Saturday, January 18, 2014



(Politico, Tony Romm, Washington Post, Ellen Nakashima)

(Greg Miller, CBS NEWS, Stephanie Condon)

(Al Jazeera, Frazer Chronicle)


Well, I’m glad it’s over, thank you Mr. President. In a single afternoon Barack Obama removed more than 200 years of racial tensions. Too bad for the Ku Klux Klan, you guys are going to have to use you’re white bed sheets for something else other than to put them over your heads with eye slits cut out, scaring the hell out of people.


There wasn’t any warning, although if we’d have watched closer, even a blind man could have seen the sign-posts for this change. All the barriers have been torn down, if only we’d have know it could be this easy, I’ll be we’d have done it long ago. I think even the worst bigot had to know that the blood that coursed through our bodies was interchangeable, giving everybody a clue that blacks, whites, the yellow man, and all the rest are inherently different…..yet the same.


Over the past five years the president has acted…..white, or maybe it was us whites who were acting black all along, and life was just playing a cruel joke on us all. Barack Obama has been different things to different people, his people, his constituents, minorities, and his inner circle of cronies. He’s also been a lightning rod for those people that wanted to keep the white house, white.  Little did these people know that the white house today is whiter than it was five years ago.


Today, January 17, 2014, in one fell-swoop, when Obama announced that there’d be changes to the National Security Agency’s (NSA) data collections, and that the U.S. would no longer eavesdrop on leaders of close friends and allies, the president either elevated himself as a leader of the free world, or sunk to the depths of past leaders who suffered with, and spoke with a forked tongue.


Seeking to calm the furor over surveillance that for now has singled out the NSA, President Obama yesterday called for ending the government’s incessant hunger for information…..from everybody who walks upright on the planet (I don’t think this gathering of information has went interstellar…..yet).



It’s funny (not in a ha ha manner) but pressure by the masses in a democracy does sometimes work, in this case, the thought of Americans being stripped of their privacy gave people a case of the red ass, and although there wasn’t anarchy and disobedience in the streets, the attitude was clear for 2014 electronic messaging (e-mails, cell phone calls) …..government agencies need to stop spying on its own.


Without exception each and every excuse for surveillance of American citizens by clandestine intelligence apparatus is… the very least, distasteful, and at the most, pisses citizens off…..pissed off enough to take some sort of action, at this point one can only guess, how extensive this activity is. If the situation is as bad as spy agencies figure it is (where everybody is a potential suspect) possibly it’s time to reassess this place that we all live in, these United States of America.


Does the our government really expect us to believe all the bull crap that they keep piling on us about how the world is so dangerous, and how every other person of middle eastern extraction wants to infect us with a bullet, or bombs. If the world that we live in really that bad…..why in hell would many of us want to continue under the same regime… makes absolutely no sense.

Of course maybe there really isn’t the danger, at the level, that some say it’s at, these naysayers usually have ties to governmental agencies that profit from scare tactics that the American people are inundated with on a daily basis. Like chicken little and his analogy of the SKY IS FALLING, people don’t hate just to hate, not on the scale that some say it’s at. People dislike people because they have been wronged in some way…..that’s what we need to be looking for…..the reason.



You can’t spy on us, Mr. Government…..we don’t like it, it’s not really healthy…..and besides it’s unfair as hell. The response from Mr. Government, okay, we’ll back off, or as the Pres. said but come on, we do need some of these things left in place.) It’s laughable, like the kid getting caught taking cookies from the cookie jar saying, okay you got me, can I just keep these few anyways.


It’s like downsizing in business, we’ll eliminate these jobs, meaning what, that they weren’t necessary in the first place, what in hell is up with that mentality. If something on the surface of it is wrong, isn’t it wrong right down to the bottom of it?


Since I’ve became aware of the United States foreign policy…..back in the 1960’s during the Vietnam War, I’ve come to understand that the U.S. isn’t the benevolent Mr. Fixit image our government would like us to believe. We can be nasty, murderous, deviate, and after that…..downright despicable.


Here’s some of the changes that Mr. Obama says will happen… it enough?


NSA will still have access to a vast database of information about virtually all telephone calls made to or from the United States. Of course only a small…..miniscule amount of telephone calls are, or will be about terrorists plots…..but the database is still necessary to monitor people’s intentions, and anyways, the NSA won’t be privy to actual conversations. Surely you jest, do you really think…..Mr. President, that these spook types will be telling everything, or will they only be telling you on a need to know basis, and you sir, don’t need to know.



It’s kind of like in the movie Animal House, when a sorority was put on double secret probation, a panel of federal judges, meeting in secret, these people will continue as the main judicial body that reviews requests for foreign double secret surveillance, come on who exactly monitors the judges?



By now I’m really tired, and I think that the intelligence community has worn me right down to a frazzle…..according to Mr. Obama, NSA will still have broad authority to intercept people’s emails, and other international communications…..and spook officials say that this power has aided them in their counterterrorism investigations. In other words, nothing herein will change. Like I said, “I’ve been worn out by this silly issue”, this conflict with adolescence and the mind-set of “if you won’t follow my rules, I’m taking my ball, and going home”.


Well folks, here’s what we descended into, this dark hole that we call freedom, prosperity, and the home of the brave, and land of the free. Wow…..I’ve got one thing to say to that…..HOG-WASH.






Barack H. Obama has proven to be as black as those of his race figure that he was, but whites see the Pres. in an entirely new light…..let’s just say it’s a whiter shade of pale. Obama has proven once and for all, that black people can act quite the same as their counterparts, white people, on the questions of power, governmental authority, the blunting of elitist lifestyle, and that the moniker of power is synonymous with position, no matter the racial make-up…..and I always knew this!



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