the News That Nobody Else Will Print)
Here’s a fraught encounter: one police officer,
one civilian and anger felt by one or both. Afterward, it may be hard to sort
out who did what to whom. This scenario is repeated at least a thousand times a
day throughout the country, and millions of times world-wide. Until we
collectively find a way to control our prime-evil tendencies, as a species
we’ll need a sort of keeper to
control us…..from us.
And that primeval tendency that we all
seem to have, and sadly do not seem able to control is just one of the issues
that is connected with a seeming uptick
in police shootings of civilians. With little exception when a cop gets shot
and wounded or killed there is an outrage not only from law enforcement, but
the political community and the general public as well.
Shooting at, or hitting a
law enforcement officer cannot be tolerated, the act strikes at the very core
of what the United States was founded upon…..a country that operates on a system of law and order, and justice for
That said, the citizenry of
the United States is really in a troubling state of affairs, in this age of 24
hour news, and a minute by minute dissertation of troubling out-spots…..strangely
it is impossible to get an accurate number of shooting fatalities by police
officers against alleged perpetrators.
The United States professes
to be the most developed, most affluent, and the guardians of freedom and
justice for the world…..yet there is an unknown number of its citizens that are
gunned down every year for a plethora of reasons.
I can tell you this right
now, nobody.....not one
American citizen enjoys getting patted down in an airport, on the
street, or in his own home…..yet it happens in America every single day of the
year. With little exception the average U.S. citizen has a healthy fear of law
enforcement, I know that I do.
Lately the United States has
been acting kind of like a 3rd world country where citizenry takes
to the streets to protest. The U.S. seems to be hovering on becoming a police
state, recently the Wisconsin governor threatened to call out the National
Guard if protesters got out of control. In Ferguson, Missouri, and New York
City crowds were repelled by those city’s police forces.
Years ago my brother-in-law
got busted for drunk driving, and exhibited a belligerent attitude…..which I believe, and got his butt kicked…
the drunk tank. He had multiple contusions on his face and head. I think that
you’d find little compassion for my brother-in-law except, if was struck in the
face, or head, and knocked to the floor; there was a risk that he could have
been killed by the fall. Nobody deserves to be killed for drunk driving, or
acting like an ass to police…..but the police lost control of their tempers, or
took advantage of my brother-in-law, and administered an educational moment to
my brother-in-law…..not very smart.
The number of civilians shot
to death by cops in the United States every year can only be estimated because
there isn’t any data base that lists the numbers. Of course if you desire the
numbers of police that are killed by gunfire in the line of duty, that
information is all over the place.
People like me (blog-writers)
are left with the fringe reports on the numbers, or those people who seem to
have some sort of agenda, and publish numbers that are “to say the least…..tainted.”
The FBI issued figures of 461 justifiable
homicides in 2013. Jim Fisher
a blogger listed 1,146 people shot by cops with 607 killed in 2013, now I ask
you, “who do you believe”?
I do know this, if 20 people
are shot every year by law enforcement in every state (which I feel would be a
safe and honest number) that would add up to more than a thousand deaths, and
if 10 people were just innocent bystanders, or people shot by mistake…..that
would mean that more than 500 people died for no reason…..not a pretty sight.
There is talk now and an
active movement to have police officers not only wear a badge, but a video
camera as well. The move will cost millions, that issue has already been
voiced, while other police organizations bemoan how the movement is an affront
to the credibility of police personal everywhere.
There was a study done in
Rialto, California population 99,171 on what effect police officers using body
camera’s would do with regards to how cops did their jobs, and on how the
civilian population might react. Well my friends in one year there was a
decline in the number of complaints lodged against police officer by civilians
by a staggering 88%, and that was with only half of the 108 police officers wearing the gadgets.
The Rialto police officers
used force nearly 60% less often, while those cops without the cameras were
twice as likely to use force. And the officers were picked at random with
regards to which officers used the cameras.
Of course there is a chance
for abuse, like leaving a camera off during an incident or erasing the tape,
although that is pretty hard to do because of where the receivers are set up.
The Rialto top cop, William Farrar says that “video is very transparent…’s
the whole enchilada”. Amen brother, amen.
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