Saturday, December 27, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)

Man, they can’t seem to give it up, it’s been more then thirteen years since September 11, 2001, and we’ve been involved with a war that’s been declared on terrorists who reside primarily in the Middle East… well as other spots on the globe. Almost without exception, the Bush administration has maintained an almost solid front of denial with regards to any wrongdoing, missteps, or breaking any laws with regards to the invasion of Iraq.


The war that was waged with Iraq, the United States and its allies accomplished little except costing the United States taxpayers billions of dollars, and the lives of thousands of soldiers and private contractors. But before we get into the ramifications of what did and didn’t happen in Iraq, I think that we should revisit once more the whys and wherefores of what turned into a Bush administration gaff that for whatever reason those members won’t themselves let go of.


The link that was championed by the Bush administration between Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups was a huge shame and the U.S. media gobbled it up like a hungry dog.


As recently as December 14, on Meet the Press, former Vice President Dick Cheney said in no uncertain terms that the current government body is castigating the Central Intelligence Agency for “doing what the President Bush ordered, and the Justice Department said was legal.”


For Cheney the deaths of 3,000 people on September 11, 2001 at the hands of al-Qaida terrorists justified expanded and enhanced interrogation methods and the subsequent invasion of Iraq…..even after there is loads of evidence that expanded and enhanced interrogation doesn’t work, and that Iraq was not involved with September 11, 2001.



I do hope that you’re ready for a long ride, because there is a litany of reasons cited as to why the United States felt the need to go to war with Iraq. Weapons of Mass Destruction, the oppression of Saddam Hussein’s regime, stability of the Middle East, mushroom clouds over Washington (a dirty bomb attack), allegations that Iraq was cooperating with Bin Laden.


Hussein and his thugs, and like minded boosters, were a threat to their neighbors in the area, also to the United States, and the world at large. Hussein was also trampling on peoples human rights, and would not allow UN officials to rummage through the country-side in a search for those every elusive Weapons of Mass Destruction.   


However the above reasons weren’t…..of course the only ones, throughout the Bush administration buildup to the invasion of Iraq, the U.S. relied on the authority of UN Security Council Resolutions 678 and 687 which states to use all necessary means to compel Iraq to comply with its international obligations.


What actually happened was that the 1991 Gulf war never fully ended because no formal armistice was signed to end hostilities. As a result…..(and this is true) relations between the United States, the United Nations, and Iraq resultantly remained strained, although Hussein issued formal statements renouncing his invasion of Kuwait, and made reparations payments to Kuwait.


Actually the reasons for the U.S. invasion of Iraq goes back even further then 1991, it can be traced all the way back to 1917, the English, and World War 1. Britain had wrestled Baghdad from the Ottoman Empire and as Lieutenant General Sir Stanley Maude proclaimed: “our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies…..but as liberators. It is the hope of the British Government that once again the people of Baghdad shall flourish.”


However even in 1917 the British Empire had desires on the Iraqi oil fields, and was basically using the war as a way secure those fields for Britain. Now fast forward to 2003 and basically the same message is given to the Iraqi people as the reasons for another foreign invasion. Surely that message was getting to have a familiar ring to it…..even though the British had delivered the same message some 85 years earlier.



I’m not sure how many ways that a person can say this… I’ll keep it simple, and direct…..there were never any weapons of mass destruction to find. All the rest of the honking means nothing, nada, machts-nix. Talking about what a piss-ant Hussein was is irrelevant, it’s not why the U.S. invaded Iraq… was almost all about oil and the footprint that Iraq would give the United States in the region.


There was no doubt that Saddam Hussein was a terrible, terrible man and was responsible for thousands of deaths during his reign of terror…..but his vile dastardly deeds were perpetrated either on his people, or his immediate neighbors. He was not a threat to the United States, or the world at large.


Did Hussein desire weapons of mass destruction, you bet, did he seek nuclear weapons of some sort, absolutely, but by March of 2003 he didn’t have any. Hussein was a toothless buffoon, incapable of doing much harm to anybody. By 2003 he’d been turned into a joke and could only inflict pain on his own people.


The war on Iraq and in Iraq was a war perpetrated preemptively by the Bush administration and his able bodied henchmen. There has been untold billions of dollars realized by a relatively small group of people, and there have been hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s that have perished because of the war.


Is Iraq a better place to live in, in 2014…..well let’s put it this way, the real-estate market isn’t booming, and there really isn’t any border patrol keeping wanna-be Iraqi citizens from crossing the boarders of the country.


Dick Cheney is an ass, has always been an ass, and will continue to be an ass until the day that he does everybody a favor and dies. Cheney’s continued defense of the hugely failed military invasion of the country continues to be a testament of how unchecked government and special interests can bankrupt a country financially as well as spiritually. There is a segment of U.S. citizens that still think that it’s ok to torture by any means possible.


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