Friday, April 8, 2011


YOUR FIRED!, (Huffington  Post, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

This is hand wringing time, give me a double, can I crawl in a hole, I want to hide under a rock, can I disappear, I need a vacation, the devil made me do it, she did it, he did it, it's there fault. There was a train wreck, a rain storm, a blizzard, the bridge was down, I ran out of gas, my car broke down, I blew a tire, a bunch of Muslim terrorists kidnapped me, I got lost, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.

With the entire state looking on, with a nations news services watching, with a decided underdog running for a jurists seat, against a favored incumbent, she seemingly was on the brink of an impossible victory. Books are written, movies made and legends are born over less meaty subjects.

The surprising victory, announced Wednesday by seeming winner JoAnne Kloppenburg, stunned many political onlookers throughout Wisconsin. The margin of victory, 204 votes was paper thin, anorexic to say the least, but appeared none the less to be a victory over incumbent, Republican David Prosser.

The only reason the vote was close was because of the implemented restrictions that Governor Scott "Sleepy" Walker wants to use as a (tool) to reduce budget problems in Wisconsin. Collective bargaining, for whatever reason is viewed as a crown jewel in his, (Walkers) governor's top knot.  It's a pure and simple power grab, constructed to in effect, break the unions that represent  public workers. Guess who's next boys and girls?

But the race between Prosser and Kloppenburg, above all the other state races is turning out to be one for the ages. Could it be a modern day Tammany Hall adventure, or the Daley dynasty in Illinois, oh joy of joys, what writing this could mean, the potentials on the surface would seem endless. Everything is in place, a newly elected Governor,  instigating almost wholesale change, touching the worker in a negative way.

One of the governor's henchmen, justice David Prosser is re-elected in a dark convoluted, voter box stuffing fiasco, orchestrated by an unassuming county Clerk in Waukesha County, one Kathy Nickolaus. She discovers 14,315 missing votes, after votes counted from the Tuesday elections had already (unofficially) stated the vote totals.

Not only does the new votes need to be tabulated, but when added into the (official) count, Dave Prosser wins re-election by 7,500 votes, a number that can't be challenged. Ms. Nickolaus you are my hero, not only did you get your buddy re-elected, the vote count was such that no arduous and costly re-count will be necessary. "She shoots, she scores, game over."

Sadly we will need to cast (real) actors for the movie that I am thinking about. I like Glenn Close for the Waukesha County clerk, maybe Mel Gibson for Justice Prosser and rapper Ice "T" could play governor Walker. JoAnne Kloppenburg is perfect to her role in the movie, she's hot and has a nice body.for a women in her late forties.

That ladies and gentlemen is how we need to look at this race for the Supreme Court Justice, our system is flawed and everybody knows it, yet we still use it. Paper ballets, come on, this is the twenty first century, we have military weapons that can hit a tea cup 20 miles away. There is a reason we don't have universal voting machines as a country, what is in place at the present time works well, for the politicians.

Kathy Nickolaus has a history of botching election results, she worked around Dave Prosser for several years and is a republican. Why would anybody put her in charge of election results, it's like putting a sex addict in charge of cleaning the women's locker rooms.

Kathy Nickolaus might be a very nice women, (but not sexy enough for my movie) and be competent in her job, but this mistake that she has taken credit for, (I would have blamed somebody else) requires that she be terminated post haste.

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