Tuesday, November 6, 2012


(Michael Biesecker/Military Sex Offenders Registry/Frazer Chronicle)

Everybody’s seen the above “proclamation” above urinals, or when you’re sitting on the porcelain throne in a public facility. Bathroom poetry is famous, humorous…..and sometimes can lead to encounters of a closer kind. Usually it’s just some frustrated poet, or inebriated patron doing his business, and decides to leave a little message for posterity.


It’s funny how some people in the position of authority also want to leave a “little” message for posterity, only they don’t write on the bathroom walls, oh no, not these guys…..they leave a lasting impression in the conscious everyday lives of their victims. You see, these people in authority, these protectors of the United States Constitution, protectors of our country’s way of life…..feel the need to dominate further then even their authority allows.


There are hundreds of sex crimes perpetrated mostly by men against women in the military; of course there are a few women who also indulge in some of their wildest fantasies, but mostly its men against women. As some women say, “men are pigs,” and in this instance, it would be true, men left to their own devices would…..well, you know the rest of the story.


However not all men are pigs, I have 3 sisters, loved my mother, have 2 daughters and a wife, and with the exception of our son, have always been dominated by the women in my life. Along the way I acquired a pretty healthy understanding and respect for women, and I can honestly say that “I never forced my will on any female in my life.”


I don’t hold anything against some guy being “whipped” by his women, or “P.W’ed” as some would call this type of guy. To be perfectly honest, I’m kinda “whipped” myself, and I like it, another term for being “whipped,” or P.W’ed is love, you see I’m head over heels in love with the women I’ve been with for the past 44 years.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a saint, or a “goody-two-shoes,” I’ve done some crap in my life that I would like to take back, but you don’t get “do-over’s” in life, so I try and be the best husband I can every day of my married life.


But then again, I’ve never been fixated, or dreamt of position, I learned early on in my life that being a “leader” requires a hell-of-a lot of your time, the job is usually thankless, and you make enemies that can last a lifetime.


That said, I guess I have an understanding as to why these people do what they do to women in their lives. In many, many cases, the relationship is casual, work related, and never anything other than just that, casual.


I’ve worked side-by-side with hundreds of women who I would have liked to create more then was there with regards to relationships, but I knew nothing was going to happen…..for a whole bunch of reasons, so I never pursued. I would like to think that I didn’t pursue because of my moral standards…..but I’m not sure.



I witnessed a gang- bang or a gang rape in a hospital railroad car back during my military career in 1964. Oh sure, some of you will want to think that I was involved…..”first hand” as it were, but rest assured, when confronted with 15 or 20 black and white guys built like stallions, (little old me) decided to watch. However even watching became a real chore after just a few minutes, so I left.


I’m not trying to sensationalize this blog, my life, or what I saw during my journey through it, it was something that happened, it made an impression on me, and I’m just relating it to you. Both women were white, the incident happened in Germany, where a bunch of angry you guys were left to their own devices.


Some of these guys were my friends, I was in fact with a friend, who, like me felt repulsive, and as I have said, “I left after a few minutes.”  I would venture to say that the average age that night in that train-car, the average age was around 21 or 22. Guys thrusting, moaning, sweating, and getting some of their life’s education, in hindsight, is rather sad, once you realize this was happening in a railroad car in Munchweiler, German.


But we were all young, most didn’t know crap from shin-olla, we were struggling to find an identity, any identity. The older guys hung together, “there weren’t many,” and the rest of us were left to fend for ourselves.


It’s not a stretch to think that military personnel, in these conditions couldn’t wouldn’t do deplorable things, commit despicable acts without much effect on their person. In fact we all joked about what had happened, and like most young people, moved on.



For the life of me, given today’s advanced technologies, I find it hard to understand how men can still do the things that they do with regards to relationships with women. Oh sure, it’s been going on for thousands of years, but cell-phone, observation and security  cameras are all over the place, what must these guys be thinking?


I can tell you in one short phrase, “privilege and attitude,” especially if you’re in the military, or happen to be a stud athlete. Even low ranking military types can get a pass, its standard operating procedure for enlisted personnel to admit indiscretions, and get a slap on the wrist, and move on as if nothing has happened.


It happens in the military, it happens in government, and it sure as hell goes on in the private sector, sexual harassment is alive and well in the 21st. century. Acts of sexual miss-be-haven is reported every day of the week, and twice on Sunday’s, yet little is done to combat this vile activity.


Oh I don’t have a quick fix, or even a suggestion, the fact that sexual harassment goes on in our society today is simple disturbing to me. It just illustrates how far we haven’t come as a society, as a country, and as a people. Women are not objects to be dominated, to be sold, or enslaved. Women are actually God’s gift to man, to be treasured, honored, and to be respected.


Funny thing, most sexual laws are made up by men, the very group that does most of the dastardly deeds against women. Until women decide to fight in earnest the imbalanced rules and regulations about sexual issues, the longer things will remain the same.



Fort Brag, North Carolina, Brig. General Jeffrey Sinclair alleged to have committed sex-related crimes involving four female officers and a civilian. A hearing on the evidence in the case began yesterday, November 5, which is similar to grand jury proceedings in civilian court.


The case against General Sinclair is unusual because generals are not brought to court for transgressions committed whether in military activity or in what must be called “private.” Sinclair is married, and if convicted would lose his rank, pension, would serve prison time, and most probably would lose his marriage.


In addition, his activity would also make the military look bad…..you know, such a high ranking official committing such offenses like sex acts that many of us either find repulsive, or keep those desires hidden, pretty much because we know that their  unacceptable in today’s society.


Somehow I don’t think Jeffry is going to “go into that goodnight quietly,” he told one female victim that “he was a general, and he could do whatever the f--- he wanted.” With that kind of attitude a plea agreement to keep the headlines to a minimum seems unlikely.



As we all know, the United States military has bases throughout the world in almost every country, but did you know that the Marine Corps has 18 bases in the United States, the Navy 60, the Air Force 71, and are you ready for this, the Army has 170 military installations in the United States, down from 290, they’ve closed 120 over the past several years.


Each state in the continual United States, as well as Alaska and Hawaii have Army bases, and Puerto Rico has 5 bases…..I’d like that duty, wouldn’t you? There are, in addition hundreds more around the globe, although there listed, for the purpose of this blog, I left them out.


My point is simple, with hundreds of military installations staffed by young, “horny” guys, how many sexual acts go on each and every day. The number has to be astronomical, it’s no wonder that the military accepts plea bargains, can you imagine what a court docket would look like.



Sexual problems have been going on for years, and they need to be addressed, and dealt with in a timely fashion by our military. After all, “they work for us,” and I don’t really know about you, but I don’t want to be represented by some sexual pervert.      

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