Friday, September 5, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


Well, so much for President Obama being a dove, or soft on terror, or not wanting to escalate whatever the hell is going on in the Middle East, or cutting defense budgets, or troop numbers, or a robust attitude towards those Islamic people that call itself…..”the Islamic State.” I watched much of his press conference on television this morning, September 5, 2014, and unless I missed the part where Obama said that he was kidding, the United States could be in real trouble.


At the conclusion of the NATO Summit in Wales September 5, the president said, “unequivocally that the extremist group calling itself the Islamic State must be dismantled, degraded, and ultimately defeated.”


This reaction might have been brought about by the criticism that Mr. President received with regard to his statement about not having an exact plan of action pertaining to the Islamic problem, and for saying the “goal was to roll back the ISIS-ISIL organizations to a point it was manageable!”


Now all of a sudden the American President is ready to “get after” these Islamic people that are causing trouble… their part of the world. The president, some liberals, and 99% of Republicans and conservatives seem now to be on the same page with regards to the ISLAMIC question.



People throughout history of changed their stance on issues, some changes for the better…..others not so good, however for this article we’ll dispense with that history and focus on the crisis at hand…..ISIS, or ISIL. To give you an idea of exactly how confusing this issue is, let me lay this bit of levity on you…..”the United Nations, and the United States, State Department has dropped the letters “ISIS” which stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and now use the letters “ISIL” which stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.


Confused yet, well hang on to your panty hose folks, it gets better, these bad guys want to stretch their land from southern Turkey, through Syria, to Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan…..(and I don’t mean Michael Jordan either). Some refer to the region as “al-Sham,” or “al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa al Sham…..come on, even my computer can’t figure out some of this stuff.


Oh yeah, Levant is a word used by the English meaning to describe a broad territory of land…..I’m not too sure why anybody would use the word Levant, land grabbers, robbers of territory, rip-off artists would seem to be a more applicable term for what seems to be going on…..oh well, such is life in today’s world of trouble in foreign lands.


I’m not too sure that the White House, the Defense Department, or the Congress knows exactly what in heck is going on over there. We’ve had our lllllooooonnnnnggggg nose in the area for decades, and with little concessions a petroleum products, we’ve only spent taxpayers money.



Have you read heavily into World War I history, not so much the aftermath, but the reasons why the world actually first burped? Yes that’s what I’m going to call wars from now on…..burps, gross gaseous stomach air…..almost as gross as passing gas.


Today, September 5, 2014, President Obama talked about treaties, our allies, friends, and those people that are oppressed, and how there is a coalition of the NATO to stamp out this “vermin” (my words, not the presidents, but it’s what he meant).


World War I begin on July 28, 1914, when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, although a small conflict between two countries, the reaction spread quickly to include Russia, Great Britain, Germany, and France. Both Britain and France were drawn into the military activity because there were involved with treaty’s that had been in place for two and three decades.


There had been a build-up of naval and military war machines during the first decade of the 20th century that the generals dearly wanted to use…..and since they had the weapons just sitting around, why not? The financial cost to the Allied Powers…..Britain, France, the United States and others has been pegged at $127,650,477,000, and for the Central Powers, Germany and others…..$60,643,160,000.


The human cost, wow, around 40,000,000, both military and civilian, that’s a whole bunch of orphaned children and a lot of widows running around trying to make ends meet, and raise those orphaned kids at the same time.


The worst part of the entire equation…..all the money, all the death, and all of the dismembering didn’t solve a damn thing, what it did do was give Adolph Hitler a soap-box from which to spew his evil message of racial genocide, and another world war that was twice as bad as the first.


Is NATO and the president headed in the same direction? Well, let me put it this way, the United States has been warring in Afghanistan since the late fall of 2001, and we left Iraq in December of 2011, and in both cases, the U.S. intervention has not solved a single thing.



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