Monday, May 9, 2011



THE NEUTERED ONE, (Frazer Chronicles)
Just when you thought there weren't enough topics to talk about, up jumps good old Newt Gingrich. Never shy about his ambitions and the elusive White House, the "neutered one" is going to declare "officially" that he is "joining the fray" and will indeed be a candidate to be our next President. Oh joy, I can hardly wait for Wednesday when Gingrich makes his run official.

This guy has painted himself into a corner so many times, I'm beginning to believe that the old Bugs Bunny trick, where he paints himself  into the proverbial corner, and then escapes by painting a door on the wall and it  really does work.

Newt, the former U.S. House Speaker and the author of the "contract with America" has been humbled by the several dozen people who have urged him to run. Gingrich will appear on Fox news on Wednesday night "to talk about my run for president of the United States." Newt will also announce his candidacy on his Facebook  and Twitter social-network sites.

Gingrich has also visited several primary states over the past several months, so it's not a big surprise that he will officially seek the head chair in the oval office. With the "usual suspects" aligning themselves for the 2012 race, no clear cut front runner has emerged and we here at Chronicle headquarters must say that "having  Newt "Neutered" Gingrich on board can only make for a very interesting race.

Frankly the thought of Willard Mitt "Mr. Clean"  Romney running unopposed was giving me the willies. I really don't count Donald "don't touch my hair" Trump a realistic presidential candidate because he, will.....he's such a joke. I mean his reality show, his marriage record, his reality show, I ah, well, the guy is to much like me, and I know I can't be trusted.

All in all I think Gingrich joining the race can only add a bit of pzazz to the entire process of weeding out the best man for the countries most important office. I can only hope that Sarah Palin decided to make a late run, she is such a fox and really says some of the most quotable tid-bits.

TOP SHOP TO STOP, (Morning Sentinel)
As I have mentioned in  the past, "some issues are hard for me to report," and this is one of those issues. The Vassalboro, Maine's only topless business is going out of business once their stock of liquid refreshments are gone. Donald Crabtree opened his shop in 2009 so that his staff and customers could smile.

"I wanted to see people have fun, to smile" is the way Crabtree explains opening the small towns only topless  business in it's history. "I have fought the good fight for two years," I've been burned out, "a man was going with one of the workers, lite the original building on fire" I've been harassed by clergy, city officials and some of the public. "I'm done, I can't take it anymore," the 43 year old businessman declared.

The Reverend Steve Rogers of the Vassalboro Baptist Church said he is pleased to see the shop will close. Dan Feeney, Vassalboro code officer went last Thursday to inspect two signs that were bigger then was allowed under the adult-only business ordinance. One sign advertised a topless car wash, the other, boobies wanted. The signs were removed that evening.

The same Dan Feeney also told Crabtree that he was not allowed to hold a fund raiser, sell lobsters, "probably topless," or any other kinds of such events, he wasn't licensed. There has even been rumors of drug sales, use as well as, you guessed it, prostitution.

The several women that work the tables and the small but loyal customer base will all miss the little business, located on Route 3 on the edge of Vassalboro, which Crabtree figures might last into early June, until the coffee is gone. You see, Crabtree's business is named the "Grand View Topless Coffee Shop."  What is this world coming to.

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