Thursday, March 27, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


I read a quote from Michelle (First Lady) Obama about how life was in the White House or rather how life really was. “In real life, everybody in the White House, my husband and I and every member of our extraordinary staff is there for one reason.,….because we love our country and want to serve it.” It’s a refrain that I’ve heard off and on my entire adult life.

When I was younger, I didn’t really think much about it, the serving my country phrase, I heard the words, but never really put them all together, and pondered there meaning until later in life. Now whenever anybody says that “they’re serving something because of an undying love whatever,” red flags pop up all over the place…..why, because I’m a cynic.

First and foremost, I’ve always wondered if there wasn’t a paycheck connected with this we love our country and want to serve it, thing, how long would these same people be willing to love and serve? I suppose that it’s all relative, people have been using this ruse forever, and sadly much of our society really believe these people.

But suppose everybody that says “I love my country, and want to serve,” really meant what they said, what might be their asking price…..indirectly. Like John Boehner, the speaker of the House, or Joe Biden, Vice President. Well I can tell you this, they wouldn’t be hurting…..financially. Plus there are all of those benefits.

President Barrack Obama is the country’s top wage earner, getting a pay package that includes a salary of $400,000. In addition the president has an annual expense account of $50,000, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment. The White House in Washington D.C. serves as the official place of residence and they are entitled to use its staff and facilities, including medical care, recreation, housekeeping, and security service. The government (us taxpayers) pays for state dinners and other official functions, but the president pays for dry cleaning and food that he and his family, and personal guest consume.

For ground travel the president uses the presidential state car, an armored built on a heavily modified Cadillac-based chassis. A VC-25 aircraft, which of course has been heavily modified serves as a long distance travel mode for the president, and then there is the fleet of 35 United States Marine Corps helicopters at his disposal almost on a moment’s notice.

After the presidents service to his country, he is provided with a $199,700 a year pension, and if the retiring president is former congressmen, he may also collect a congressional pension as well. And is provided with travel funds, and Franking privileges… mail service. Of course there is lifetime Secret Service protection for his entire family.

I gotta say, although I wouldn’t want the job, the financial awards and benefits are an ok deal, at least to my way of thinking. My point is really simple…..if there wasn’t all of the financial pay, and the perks that went along with the job, how long would Barrack Obama continue in his current position, what with all of the negative reaction by his countrymen, and some parts of the world? Like I said, “I wouldn’t want the job.”


In the on deck circle is Vice President Joe Biden who is paid $296,680 a year, and is afforded most of the same perks as his immediate boss. Joseph Robbinette Biden was born November 20, 1942, and is the 47th Vice President.

Biden has been a politician on the national level since he was elected U.S. Senator from Delaware, after a career as an attorney. Pretty much a lifelong Democrat, Biden served as a County Councilman from 1970 until he was elected a senator in 1972.

If anything incapacitates the president, it’ll be Joe Biden who would assume the office of the presidency, and John Boehner who would move into the vice presidents seat. Why any of these three men would want anything to do with the responsibility that is hanging over their heads like the sword of Damocles.

I’m thinking that many of these people, these senators and representatives, are doing their jobs with a speck of patriotism, or love of country…..but they also are doing their elected jobs, and spending every penny of their pay that they get, and I don’t blame them one bit. However whenever these same people belabor  their love of country for doing their jobs… becomes old at least to me…..real fast.

In many instances elected officials are so removed from their electorate that is impossible for them to relate to the problems of the regular everyday people. These people are more worried about sound bites; photo opts, and front page news. This activity is completely out of hand, and low and behold…..voters pay the ultimate price through inattentive representation.


I’m really at a loss to understand how some people can stay in an elected position for decades; there really aren’t any words that I can think of to explain the reason why anybody would want an 87 year old representing me in anything. Yet that is exactly what John Dingell is doing, representing the 12th district in western Detroit (the suburbs). Thankfully he’s decided not to run for a 30th term in Congress.

John Dingell was first elected into public office in December, 1955, I was 12 years old at the time, so I don’t remember the election. Dingell has served continuously for 58 years and 108 uninterrupted days…..a record of service.

Another long-standing political figure was Robert Byrd, who served uninterrupted for 57 years and 176 days…..and was finally beaten by the grim reaper, Byrd died in office. There are four other politicians who served at least 50 years, they are Carl Hayden, 56 years, 319 days, he retired, Daniel Inouye, 53 years, 118 days, died in office, Jamie L. Whitten, 53 years, 60 days, retired, and finally, Carl Vinson, 50 years, 61 days…..retired.

Sure there are some people who love their country, in fact I don’t personally know of anybody who doesn’t like the United States of America. But come on, 58 years at the public trough, talk about a tit baby. I think that if we all viewed government like a business, we’d all be better off, when the books don’t balance, we stop, take a long hard look at what procedures are in place, and maybe go off in a different direction.

Let’s leave those that profess love of country, and those that serve, at the doorway of government, and let’s take an honest look at ourselves…..and move in a positive direction.



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