Wednesday, November 27, 2013



(Green Bay Press Gazette, Tom Vanden Brook, Dave Alexander)
(Lynn E. Davis, Stacie L. Pettyjohn, Melanie W. Sissons, Stephan Worman)
(Reuters, Phil Stewart, Department of Defense, U.S. Deployment Map, Frazer Chronicle)

According to an article that appeared in today’s Green Bay Press Gazette (11-27-13), the United States is worried about keeping access to China and is fortifying existing military installations and looking to revive World War II-era air bases! It’s part of an effort for the United States to survive a Chinese missile attack that could wipe out critical military installations on Okinawa and elsewhere.  

For me…..I can’t figure this attitude out, I also have a problem with the two B-52 bombers that flew over an island in the East China Sea, that defying China’s declaration of a new airspace defense zone, raising the stakes in a territorial standoff. A speck of land surrounded by water, the Senkaku Islands an uninhabited chain of islands that are thousands of miles from the Pentagon and the United States War Department.

Except from 1945 to 1972, when the U.S. administrated the property, the island chain has been controlled by Japan. The People’s Republic of China has disputed a proposed U.S. handover of authority to Japan since 1971, and has asserted its claims to the islands since that time.

Does China really pose a threat to the United States…..well I guess so, because it seems as if the U.S. considers anybody with the gall to stand up to its wishes an instant enemy. Japan figures the islands in question to be Terra nullius, (Latin: land belongs to no one.) So it would appear that Japan doesn’t even want the disputed islands.


The United States military deployment encompasses more than 150 countries around the world, with about 172,966 of its active-duty personnel serving outside the United States and its territories. Many of the deployed personnel are deployed in combat zones in the Middle East… part of the war on terror.

Many of the remaining personnel are deployed at installations activated during the cold war, by which the U.S. government sought to challenge the Soviet in the aftermath of World War II. There are also several peacekeeping missions, military attachĂ©’s, or are part of embassy and consulate security.

Throughout the United States and the world, U.S. military deployment…..omitting facilities with less than 75 personnel…..(because I couldn’t locate this information) totals 529 different U.S. bases that are paid for by taxpayers, that are maintained by U.S. taxpayers, and have been built by taxpayers. I couldn’t find initial construction costs…..but you can bet your bippy that it was a pretty penny.

What this activity means to the rest of the world…..and me is clear as a bell ringing on a chilly night, to alley and foe alike, the United States is the most war-like country on the face of the earth at the present time. We have somehow learned to wage war without very many casualties to our military personnel. I can say this with much veracity, read on:

(Below is a list of countries that have suffered the most casualties during World War II!

Soviet Union, 23,400,000

China, 20,000,000

Germany, 8,680,000

Poland, 5,820,000

Dutch East Indies, 4,000,000

Japan, 2,700,000

India, 2,587,000

French Indochina, 1,500,000

Philippines, 1,057,000

Yugoslavia, 1,027,000

Notice anybody that’s missing…..yea, both Great Britain and the United States, one who was into empire building (Britain,) and now it’s the United States. Oh sure, you’re going to get a mighty argument by a whole bunch of red necked patriots here in the U.S. but I’d be lost for words (believe it or not) if you couldn’t accuse the U.S. of empire building.

The U.S. sticks their military nose into all sorts of issues that aren’t their concern, almost always in the name of peace-keeping or democracy spreading. In many, many instances we’re just setting up proxy governments that are willing to do our bidding because of the handsome financial aid that comes flowing their way.

While the U.S. doesn’t take a position on the sovereignty of the islands, it does recognize that Japan has administrative control over them, and therefore is found by treaty to defend Japan in the event of an armed conflict.

What in hell is going on here, what treaty…..treaties are written to be broken, don’t take my word for it…..check with our very own Native American brethren…..the U.S. State Department, the Department of War, and the Indian Affairs Agency all made treaties with the red man, and broke almost every one.

Stupid treaties in European that were signed back in the late 19th century lead to a barbaric world war that took millions of lives, pushed back the advancements of human-kind, and opened the door for a dictator like the world had never seen…..Adolph Hitler.  

The largest of the Senkaku island chain, Uoturi-shima measures 1.7 square miles…’s 1.7 square miles, or 4.3 kilometers. That’s a bit more than 6500’, not enough room for the big air force planes like the B-52’s that the U.S. War Department used to fly over the islands the other day. You’d need way more land to land those big babies…..oh wait, drones, sure that’s it, these uninhabited islands could support a U.S. drone surveillance program, or a strike assault.


Okay we are one mighty SOB, a nation that nobody in their right mind would force an encounter on a face to face basis… would probably be suicide for whoever was dumb enough to try such an action. So what do our enemy’s do, they nibble at us, a little skirmish here, a little skirmish there, kind of like a fart in a mitten, you know it’s in there, you can kind of feel it, and you sure as hell can smell it, but you can’t capture it.

We’re not very smart militarily, we spend billions in war preparation, to do battle preemptively so we won’t get our own people killed (civilians,) but we only accomplish two things, (1) we keep U.S. citizens safe so that the military industry can continue, and (2) we completely piss off the world, and have to dole out financial aid of all sorts to quell the feelings of disgust and hatred.

Nobody has the right to do what we do under the guise of the world’s peacemakers, as well as the neighborhood cop! It doesn’t work that way…..and we’d better sit up, come to that conclusion, and make some major changes…..while we still can.


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