Monday, July 16, 2012

(The Root/Frazer Chronicle)

I have never been against VOTER-ID, I just looked at the issue as.....well, a non-issue, unless people are talking about banning drivers licenses. I don't know about any of you, but I've seen drivers "out there" that have drivers licenses and can't drive a lick.

Now we come to a VOTER-ID issue, seemingly from the less fortunate, senior citizens, "being old is a misfortune you know," poor people, people of color and some rural area folks. All the news that I have read, or any information that I have ever heard says "the fee will be nominal, like less then $10."

Sure there might be a problem for some to get to a city and get their ID, but if that's the case, then they're going to have a tough time getting to the voting what's the "hub-bub.....bub?" But more and more writers are raising the racism question, the disenfranchise issues and the "keeping the people down by the man scenario."

Some argue that a VOTER-ID is the same thing as a pole tax, or a literacy test, so to make my blog as accurate as possible, I looked it up. The argument that a VOTER-ID is nothing more then a pole tax, or a literacy test is a valid opinion. Both the pole tax and the literacy tests for potential voters was abolished by the U.S. government and reinforced by the Supreme Court in 1966.

Clearly both the pole tax and the literacy tests were prejudicial towards minorities, the poor and the elderly. And to learn that these 2 practices weren't addressed until 1966 by the government is another black eye on the American voter system. Both were obviously targeting blacks and the poor and should have been an outrage to free Americans everywhere....."how slowly we move."

Is the VOTER-ID issue just another way to "skin a cat," well my friends, you be the judge, for me, I've changed my tune, although I don't view the issue as an "unpinning of our democracy," I none-the-less feel that identification cards that might cost a dollar, and could be ordered over the phone, "application," and paid for through the mail.

Talk about a double standard, what about the "fat cats" donating thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars to campaign secret. What the hell is going on there, talk about a literacy test, do these people even have to "fluff their pillow?"

You know, when we step into the voters booth to cast our vote, to voice our opinions, do we even have a chance to be heard. Are the campaigns already decided, and exactly what does our political system mean if it can be altered before it's even voted on by these "fat cat" contributors. Our political system can be a sickening spectacle.

Voters enter the voter booth with blinders on, many having been influenced by the "money ads," talk about people needing "literacy tests." Don't get me wrong, I'm no different then you-all, I don't have a secret crystal ball that shows me where the money for these disgusting political ads come from. 

And the political season, it's not every 3 years like it used to be, as a nation, we are kept in a political pot, stewing, stirred occasionally by some new revelation, thrown into the pot by God only knows keep us bubbling, and unfocused on the real issues.

And by far the worst part of the whole deal, many U.S. citizens know this, and for whatever reason ignore the obvious. Absolutely blacks are being singled out, absolutely the poor and the elderly are targeted. What do we do about it, nothing, we fall back on our self serving ideals, we ignore the painful truth of our prejudices, the inferior blacks, native Americans, the Mexicans and the lazy, poor, sick and old.

What a bunch of "wieners" we are as a species, we have yet to come to grips with our own feelings, our own short sightedness and our frivolous desires. By far, of the developed and  progressive nations of the world, we are the most misinformed and under-educated.

Some nations, during their political seasons set aside 3 or 4 days, and in some countries, even a week, to make sure that people have a chance to vote, that they take advantage of  one of the most precious rights of a free be heard.

VOTER-ID is simply another way to keep citizens down, to manipulate the actions of the masses, to keep the power where these people want it. It's not a Democratic thing, it's not a Republican, it's the power brokers. Who has the most to lose in a national election.....the money guys, keep that in mind the next time you go to the poles, unless you think that these multi-millionaires really want to screw around with a political job for several hundred thousand dollars.


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