Friday, August 17, 2012

(Huffington Post/Associated Press/Frazer Chronicle)

The war to end all wars, in terms of length saw it's bloodiest month of the year both on the battle field and for those either yet deployed or at home from their tour of duty. There were 26 active duty soldiers who took their own lives and another 40 who were killed in action in Afghanistan, that's 66 total military personnel who, for whatever reason no longer function as human beings.

Left behind are wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends,  sons, daughters, friends, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins and grand parents. A huge hole ripped away from communities all across our fair nation. Largely most of us seem not to care, kind of like a bum, or a long hair, or a group of black or Hispanic kids, we tend to cross the street and continue our daily lives.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, as a nation, we are not involved with our escapades that are called wars, we simply cross the street and continue our daily lives. We are detached, with no conscription, you remember that, "compulsory enrollment for military service," the draft, we really do cross the street and continue with our lives.

A goodly portion of those 66 people who died last month were preforming duties under the guise of protecting Americans from terrorists, the Taliban, or our way of life.....whatever that might be. In addition, another reason, one that isn't usually discussed by us local yokels, and is whispered about on Capital Hill,  a more sinister ploy of the United States interests. Petroleum products, minerals and whatever else these shady political types on Capital Hill decide is in our best interests.

It's funny how American citizens are always included whenever our interests are discussed, I can't remember the last time  I was approached so that I could throw my 2 cents worth into the pot. No-sir-e, nobody seems to come clamoring for my opinion.

I recall President George W. Bush's military advisers and members of his administration not wanting body bags photographed when they would arrive back home here in the states. I felt right off that that action and attitude was wrong.

Whenever military budgets are discussed, whenever "released" long range strategic is a topic, it is always done with a grain of salt, that's in case the Pentagon goes over budget, and if the war game planning lasts long, costs more, and takes more lives.

To wage war, two things are necessary, money and willing participants, without one, war can't happen. And it doesn't matter which one is missing, money and soldiers  need to be present for any kind of military engagement.

I do not believe, and never have believed that Muslims hate Americans, our life styles, our politics, or our diversified religion practices that we have  here in this country. I do believe that there might be a little envy on how nice we live, or our houses, cars, SUV's and "their" perception of how we live here in the United States in Freedom.

I think that the war in Iraq was all about President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and those war hawks who wanted a "footprint" in the Middle-East. The September 11th. attach was a means to an end for the Bush was about revenge for what had happened on that sunny September morning, but today, almost 11 years later why are we still at war in Afghanistan, and what shape is Iraq in?

This war, this insane war that we as a country are waging is for all the wrong reasons.....well mostly. I do understand Afghanistan, but my patience has run out, bring the troops home right now, within several months, every last swinging man and women, we are doing nothing that but spending money, and losing fellow citizens.

Iraq was never about September 11, it was always about oil, and killing Saddam Hussein. Granted, Hussein was a bad man, a degenerate with his people, but it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he had no part in the September 11th. attack.

Osama ben Laden is now shark food, he lives with the fishes, and there is no future in that. He was shot to death and buried at sea.....don't we all know why he wasn't taken alive?  The revaluations that man could have given might have revealed many, many answers to questions  that the American people might want the answers to.

What we need, as a nation, is for the "boys" in Washington, and those hidden away in the military industrial complex(s)  to be rooted out, exposed, and brought to task for their dastardly deeds and their foolhardy thinking.

The world community doesn't hate us, they just kind of put up with us, they shake their collective heads and go on about their daily lives, and wait for the other foot that we have to be buried somewhere on our posterior. The world has changed, war can no longer be waged as it used to be, financial situations have taken a completely different path, and there are new developed countries that have picked up the staff of world leadership.

It's okay, we will now be dependent on other's whims, and their frivolous thinking and behavior, it's what the world has been putting up with from us for decades. This is a fact of the world today, that there is a demise in the United could there not be?

All a person has to do is look at how we operate as a people, how, "as we think" what activity we practice, and how we allow the less fortunate, the old, the sick and the destitute to wither on the vine, or how we take care of our war heros coming back from the so called war zones.

A fresh approach needs to be, before it's way to late.


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