Wednesday, December 10, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)

President Barack Obama said it best, “troubling, but enhanced interrogations instead of torture,” talking about a report just out which took some five years to complete by a Senate Select intelligence Committee with regards to how information was gleaned from detainees. Let’s see, if you hit me in the head with a 2x4, no matter what kind of uniform or what your intensions are…’s still gonna hurt. Hitting somebody with a piece of board is going to do one thing, and one thing only…..hurt, all of the information that a person might give after that initial whack will be tainted by pain.


My reason for the blog, my old friend Rush Limbaugh and his idiotic rants during his radio broadcast (12-9-14). Limbaugh has an agenda, I have an agenda, anybody that get’s up on a soap box has an agenda…..but at least I try and keep an open mind to what people like Limbaugh have to say. Today’s rant was about the select Senate’s report on the CIA’s flawed, brutal and ineffective interrogation practices during the initial days after the attacks of September 11, 2001.


I don’t have a staff, I don’t have a radio show, and I’ve only appeared on television four or five times, but I’ve heard from all kinds of military officials talking about the efficiency of enhanced interrogation. With almost no exception top U.S. military brass discards much of the information that is realized by waterboarding, sleep deprivation or some other kinds of disgusting practices that have been employed.


Limbaugh talked about the “far left, and Democrats” happily bashing the United States because of the report, and “wanting the demise of the country, and that they jump at any opportunity to do so.” Gee I know scads of liberals, or the far left, come to think of it, I also know a whole host of Democrats…..and I’ve never heard even one say that they “wanted the demise of the United States.”



Yup, it’s kind of like a city, the different branches of governmental spooks that have been created to safeguard our cities, shores, boarders, and moreover protect us from them. There are 17 departments (that are officially recognized by the U.S) or elements that make up the U.S. security division of the federal government. There is the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (OICI), Department of Homeland Security, Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), Coast Guard Intelligence (CGI) Homeland Security Investigation (HSI), United States Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), United States Department of the Treasury, Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI), United States Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), National Security Agency (NSA), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency (AFISRA), National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC), Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA,) Office of Naval Intelligence Activity (ONI), United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Branch (FBI/NSB), Drug Enforcement Administration, Office of National Security Intelligence (DEA/ONSI).


Can you wrap your lips around all of those listed departments that are used to keep our country safe for us to live in, work in, and play in…..if you can you’re a better person then I am. It took me over an hour to research all of these offices, agencies, and bureaus, and there is still more out there.



One of the strongest practices in U.S. government, or private contractors in the United States intelligence community can be summed up in one simple word…..redaction, a form of editing, of altering slightly a document that will be released to the media, or to the general public. What a redactor, yup that’s right there are actually people who go to redactor’s school to learn their trade of little more than deception.


How many times have you read or heard the phrase, “it’s in the best interest of national security to not allow these documents to be read.” Or the best one, “release of this material will endanger loyal Americans who serve in the intelligence community.”


I have a simple one word answer to any omissions by the federal government or any agencies that operate with American taxpayer’s money…..balderdash. Thank God kids don’t know about redaction, cause if they did, they’d never be held responsible for the silly, stupid things that they do.


When you allow government to redact, you get a scandal like enhanced interrogation, or Abu Ghraib torture, or the Kandahar massacre, or the rapes during the liberation of France in 1944, or the No Gun Ri massacre, or the Dasht-i-Leili massacre in 2001, or My Lai massacre in 1968.


Talk about redactions, initially the redactors must have a field day running the above scandals up the old flag pole. It seems that the minute that governmental officials are kind of left to their own devices they go off the reservation, and become totally uncontrollable.


The United States employs approximately 900,000 people in its intelligence community while the private intelligence contractors employ roughly 1,200,000. Wow I feel safer already; I never guessed that my freedom was being guarded by more than 2,000,000 people.



Surly you’re kidding right, cause if you’re not, you’ll need to set aside a pretty big block of your time to search for the figures. Experts actually have term for how much money is spent on intelligence every year in the United States. Black budgeting covers a multitude of sins…..and I do mean sins, there are what is called intelligence gaps.


A governmental report in 2013 estimated that U.S. intelligence agencies budget was $52.6 billion dollars in its secret budget for fiscal year, 2013. It was termed secret because there were so many blind spots that it was impossible for the General Accounting Office, (GAO) to ascertain what the funds were being used for, because of the obscuring intentions and motives of U.S. friends and foes alike.


Today there are approximately 1,271 governmental agencies responsible for intelligence gathering and protecting the homeland through the deciphering of that Intel. There are, in addition, 1,931 private companies in 10,000 locations throughout the United States. According to a 2008 study by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, private contractors make up 29% of the workforce of the U.S. intelligence force, but cost the equivalent of 49% of that $52.6 billion dollar budget. And they represent me and my fellow countrymen and women…..get right outta town.



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