Wednesday, May 4, 2011



A shot to the head after about a 15 or 20 minute search of the Osama bin Laden million dollar compound by  Navy Seals and the war on terror will never be the same. The well placed gunshot that made a canoe out of part of the head of the mastermind of the 911 attack, dropped  the evil tyrant, dead in a pool of his own blood. I will shed no tears over his demise, but as I have said in an earlier blog, "questions remain unanswered."

I do not doubt that the person shot by the U.S. soldier was in fact Bin Laden, I have no doubt that only his family was in the complex, plus the few guards present to "protect" their leader. I am in wonder and awe as to the skill, stealth and precise insertion of the strike accomplished by U.S. fighting personnel. Like the man said, "if all the good guys go home at the end of the day, alive, it's been  a good day."

Do I think that terrorism waged throughout the world will be ended by this one man's death, of course not. The wars that have been waged on many fronts over the past 10 years will continue, more lives will be lost and more human carnage will be inflicted on innocence.

Sadly way to much money can be made from waging war around the world, it's the way history has been, the way people are and the way much of the world's attitude is. You pee on my front porch, you SOB and I'll crap on yours. Now I ask you, which mess is harder to clean up?

Terrorism has been going on for years around the world, but what now passes for terror used to be called "conflicts, scrimmages or unrest." To simply catalog any kind of aggressive act by one name is convenient for those who write history and for those that profiteer from the ensuing activity. You didn't really think that those guys walking around in those snappy uniforms with all the medals on their chests and the brads on their shoulders were going to a costume party did you.

The guy who shot Bin Laden is a hero of the highest element and although I don't think his identity should be revealed, "I wouldn't want my name revealed," I do think that he should never work, pay taxes, or have another worry in his life. A parade, a national day in his anonymous honor, schools named anonymous to honor his deed and a $20 bill with a blacked out area to commemorate his military service.

The trial for the ages should have been held at ground zero, with the hundreds of surviving family members and friends serving as judge and jury. Testimony taken from those survivors from Afghanistan and Iraq and the war widows and their children. Justice would have been swift, jailed for the rest of his natural life in a special one room cell at ground zero, so that nobody would every forget what America actually stands for.

Sadly none of that will happen, nor would it ever have happened.  Questions would have been asked of Bin Laden and answers would have been required and possibly some of those answers would have been embarrassing to some former and current public, private and military personnel. All wrapped up in a body bag and thrown overboard from a military ship into the sea, no answers to any questions.

There is talk of DNA evidence, photographic proof and eye witness testimony that is undisputed proof of Bin Laden's death.  There are times when, during the course of my research and conclusions that I reach, give me pause and at times are actually repugnant to me and this happens to be one of those times. That said, I however am just a simple reporter of what I perceive to be fact, based on the information at hand. When it smells like crap, it usually is crap.

There is no way that a team of military "type" individuals entered Pakistan with the goal of killing Bin Laden, he was, at least "perceived" to be an important source of intelligence at the most and at the least, a symbol of Islamic terrorism and in either case would have been a most important tool. Do I hear somebody saying "Lee Harvey?"

I quick refresher might be needed for my loyal readers with regards to the September 11, 2001 attacks on the Trade Towers, the Pentagon and the creator in the fields of Pennsylvania. There were warnings, documented warnings from good quality intelligence teams from around the world and right here in the United States. For ever warning that I have read, there are at least as many out there that nobody but high ranking officials knew about. Some actually call the warnings tiring, causing a fatigue from the warnings and part of the reasons they weren't addressed.

In late 2000, British investigators teamed up with their counterparts in the Cayman Islands, began a yearlong probe of illegal Afghans who had entered the island, were apprehended when they were overheard discussing hijacking attacks in New York City and the information was forwarded to U.S. authorities. Shortly before the attacks, an anonymous letter to a Cayman radio station alleged these same men were al-
Qaeda, were organizing a major terrorist act against the U.S. via an  airline. This information to, was forwarded to American officials.

Afghanistan Foreign Minister Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil learned of an impending "huge attack" orchestrated by Bin Laden, with targets in the U.S. Muttawakil passed the information through an emissary to the U.S. Consul General and another U.S. official, but were"warning fatigued out," and didn't pass the info on.

Egypt officials, Jordan, German and even Russian President Vladimir Putin know of impending trouble from Bin Laden and his legions. A priest was told by a Muslim at an Italian wedding of a plot to attack the U.S. and Britain, using hijacked airplanes as weapons. The information was passed on but never used.

France, Morocco also weighed in with warnings before the attacks, yet neither Saudi Arabia or Pakistan apparently knew nothing and if they did, they didn't give any warning at all. Maybe they were relying on intelligence supplied from the United States, or.........! There were numerous ties between wealthy Saudi officials and  al-Qaeda and there is a shady recorded conversation from an American operative that could implicate advanced knowledge that Pakistan intelligence knew of the attack.

Probably the first and last best chance to take Bin Laden alive, and possibly avert untold deaths and the violence that ensued by 10 years of war, was apparently the chance for the Bush administration to prosecute the chief terrorist in an October 10th. 2001 deal that was offered. However the conditions connected with the "offered deal" were unacceptable and were rejected.

Now we seem to have come full circle, the effort, money and the untold deaths connected with the war on terror could possibly been avoided and even after we have killed the top our number one enemy, warfare continues, seemly unabated. I wonder if my grand kids will be fighting the same silly war?

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