Sunday, September 16, 2012


(Green Bay Press Gazette/Frazer Chronicle)
Well it's back here again, the question of nuclear weapons, who has them, who "legally" has them, and "who" might have them. It seems a little funny to me, "not in a ha-ha way," rather, "you must be kidding" kind of way. I think all male world leaders should get their testosterone levels checked before they assume office, or occupy any political or military position.
These jerks, (yes I'm grouping them all together), weld so much power over the peoples of their countries, peace, living conditions, economies, and in some cases, the people's very existence, and yet they are allowed to act in such a childish manner, boggles the mind, or at least mine.
Every time this argument comes up, somebody has a case of the red ass because they don't have a nuclear device. You hear threats leveled, one against another, or several against one, or the east against the west. It's hard to know who's mad at whom, or which country feels threatened by another, or who will "blow another enemy away."
Now we got this joker, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, a top commander in Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard talking about "an attack on Iran's borders” would unleash a powerful rebuttal attack, "if Israel did lob a few bombs Iran's way." What.....did you read what I just wrote; "lob a few bombs from Israel into Iran." What in the hell are these people talking about, I watch television, I see the news, I know there is not a simple act of (lobbing) a few bombs into another country.
I remember the damage that "a few scud missiles did when Saddam Hussein lobbed them into Israel and Saudi Arabia, people died and were injured, and the wounds haven't healed to this day, and the scuds were used in 1991. In many instances, injuries suffered in war never heal, and apparently lessons from war seldom are retained.
The list of states, (countries) with nuclear weapons isn't very long; in fact you can count them on the fingers of your hand. The members of this elite group are, like the movie said, "are the usual suspects", the United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and the undeclared Israel.
There are other countries that have destroyed their arsenal, and other countries that have signed and joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. And yet there are other countries that have hidden nuclear devises in all sorts of places, like maybe in a bathroom, or a living room, or in a barn.....nobody knows for sure.
There are countries who "used to have the bomb," countries who "share" the ability to use nuclear force, countries under one kind of agreement, while a few others seem to be under some sort of "other" agreement.
The five Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty are the United States, with more than 10,000 nuclear devises, Russia, with 11,800 weapons, the United Kingdom, 385 weapons, France, 690, and China, with at least 240 weapons.
There are three nations who have nuclear weapons, but have not signed the Non Proliferation Treaty, India, 80 to 100 weapons, Pakistan, around 100, and North Korea, with 10.
And then there is Israel, undeclared nuclear power, probably with between 100 and 200 ready to use nuclear devises.
The United States has been the world leader in nuclear science and the development of the bomb, and worldwide, in 1985 there were about 65,000 nuclear weapons. That seemed to be the pinnacle, because today, that number has been reduced to less than 19,000 today. However many of the decommissioned weapons are simply being stored and partially dismantled, and not destroyed.
When the United States dropped the bombs on Japan in August of 1945, there was a door opened that nobody on this earth will ever completely close. Somebody somewhere, at some time is going to have a nuclear devise tucked away somewhere safe.....just in case they need an extra bargaining chip to use.
Country and world leaders from around the globe seem to talk a good game until the chips are down, and somebody starts name calling, and then the gloves come off, and nuclear weapons are invariably one of the first threats to surface.
Cool heads are needed whenever world situations are being discussed; the people of Japan are perfect examples of why we never again should use nuclear weapons of any kind. Generations of yet unborn babies in that country will suffer from a weapon that was used before the middle part of the last century.
Bombs and wars, and pissy attitudes never solve problems between countries; guess we haven't learned that yet. But for any president, or commander, or world leader not to know that a nuclear war would only achieve one thing.....and one thing only, a whole bunch of people wondering around their respective countries glowing in the dark, then we desperately need new leadership.  

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