the News That Nobody Else Will Print)
the July 17, 2014 strangling death of Eric Garner by New York City policeman,
there have been two other high profile deaths attributed to police departments.
The August 9th shooting death of unarmed Michael Brown and the death
by gunfire of Tamir Rice, a 12 year old armed with a BB gun. All three were
black, while all three of the police officers were white.
there has been little protests with regards to the Rice shooting, but of course
the same can’t be said about Garner and Brown. There are similarities for each
of the shooting incidents; both were black, and a correlation between all
three, the cops in attendance feared for their lives
Garner and Brown were either walking in the street or on the sidewalk while the
Rice kid was playing in a public park. I think in all three incidents there
wasn’t any adverse activity going on, you can kind of make a case of
threatening, the Rice boy looking dangerous because he had what appeared to be
a firearm…..but the 911 call told the dispatcher that the gun look
like a toy.
watched the video of the Rice shooting several different times and the cop on
the passenger’s side of the squad car opened his door and fired his service
revolver at Rice…..all in less than 5 seconds. There seemed to be little chance
for the Rice kid to capitulate to whatever the cops commands might have been,
personally I couldn’t believe what I was watching, that’s how quickly the
sequence took.
Eric Garner death took longer, but the results were the same, a United States
citizen lost his life at the hands of an American authority figure. There was a
video of the Garner incident which was, to me, graphic, you can call what the
cop did as a take-down hold, or a chokehold, I can tell you this, the hold
looked suspiciously like the chokehold I learned in the military about a
hundred years ago.
is little that goes on in our world that is complicated, not when people decide
to get down to the bare facts of an issue. I do not think that the United
States is in danger of becoming a police state, say like Germany, anyways not
at this time. What we have today is a whole bunch of authoritative people that
want to keep their positions; for them, in many cases, their perceived power is like a drug,
an elixir of life for them.
are much the same as these power mongering individuals that are housed at the
top of policing agencies, the military, fire departments, and actually anyone
who figures that he/she is irreplaceable. My friends…..everybody is
replaceable, even if you have created your own position. There’s always
somebody out there who can do your job as good or better.
agencies use the crony, or good old boy system to elevate, recruit, and protect
their brethren, didn’t you ever wonder why the cops have the same ranking
system as the U.S. military, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain and so
forth. Right away you get into that attitude that rank has its privilege. I
hate to break these jokers bubbles, but politicians, fire fighters, policemen
and the military actually are paid by us…..the taxpayers. We appoint, our appointees
hire, and are supposed to oversee who is hired, and periodically grade their
job performance…..or did you forget that?
can tell you one thing, in New York City, during 2013; the taxpayers incurred
$732,000,000 in legal fees for all sorts of police missteps, overreaching their
authority, racial profiling, police brutality, and just plain stupid crap. And
do you want to know what; the city of New York does not have a corner market when it comes to
stupid policing practices.
regards to the size of country’s policing forces, local, regional, state, and
federal, the overall legal costs to protect some of these good old boys exceeds a billion dollars a year…..and baby that
billion dollars is paid out by who else, the friendly taxpayer. Let’s see, we
elect representatives, we pay these representatives, their hire or appoint underlings to do all sorts of
fire protection, policing duties, and a thousand other things…..and then our
tax dollars pay these underlings,
and then, whenever the system breaks, and somebody does a stupid act…..we gotta
pay for that too……..what a scam.
United States is the land of the free, and the home of the brave,
right, we are also the
world leader in keeping the peace, and protecting people from despots or dictators…
why do we need more than 780,000 police in the United States? China has
1,600,000 cops, and Russia has a bit more than 782,000 for the only two
countries that seem to need policing protection more than the U.S.
read with interest an account of the police in New York City that appeared in
the New York Times which stated that
the cops felt betrayed, put upon, and that the reason that Garner lost his life
was because he was overweight, out of shape, had numerous health issues, and
that if he would have simply capitulated to the officers orders…..he’d still be
alive today.
the Garner, Brown or Rice killings aren’t the real issue here, each of these
people had their lives taken away from them before their time, especially Rice,
he was a 12 year old boy. Nobody has
the right to take another’s life unless they feel that theirs is in danger of
being taken from them. That my friends is the common sense thing here.
Garner and Brown were big men, over 6’ and in excess of 300#, but the Rice boy
was, well 12, and even though one of the cops at the scene of the shooting (in
Cleveland) radioed that a 20 year old black man was down, there was a stretch there,
unless the 20 year old was a midget.
real rub
here is the fact that cops, whether one, six or twenty decided to act
with deadly force, “and let’s get over this takedown or chokehold issue,
no matter whether Garner was resisting, was out of shape and was a blimp, the
actions of the officers did contribute to a death, a death
over possibly selling untaxed cigarettes. Come on, get real.
issue here isn’t really a racial issue; anyone with an ounce of gray
matter has to admit that cops all over America profile people. Young
people, old people, black, whites, Hispanic, Asian, and Muslims, it simply depends
on which part of the country that you live in as to whom the cops profile. It
may not be right, the fact makes those being profiled uneasy at the very least,
and scared at the most.
issue here, the one that most people simply overlook is the fact that peace officers aren’t supposed to be
running around with itchy trigger fingers, or bad ass attitudes. Cops
only have the authority that we, as citizens of this country allow them to
organizations aren’t supposed to set rules, regulations, and criteria for how
they deal with the public…..and guess what; all people aren’t guilty until they
prove themselves innocent. But mostly that’s how Mr. John Q Public feels when
he is confronted by the cop on the street, or the squad car stops.
me, how many of you readers get antsy whenever a cop car is behind you, or is
at an intersection, or stops at a business, or building that you are visiting,
or work at. Be honest, most everybody would rather never see a cop until you
need one.
the issue, that’s the tragedy, no matter what anybody says, or feels, cops are
usually their own worst enemy. When people get the crap kicked out of them, get
wounded or killed, people take notice, and there’s just a little voice in the
back of our minds that sets of an alarm wondering if maybe the same could
happen to me.
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