Sunday, July 17, 2011


MY KIND OF WOMEN! (Frazer Chronicles)
The most important goal of the  Frazer Chronicles is to "Print All The News That Nobody Else Will Print," and we attempt to live by that goal every day. Top news stories as   well as those hidden in section "E'" of obscure "home town" newspapers are routinely searched on a daily basis. I am up, usually by 4:00 A.M. to began the search, or to research for an Opp Ed that I will write that day.

The early hours gives me a chance to scan the wire services to catch either a most important story, or to catch an issue that probably won't make national headlines. I use as a "core basis" the story that appears, and expand and articulate that story, with generous amounts of my unique humor, or intertwine my opinions with the story line. I do not, nor have I ever deviated from what the story subject matter attempts to deliver, I simply (expand.)

That said, I simply couldn't pass up a story of a 70 year old grandma type who is being sued for allegedly downloading adult pornography, "is there any other kind." The poor widowed grandmother is beside herself about the pressure that she is getting to pay a law firm a substantial "stay out of court fee."

Actually the law firm, who represents an on line adult entertainment company  isn't really interested in taking offenders to court, but to get alleged infringers of downloading the material, to pay a substantial cash settlement to make legal action go away.These settlements range from $3,000 to as much as $12,000.

The grandmother in question says that "she has never heard of the entertainment company and further never downloaded anything on her computer. The women did not know whether computer was password protected, but did know that several young men lived next door.

The lawyer handling the case said that "unprotected wireless use" was "wildlessly irresponsible," and likened it to the same as a loaded gun left out in the open where children are. Wow, I didn't know adult entertainment, and, I guess gun control were in the same ball park, "legally speaking." Just goes to show, in this day and age, winning is everything. I didn't even know about "unprotected wireless."

A conservative Evangelical Lutheran Church which the Michele Bachmann family attended until just before the Minnesota politician declared that she was entering the presidential campaign has issued a statement that they "church" had asked the Congress-women "where she stood with regards to her membership with the church."

The Bachmann family had stopped attending the church almost 2 years ago, "which in my mind would be a strong clue that they were no longer interested in the Salem Evangelical Lutheran Synod with headquarters in Wisconsin, the denominaltonal organization that includes the Salem church.

The glitz apparently came about because the Bachmann family did not address their lack of attendance, and whether they still considered themselves active members of the Salem church. According to the church, the "impetus came from the church" with regards to membership, as the Salem pastor wanted to know "where he stood" with the family." I can answer that one, "you had no standing."

Religion has often been a question during political campaigns, with candidates coming under fire for the religious company that they have kept. The Salem church, apparently has taken some "controversial" stances with regards to gay issues and some of the sermons that have been delivered. There also is a "feeling" within the church that the Pope is the "Antichrist."

The Bachmann family now attends an all faiths church on the Minnesota-Wisconsin boarder in Stillwater, Minnesota. The reason Michele Bachmann gave for changing churches, the family had moved to a different part of town. I find that kind of hard to understand, since Stillwater is just a tad over 18,000 residents, "oh well, that question is for a different blog."

I do not agree with much of what Michele Bachmann says, advocates, or I guess, believes in, however her choice of churches, "to me," is inconsequential. Whatever God she prays to, or believes in, is her own business and the quicker the press and those busy bodies that raise these silly issues shut their mouths, or their printing presses, the better off we will all be and the quicker we can address the really important issues, you know, like jobs, debt and getting out of foreign country's with our war machinery.

Wisconsin governor Scott "Sleepy" Walker is at it again, making national headlines, again with his stance on collective bargaining for the states union employees. However this time, I personally have proof that Ole Scotty is full of feathers. He admitted on MSNBC that "getting ride of collective bargaining in Wisconsin would not save the taxpayers of the state any money. I heard it on television, so it's gotta be true.

I will say one thing for this career politician, "he has a big set of cahonides," he approached this issues, "like he was the head of a small business," he saw a problem, saw a solution, and went out and got it done. I guess that "Sleepy" figures that Wisconsin politics can be equated to a small business. Well, that's just great, now "Scotty," what's your next target, street-side garbage.....wait, he already addressed that issue, and took cuts to it.

Walker accused "outside" union interests in fanning the fires of discontent, and were responsible for the massive protests at the capital building in Madison. He also cites not building enough of a political case for his action. Excuse me, I must be dumb, but what does that really mean, like talking to Democrats, or talking to unions, or talking to union rank and file, or addressing the issue in the press, or over the airwaves. None of that would have done any good, they were all against any kind of that eliminational action.

Maybe he meant that he should have talked in detail to his own party.....wait a minute, he did that, or talk to business, or metropolitan hierarchy, he did that also, and his ideas were basically received with a warm handshake and a clap on the back.

What the "Sleepy one" can't get over is the fact that everybody, even his own backers saw what his proposal was, "a union buster" not only for the public secter, but a possible death nill for unions at large, not only in Wisconsin, but for the entire United States. You can take a nap now, "Sleepy."

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