the News That Nobody Else Will Print)
read with interest an article in the Los
Angeles Times by Ralph Vartabedian and
W.J. Hennigan entitled “Experts
call for updated H-bombs”, and frankly the reasons given were hauled
out of world history archives…..”Threats
from Russia add pressure to develop, test new warheads”.
the communist scare all over again, I can remember in grade school when we’d
have air attack drills, hiding under our desks, like that little bit of flimsy
wood and metal was going to protect a kid from an atomic blast…..even then, in
the late 1940s there was gross misunderstanding about an atomic bomb blast.
cold war lasted from sometime in 1947 until it was officially canceled on December
26, 1991 with the primary advocate…..Russia. The Soviet Union had been
teetering on the brink of collapse for several years, but finally went over the
edge the day after Christmas, 1991. The world rejoiced heroes were applauded;
the doves had finally won one for the good old gripper!
over the past 23 years the United States has emerged as the biggest and the
baddest of countries in a seeming unending quest for peace through military
strength. And now there might be a movement afoot to reignite another
confrontation with a splintered Soviet Union…, how little has changed
during the bit more than two decades from December, 1991.
there are new threats from Russia, and the Middle East is a cauldron of
mistrust, allegations counter allegations and complete misunderstandings. And
like the little kid said, “it’s not my fault” what is a country
based on peace, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (the U.S.) supposed to do?
Well, the Deputy Secretary of Defense in the Clinton administration, John Hamre,
figures that we should get rid of the countries existing arsenal of nuclear
warheads, develop new warheads for tests, and regain our rightful place as the
world’s preeminent nuclear power.
to Hamre who is now the president of the Center for Strategic and International
Studies…..(where do they come up with
these organizations?) “We have the worst of all worlds: older weapons
and large inventories that we are retaining because we are worried about their
reliability.” Representative Mac Thornberry (R-Texas), chairman of the House
Armed Services Committee, says, “Not to mention, we’re spending more and more
to keep these things going.”
1945 the United States has tested 1,132 nuclear devises, 1032 of which have
fired, Russia has an even worse record than that of the United States, the
Ruskies have tested 981 devises with only 727 successes. France 217-217, the
United Kingdom 88-88, China 47-48, India 3-6, Pakistan 2-6, and North Korea 3-3
round out those countries who have tried and succeeded in the testing of
nuclear bombs
the only two nuclear devises that have been used militarily were dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945…..of course the perpetrator of this
act was the United States. The result was that the two Japanese cities were
almost totally leveled, and between 129,000 and 246,000 people died during and
after the two blasts.
reason given for the bombing of Hiroshima was the fact that there was a large
military garrison that was located in the city; however reports show that most
of the people that died were civilians. Nagasaki was a port city, but had only
minor military importance, yet was bombed by the United States, costing between
39,000 and 80,000 deaths.
think that it’s important to point out that the number of deaths reported,
between 129,000, and 246,000, didn’t all happen during the initial bomb blast.
Of course the carnage was horrible at the point that the bombs were detonated,
ground zero was littered with vaporized Japanese, and nobody will ever know the
exact number who died there.
experts and researchers of the
Hiroshima and Nagasaki carnage have painstakingly recounted the bomb sites, and
went through millions of records to estimate the numbers who died.
However the numbers connected with the two bombings take into account those
people who lived for as long as a
year after the August 1945 blasts…..its where the numbers come from.
cost to retrofit or to completely replace the missile and bomb system
would be, to the taxpayer astronomical, try $400 billion. At the present time,
the Obama administration has earmarked $60 billion for modernization of the
country’s Energy Department complex, and to create new warheads, using old
components from older weapons.
world has more than enough nuclear weapons to make a wasteland of the planet,
give us all a permanent orange tinge, and completely change the way that we, as
a people live, love, and endeavor to conduct our daily lives.
rest assured that that $400 billion is only for
starters, the U.S. Congress has never seen a dollar that they didn’t want
to tax. They remind me of churches and their tithing practices… know, 10%
for this, 10% of that…..and 10% left for you.
my friends, we definitely don’t need proliferation of our nuclear arsenal, we
need to get rid of what we’ve got…..the masses of people in the world are
basically followers, but 90% of them understand that there aren’t any winners
in a nuclear confrontation…..only fried and discolored losers.
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