Saturday, October 22, 2011


SHUT UP! (Mother Jones-Frazer Chronicle)

I am so sick of these people, they don't have the common sense that God gave a gnat, it's kind of like there talking and thinking out of their ass. Democrats, Republicans and the total differences between the two is unbelievable. The United States has been in an alleged war for longer then at any other time in the country's  history, (10) years, it's time to simply go home, anyone that can't see that fact is idiot, any parent that wouldn't protest "mightily" to keep their son or daughter out of "today's" military is frankly, a lousy parent.

The war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, or the dozen other undeclared military activity that is being carried on by the United States today, is, number one, dangerous, whenever people shoot at one another, a percentage of the time, somebody gets hurt, or dead. Staying out of these "zones," at least to me, would seem to be a smart thing to do. And don't give me this crap about "when your time is up," "that's bull," you can get killed by walking across the street, smartest thing to do, "only cross the street at the cross walk."

The United States has lost thousands of men and women directly to war wounds, and countless others to war related injuries, sickness and accidents that are not counted as war related deaths. There are thousands of soldiers that suffer "post traumatic stress" which only now is becoming fully understood by the medical profession.

There are thousands of "damaged" veterans, now living without the possibility of ever walking again, ever seeing again, ever hearing, ever being able to take care of themselves. Many will need constant care for the rest of their lives, and sadly there are some veterans that will never even know where they are, their life basically over through their war wound carnage, how will this get funded?

We have done war in Afghanistan to kill the Taliban, and to relieve Osama bin Laden of his life and we've done both, why are we still there? I understand the political "fall-out" that will occur when we leave this miserably configureated hump of sand, gravel and un-inhabitable land. I personally can't understand what in the world the attraction is, to say the least, Afghanistan has few holiday vacation spots.

Afghanistan has never been a "winnable" war for the United States, the Bush administration went into the country with duel goals, obliterate the Taliban and to kill bin Laden, both objectives have been accomplished, so......why are we still there in such force, to say nothing of the billions that are being spent, spent when people in the United States are under insured, or don't have any insurance at all?

And Iraq, "gee, don't get me going," well, okay, maybe just a little." Iraq is by far the biggest military bungle in the history of  most any century in the history of, well, maybe the world. A pip squeak country, with a punk for a leader, wound up hiding in a hole and finally hung by his own people. In the natural progression of things, we could have stayed out of Iraq and Saddam would have still been hung by his country-men.

Now finally President Obama "says" that "we are pulling out of Iraq," and some people rag about the decision, give me a break. Are these people crazy or simply a product of inbreading, I don't get the logic. Of course it's the usual suspects, Michele Bachmann and Willard "Mit" Romney leading the charge, padding their political portfolio's, or so they think.

For Obama to get the United States out of Iraq and hopefully Afghanistan is not only the right thing to do, it's the prudent thing to do. The United States is a great nation to live and work in, to try and get a piece of the American dream, albeit a "small" piece, but non-the-less, a piece. Very few countries offer that.

So you people clamoring for the country to continue making war, for whatever reason, "SHUT UP" and go away, "we don't care, cause you don't matter.

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