Steven Russolillo, Forbes, Robert Passikoff)
James O’Toole, Pam Goodfellow, Wall Street Journal, David Segal)
Marketing Doctor, Jeff Macke, New York Post, James S. Covert, Air Watch, Frazer
it were me, I wouldn’t care, as long as my job paid the bills, put food on the
table, and left a little bit over at the end of the month for me and the misses to do a little late night boogie and
sip a cocktail. I’d be satisfied, hell man, I’d be happy. You’d think that
gigantic conglomerates like General Motors, Wal-Mart, and J.C. Penny would be
safe places to work at, to do just enough to keep the man off your back, kind of hide until retirement came along, and
then you’d just drift off happily into retirement.
my disappointment (even though I’m already retired) to learn that one of these rock solid companies would be
down-sizing, eliminating 33 stores and over 2,000 positions…..thank God I’m
retired, I don’t think that I could handle this kind of news without
flinching…..again and again. A move like J.C. Penny shrinking it’s stores and
workforce, not just for a little while…..but forever, man, it’s a bad sign for
everybody, it’s like the old trickle-down thing, J.C. Penny will touch us
all…..and I don’t even shop there anymore.
got the list, five stores in Wisconsin are getting the old ax job, the Badger
state got hit harder than anybody else, the next closest is Pennsylvania with
three closings, and like a lot of people are thinking right now, “the hell with
Pennsylvania, I don’t live there.” But five stores man, that is really bad.
Attrition is a bad thing, almost involving nothing, but when you take people’s
jobs away from them, it’s kind of like you rip the soul and the innards right
out of a guy, you eliminate his source of income, and desperation IS just
around the corner.
noticed that Wal-Mart doesn’t stock their shelves quite the same that they did
just a year or so ago. You ask a clerk to check in the back warehouse area, and
they give you that vacant look and stock answer, “if it ain’t on the shelves, we ain’t got it,” great customer
service…..and I’m sure this clerk will be running for political office one day.
think that several things are contributing to the current slow-down, and the
eventual stop with chain business like JCP,
first they strategically shut down a few stores, Penny’s had in excess of 1,100 outlets, and of course along with the
elimination of store sites, they furlough hundreds of workers…..permanently.
the moves, seemingly bold in nature, work, and there’s no community retribution,
picketers, letters to the editor, and human interest editions in the media,
they’ll wait for up to five years, and then cut several more retail locations
from their roster…..and a like number of employees, and keep this pattern going
until they achieve the numbers of eliminated stores, and furloughed employees
so that their profit margin reaches their bottom line!
not sure that there’s an alternative here in the good old United States of
America of how to conduct business. Whenever losses mount up, and in this case
they were mountainous, a company has to take action to save whatever is left…’s
kind of a protection move. You can call it whatever you want, but
business simply won’t remain in an area where there isn’t a profit margin, and
they will not continue to practice the same business moves that won’t, or can’t
are all sorts of practices, procedures, and some key management types that’ll
be eliminated, and all sorts of butt
covering will take place, and for a time it’ll be dangerous to punch
the time-clock, and report for work. Unfortunately
the rank
and file will be hit the hardest as thousands will feel the uneasy
feeling of hitting the unemployment lines.
rank and file employees are what makes a company strong, or weak, there’s
absolutely no other way to express the importance of these people, inevitably it’s
these people that are the face of business, especially when there’s so much
interaction with the public.
lost a boat-load of money in their fiscal year 2013, the company lost $1.34
billion dollars…..and the ax-man began sharpening his good old instrument of attrition.
Absolutely nobody was safe, not even CEO
Ron Johnson who was unceremoniously
dumped in April, 2013, barely 18 months into the job.
Johnson’s leadership of the company, JCP
struggled, and in the end, the seeming magic that Johnson had as Vice President
of Retail Operations at Apple Incorporated…..for eleven years, 2000 to 2011 was
just not enough. Before Apple Inc. Johnson was Vice President of merchandising
for Target and Mervyns.
whatever magic that Ron Johnson had going for himself at Target and Apple didn’t
seem to work for JCP. The mistakes,
the mishandled advertising and marketing blunders, Ron Johnson took full
responsibility for.
ya, Johnson also took a compensation package worth $53.3 million for 2011,
$52.7 million which came in a special stock award. He earned $1.9 million 2012,
receiving only 44% of his target cash compensation in view of the company’s
poor results, and did not get a stock award…..thank God, he’d have probably had
a snickering outbreak all the way to the bank with that payout.
is a perfect example of how huge corporations operate today…..they pay
millions, and expect the guy that is hired to roll up his sleeves, step down
into the trenches and get his hands dirty, and his $500 imported shirt soiled…
simply ain’t going to happen.
corporate heads are required to do, what boards of directors are required to do
is create a safe, clean work station for their employees with the proper
equipment available. These people, in addition are supposed to make good sound
business decisions that’ll not only safeguard stock-holders, but will safeguard
employees in return need to show up for work, at the designated place and time,
in the proper frame of mind, and put in a full shift of work…..that’s how the
system is supposed to work. Shame on the Ron Johnsons of the world, and shame
on the JCP board of directors.
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