Thursday, September 25, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)

The top secret National Intelligence Estimate did not mince words, “The United States faces an enemy with no scruples about employing any weapon tactic, and nuclear weapons smuggled across porous borders threatens to devastate American cities.” Sleeper cells, the document warned, “might already be inside the country.”


The above perceived threat, and evaluation of the enemy was delivered to the president…..President Harry S. Truman, the year…..1951 by the Central Intelligence Agency. “Officials regard the possibility of atomic sabotage as the gravest threat of subversion that this country, with its virtually unpatrolled borders, has ever faced.” This fact was reported in the New York Times in…..1953. The Eisenhower administration also issued a public alert warning the public to the danger from “valise bombs.”


In 2010, the New York Times obtained hundreds of pages of declassified documents from  FBI’s files which laid a 1950s account that is strikingly familiar story, in which Communist agents played the role of today’s terrorist organizations. Like I’ve said…..the United States seems to have to have an enemy to treat as a threat, and above all else is unscrupulous.


The similarities between the early to middle 1950s and today are truly uncanny, only the U.S. authority figures and the bad guys have changed, most are dead or dying. Then as now, investigators were searching for agents that either were waiting for orders, or were preparing to carry out their dastardly deeds. Then, in the 1950s, the U.S. government spent millions to install radiation detectors at airports and seaports despite doubts about their effectiveness.


Of course today we have border, airport and seaport security and an entire department, Homeland Security, which doesn’t cost millions, it costs billions, and if you disregard all of the success stories that are issued by the agencies, nobody knows for sure how the agencies are really working.


With the advent of intercontinental ballistic missiles in the late 1950s, which posed an incomparably greater threat of surprise attack, the threat of border, airport, or seaport breach never really went away. China replaced the Russians as possibly smuggling atomic bomb parts into the country for the all-evil and unscrupulous secret cells.



After the murder of Israeli athletes by Palestinian agents at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, U.S. officials shifted the focus to terrorists. Of course the concern increased exponentially as the U.S. intelligence community took on a whole new perceived enemy. After the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon…. the threat of subversive activity had come full circle, and the decades of U.S. intelligence departments was vindicated.


In the 1950’s the United States knew that its adversaries had weapons; the mystery was whether they might use them. After September 11, according to Jeffrey T. Richelson, a historian of nuclear weapons, the situation is reversed: Al Qaeda leaders have suggested publically that they would use nuclear weapons.


Destroying or locking up nuclear material is far more effective than sealing American borders…..the problem with this effort is the fact that the United States has the most nukes, and pretty much has refused to destroy them.


There are close to 200 identified terror organizations, at least according to the United States, and each in their own way want to hurt the United States. If this is true, America is in the fight of its life, and a fight that tragically I don’t believe that can be won. Pretty much because we are fighting these groups in their own backyards, where the U.S. is viewed as the interloper, and where there is little or no corporation from locals.



President Obama, in his address to the United Nations on September 24, talked about the progress that was being made on global human rights, and climate change, but said that the achievements could all be lost by the largest threat; extremist violence.


Peace at any cost was his underlining message; however the speech came after two days of bombings in Syria at selected terrorist targets which purportedly killed dozens of terrorists. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani protested the attacks in Syria, saying, “No terrorist group can be eradicated and destroyed through aerial bombardment.”


It’s funny… not a ha, ha way, that President Obama seems to have forgotten about all of the longtime repressive regimes that the U.S. has sponsored, especially in the Middle East. People don’t forget, they understand that the United States is not exactly a neutral arbiter; it’s what complicates the situation.


Obama acknowledged the nation’s faults, “we have our racial and ethnic tensions,” in the United States, but are working to address our problems. The admission is, well, I suppose commendable, but I live here in the United States, and really I see little progress in some of the core problems, and I’m sure that foreign countries see, and feel somewhat the same as I do.



No matter what your opinion is regarding these issues that I’ve raised, you’ll have to admit that our economy, our poor, and all of those people who are working, and living from paycheck to paycheck would have a really tough time understanding the president’s evaluation about progress in some of our problems.


People go to bed hungry every night; we have a percentage of people here in the United States who sleeps under a bridge, at homeless shelters, or in their cars. We have people here in our country that would go hungry without soup kitchens. We also have people who use the emergency room as their doctor’s office because they don’t have medical insurance.


And by for the worst misconception that the president, and apparently much of the United Nations General Assembly members have, is that the ordinary guy on the street, any street, in any country doesn’t much care about the concept of a global brotherhood…..sadly we are eons away from that.



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