Friday, November 9, 2012


(Olivier Knox, The Ticket/Andrea Mitchell, Robert Windrem, N.B.C./Frazer Chronicle)

C.I.A. director, Army General David Petraeus has resigned from his post as the Director of the United States top “Spook” agency. I’m not laughing, I’m not gleeful in this knowledge, I think General Petraeus is an honorable man who actually did service our country by his position first in the military, and then as the C.I.A. Director.


I wouldn’t have wanted either of his jobs, way too much responsibility, and actually a rather thankless job, no matter which way you look at it. I’m a dove…..I know, but I realize that we do need military presence, and I feel that Petraeus gave a good accounting of himself in whatever job he was assigned.


In his resignation letter, the General talked about personal reasons as why he chose his course of action. An extramarital affair was the reason given, “after 37 years of marriage, I, “Petraeus” showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair.”  I can only imagine the temptations of men like Petraeus, and the immense power at his disposal, and how attractive some women might see towards the General.


It only goes to show that no person, male or female, no matter the position that they might hold, like the rest of us, they sometimes don’t deal very well with the temptations of the flesh. Of course there are other temptations, money, power, position, but the flesh always seems to be the big stumbling block, especially for men, its why were called pigs.


Even though I do not like the C.I.A.  what it stands for, how it operates, or how it seems to operate with almost no restrictions, I do understand why we have to have it. The C.I.A. is a creature of the times that the world has created, and until things become somewhat “normal” agencies like it will exist, and there will be a need for proficient soldiers like David Petraeus.


Actually Petraeus stood up and faced the music, whether somebody was going to squeal on his extra special night-time activity, nobody knows for sure. But it really doesn’t matter, the General stood up, admitted wrongdoing, and did the right thing, “at least in his mind,” he resigned.



There is something to be taken away from this sad state of affairs, “no pun intended,” absolutely nobody is above making mistakes, no matter his/her rank, position, or importance. Down at the end of the line, we all came into this life the some way, naked, screaming, cold and hungry, and that fact is indisputable.


The lowest of the low make mistakes, and Queens, Kings and Princes have the ability to make the same mistakes. It’s something each of us should remember the next time we chastise, berate, or point a long, cold boney accusing finger at…..we have all made mistakes, and transgressed.


Some of us went to the polling booths this past Tuesday to exercise our power as a citizen of the United States, and voted to either elect, or re-elect the President of the United States of America. We are all flawed, we all have hang-ups, and actually none of us are in a position to judge another single handedly, it’s what a jury is for.


Both Obama and Romney used unsavory tactics during their campaigns on the run-up to this past Tuesday, November 6. It shouldn’t have been done, we all talked about “our” candidate, and how the other guy was a dog with fleas, when instead maybe we should have listened…..and learned something.


Faith…..Amen brothers and sisters, but always remember, we each and all came from sin, That too is an indisputable fact, for whatever reason, some of us have learned how to keep our mouths shut, and maybe “more is the pity.”

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