Sunday, May 8, 2011


TOP SUBJECTS OF THE WEEK, (Frazer Chronicles)

A new segment offered by the growing staff of the Frazer Chronicles will begin with today's edition of the blog. It will highlight what we feel is the top news items over the past week. Unlike Saturday's Bits & Pieces, where a somewhat humorous attitude is taken with the delivery of the weeks news, Top Subjects of The Week will take an in-depth look at some of the issues that shape our global society. 


Condoleezza Rice, "I was surprised to learn where he was found," and wondered how Ben Laden went undetected in the tribal area between Afghanistan and Pakistan. "It's no secret that there have been sympathizers."

George W. Bush,  "Earlier this evening of May, 1, 2011, President Obama called to inform former President George W. Bush that American forces had killed Osama bin Laden.....I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence community who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude. This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message:No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."

Dick Cheney,  "The Obama administration clearly deserves credit for the success of the operation, I mean, it's not just one day you get up, bang, and you got Osama bin Laden. It's the kind of thing where an awful lot of people over a long period of time-thousands have worked this case and these issues and followed on the leads and captured bad guys and interrogated them and so would be a big mistake for us now to assume , "that, that's taken care of, it's all over with. AL Qaeda is a big organization and there very active now in the Arabian Peninsula down in Yemen. There is every reason that there will be further attacks attempted against the United States."

Donald Rumsfeld, "Credit belongs to the courageous special operators who executed the mission. As American awoke to celebration this morning, these professionals went about their work, for they knew as well as any that the fight is not over. Recognition should also go to the intelligence professionals who have worked tirelessly over the past decade to collect information on al Qaeda. Initial reports indicated that intelligence efforts at Guantanamo Bay may have played an essential role in this success. All of this was made possible by the relentless, sustained pressure on al Qaeda that the Bush administration initiated after 9/11 and that the Obama administration has wisely chosen to continue."

Colin Powell, "I wish we could have gotten this guy September 12, the day after 9/11.....and I'm sure everybody was disappointed, but these things take time. It's not that simple to chase somebody around in that kind of terrain and find them with reliable information, but he was found. It took 10 years, but he was found and killed."

Michael Certoff, "I think that we are all impressed and gratified by the outstanding mission that was carried out successfully. I mean this was a great American victory and a great tribute not only to the work on the ground, but all those that supported and gathered intelligence over the Qaeda is very much active and alive.....we can't drop our guard, in fact we need to be careful in the short and medium  turn to look for some retaliation."

Tom Ridge, "The news that Osama bin Laden is no more demonstrates the resolve of the intelligence and military community and the American community writ large. We did not forget, nor will we ever. May this news give some measure of comfort to those we lost on 9/11 and those who have lost since that day, who fought so bravely to answer the brutality with justice. As we mark the victory we know that as one chapter closes, more chapters will be written. A flawed ideology did not die with one man. But just as surely as the fight will continue, so will our determination. We remain, just as we were 10 years ago, joined together and joined to the task."

The above responses have appeared in newspapers across the land, with little fanfare and now they appear here, in the Frazer Chronicles, in the "all the news that nobody else will print." "Why" you might ask would these quotes be listed in an obviously liberal blog, "I'm glad you asked that question," and I'm ready willing and thankfully able to answer that question.

They are the same people, who over the past 10 years have preached the same sermon to the same choir and I finally have a platform to rebuke the rhetoric in down to earth, simple terms that everybody can understand.

Because with the exception of Colin Powell, the message is basically the same as they have been saying for the past 10 years. the look for every opportunity to justify an unjustifiable position. Remembering that Bin Laden has been in the same place for the past six years, since 2006, Coni Rice was surprised that he was there, just like the rest of us. I thought he was dead, killed early in the Afghan war and I was wrong, but I didn't have the intelligence that Rice was privy to, yet she was "shocked."

Without exception, not former president Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, or former  Homeland  Security Directors, Michael Chertoff

To say that the work that was done "over the past 10 years" had anything to do with capturing, killing of the top terrorist in the world, is ridiculous, these people never quite, nor will they ever. Obama and his intelligence personnel mapped out the entire attack plan, the special forces that we employed to carry out the attack were suggested by President Obama's people, not Cheney's, or Rumsfeld's. Both Cheney and Rumsfeld can put that in their pipes and quite smoking whatever weed they are using to get high.

Poor old G.W. I realize that the May 1st. call interrupted your Sunday night T.V. line-up, your chips and soda. As the poor President had little to do with the war on terror,  he can be excused. For the rest, it's business as usual, even when poles show that Americans want our troops home and the bleeding from our national Treasury to stop. 

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