for not facing the music,
we’d rather march to our own individual beats and kind of let the world take
care of itself. And frankly Charlotte,
that’s the problem, this passive attitude that many seem to have…
the end just might submarine this great nation that we call the United States.
the line in the movie Men in Black, delivered
by Vincent D’Onofrio when he encounters his first alien, and the alien wants
the gun, “you can have my gun when you pry it from my dead cold hands,” the
alien’s response, “your suggestion is accepted,” and he kills D’Onofrio, and
takes up residency in his body for the rest of the movie.
somebody is a traumatic act in and of itself, shooting and killing someone has
to the very worst that can happen between one human being and another…..unless
you’re a psycho or something. No matter the reason or the circumstances…’s
a situation that I’ve never had to deal with, and I never want to.
often times cite information or statistics, and intertwine them into my blogs
in an effort to help my readers with a choice… people make their opinions
can be an exciting event and I hope that I’ve had a small part when people
arrive at their opinion on certain subjects. I realize that people change, that
opinions can change, and circumstances can alter how people might think, or
talk about particular subject-matters. It’s why I use sources so carefully, I
understand that there’s millions of bloggers out there, but no matter the
number of us, blogging is a platform that people use to influence others in how
they think and act.
and gun ownership is everybody’s right…..the Constitution say’s so, and the
authors of that document, and the ensuing amendments were some pretty smart
people, and they didn’t have clutter of opinions and special interest groups to
deal with…, they had little to gain, personally, from adopting
tainted or divisive rules, regulations and laws.
2010, guns took the lives of 12,042 in the United States, a staggering statistic
that perhaps I’ll let you nibble on for a short time. 12,042, it would take
more than 15 years to compile that many deaths suffered by American military if
the current rates continue in Afghanistan.
here in the United States there aren’t any declarations of what I’d call a
shooting war, unless you count the war on poverty, the war on drug distribution
and use, or the war on losing unsightly fat. With the exception of the war on
drug trafficking and use, guns aren’t in use to combat an enemy. So how in the
hell do we lose 12,042 people to gun-shot deaths?
jobs, attacks on beauty salons by estranged husbands, mistakes caused by
ignorance on the use and dangers of firearms use, gang related drive by’s, cop
and criminal shootings, suicides, and completely senseless murders.
know, I know, there’s more reasons, but you get my point, and if you don’t,
well frankly, read the newspaper cartoons or whatever…..maybe the sports
section is more to your liking, but if you don’t get my point, hey, you might
just be a gun owner.
you haven’t guessed by now, I don’t like guns…..and never will,
they are for one thing, and one thing only, to shoot things to death. Target
practice you say, well sure, I’ll give you that one, if you’ll give me the one
where practice shooting at targets makes for a more proficient shooter…..okay!
talk about their guns being for personal and family protection…..gee okay Tex,
you got me there partner, I know scads of people who own firearms, and who
would be hard pressed to shoot it at a living, breathing…..blood pumping human
being. Everybody’s not as blood thirsty as James W. Porter II, or Wayne
LaPierre are, or Charlton Heston was.
is like a wheel, what goes around…..comes around, history seems unwilling or
incapable to change. I would venture to guess that most of those people who
support gun control laws do so without any intention of banning guns from our
hunting in the woods, father and son, or even gun hunting by groups of people
isn’t……to me, something that needs
to be banned. However assault rifles with capacity
clips needs to be taken off the market, and out of gun owner’s hands.
If you want to shoot these bad boys…..join a branch of the military and request
to be a shooter or something.
checks, setting rules, regulations and laws to govern the kinds, clip size, and
probably the caliber of civilian weapons all would be good things for our society
in general. Another thing that gun enthusiasts could stop doing is to parade
those tough looking blonds around wearing those mid-riff tops, showing off biceps
that are bigger than mine, and talking about gun ownership…..hell these women
look like that could kick the crap outta a guy without ever brandishing a
finally, a personal note to NRA officials,
President James W. Porter the 2nd, and Executive Vice President
Wayne LaPierre, gun control people don’t want to take guns out of your hands,
quite the contrary, we understand the inadequacy that you feel…..about the size
of your gun, so at least you
two can keep all the weapons you feel the need for.
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