Thursday, October 6, 2011



Got an email the other day about "fixing stupid" and it reminded me  once again about a troubling question that I have asked in the past, and can't seem to get an answer, neither it seems, can anyone else. People on the left, the centrists, conservatives and even the Tea Baggers have no answers. "Where does all this information come from?" People on the left grumble, people in the middle mumble, conservatives mill around, wringing their collective hands and the Tea Baggers talk about taking the country back to the "good old days."

"The most stupid statement ever made," by a President is unbelievable, according to the sender of the email that I received. The message couldn't be believed, it was so outlandish and unconnected to what America is all about. The protector of the down-trodden, the embattled, the depressed and those folks who simply need a change from their government.

The president, Barack Obama and the issue, whether American soldiers should pay for their own health insurance. According to the email, Obama said the following, "look, it's (military) an all volunteer force, nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and excepted the risk. Now they whine about bearing the cost of their choice, it doesn't compute. I thought that these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country. I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try  to help to reduce the nations deficit."

The story outraged some, befuddled others and gave "fodder" to those folks that have been angered that a black man could be elected to the white house back in 2008. I voted for Obama as did my lovely wife and we both would not vote for him again. He has failed as a leader, he has failed in his foreign policy making, he has failed in domestic policy and he has failed to quite the wars. In my opinion, he is a failed president.

However before people start sending emails, they should check their authenticity as with the above quoted Obama email about war injuries and who should be paying for them. In this case, John Semmens, a conservative humorist produced and posted the original on March 21, 2009. Go ahead, look it up, "Semi-News--A Satirical Look At Recent News" at the online publication, The Arizona Conservative.

I am so sorry to all of you conservatives that count on stuff like Semmens's to formulate your opinions on, guess you'll actually have to look elsewhere for your Fox, or MSNBC. I get my news from as many as 32 sources a day, 6 aren't even written here in the United States, like the old man once said, "click or clack, you don't have a tally whack without the real news."

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