Thursday, July 26, 2012


What nobody is telling the American worker is unbelievably fact it's so easy to see and understand that even I "get it." Collectively as the countries working stiffs want is equality, good paying jobs that will elevate us to the heights of the middle class, and some of us can even achieve touching the lower edges of the upper class.
Come on, do you really think that business, whether small, medium or large is interested in making you, the worker, a boat loads of money, approaching equal stature. There ain't no way baby, the thinking process of the rich movers and shakers in this country.....and the world, they don't think that way.
I belong to a health and fitness club here in Green Bay, the Kroc Fitness Center, with funds donated by the Ray and Joan Kroc foundation. The facility is beautiful; there is a weight room, work out areas, a basketball court and a pool. As I understand it, the Krocs funded the construction, while maintenance and staffing costs comes from memberships and walk up traffic.
It's all very nice, encourages fitness, a sense accomplishment and is a great outlet for kids and families to do things together. However, that said, I feel funny when there are signs everywhere telling the users of the facility to be fair, to understand the wants and needs of others, and.....ah, there are worship services every Sunday at 10:30 A.M.
Why you might ask "do I feel funny about the church thing," well I'm glad you asked and the answer is really quite simple, at the present time, there is no program for the needy, the destitute, the under-employed, the unemployed, and seniors without transportation.
They have scholarships for the needy, but at the present time there isn't any room for these types of people. The program is full and the Kroc is unable to "help" anybody with not enough funds to take advantage of the healthy environment that the center offers.
In other words, "if you can afford it," the Kroc is ready, willing and able to service your needs to the tune of $50 to over a hundred dollars a month in membership fees. To me, this attitude of monetary gain goes against the grain of what the Kroc is all and the less fortunate.
Now I ask you, "with priorities that far out of whack," how can the rich truly understand the plight of the "little guy." Talk about the trickledown effect, "I built it; now for you to use gotta pay." I am in no way saying that paying a membership should not be expected, but if you can't afford it, pay me later.....or never.
I do not advocate bigger government, in fact a bit smaller one would be fine with me, and regulations do get in the way of progress at times. But understand this, almost without exception, the rules and regulations that have been mandated by the federal government regarding employment were for a reason.
I read an article a few years ago about kids, some as young as 5, working in the coal mines of Pennsylvania as sorters, "throwing out rock or ratty product," and getting .5 cents a day. Child labor laws were needed, were enacted and are still on the books.
The 12 to 16 hour work day, the unsafe environment in the work-place, no overtime and forced work on week-ends and holidays. With few exceptions, the union movement in this country put a stop on these practices.
During the years that unions came to dominate industry, there was a sense of accomplishment by the worker, of a living wage being earned, bigger houses and 2 cars in the garage.....things were good, right.....wrong.
Industrial leaders, at first didn't notice the subtle changes that were taking place right under their collective noses in the work place. The vanguard of industry was getting older, and didn't care quite as much, but over the past 50 or so years, leadership has changed and they have changed the rules of the game.
The rules of labor and employer has ebbed and flowed over the years, some years the worker benefited from a fairer situation, while at other times, employers reaped the benefits of lower wages, and little or no benefits.
The United States now finds itself in yet another flow in its work related ideals, now workers aren't as important as in past years. Technology and re-training is the rule of the day, an education in today's working world is more important than ever.
It's "keep your trap shut, do your job and keep your nose clean," because you can be replaced in a heartbeat by somebody out there wondering around on the streets. Many, many people today feel "fortunate" to have a job," forget about being paid a living wage, at least they have a job.
In todays work world, there is a war going on, an unnecessary war, but nonetheless a war. This "war" has been fought countless times, and the outcome is predictable, workers lose. Workers are usually poorly organized, and can be fragmented even further by the very people that are trying to bring them together.
Are American workers getting a bum rap by employers, absolutely, can unions save the day, I don't think so. The American worker has become "soft" relying on the employer to offer, through negotiations, health care, life insurance, and breaks, paid lunch, paid holidays, sick days, personal days and top of the line equipment.
In many cases, the employer is being forced right out of their chosen profession because of the high operating expenses. In many instances, when an employer says that he is broke, he actually is. That is why employers want to keep operating costs down, down to a bear minimum.
Workers need to understand and respect the owners’ plight, and renew efforts to keep the guy afloat; he actually needs your help.
The employer needs to understand the employee's plight also; prices go up, it costs more to run a family than ever before. The employer needs to attempt to pay a living wage, and when he can't, he needs to sit down and talk to his people, inform them about what is going on.
And Mr. Employer, never, never buy a $150,000 motor home and profess poverty, because the words that might come out of your mouth are just so much dribble and bull----. If you don't understand what is going on with your employees, hire somebody to serve as a "go-between" so that you can understand.
Most employees want to see their employer make money, it is a source of pride for them, of being a part, albeit a small part in the engine of success. Dignity and respect are the key words in the relationship between an employer and his employee.
If there is a "bum rap" here, it is shared by both parties, employers can't fabricate money, the last time I looked, and it was illegal. Employees can't sustain a family on a minimum wage job, and employers need to acknowledge that fact.
Okay, "class is over," now go out and play nice!


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