Wednesday, November 16, 2011


AND AWAY WE GO.....AGAIN! (Washington Post-Frazer Chronicle)

Okay we are getting out of Iraq by year’s end, that is just great, next we have to find a way to get the hell out of Afghanistan, bring all those young ones home, stop the break-neck military spending, start to focus on our own, right here in the good old U.S. of A. Could it be true, can we finally start to re-build our own roads, bridges and sagging school buildings.

Now comes news from Washington that we will begin a "closer" relationship with Australia, establishing a permanent military presence, part of a high-profile foreign policy shift towards Asia that is intended as a counterbalance to address China's growing power.

Hold the horses', stop the presses, "am I getting this right," because a nation has succeeded in the economic world, and is possibly putting yen, or yang or whatever it is that China calls it's money, into government coffers, it has to be a source of worry for the United States. Wow I guess the world had better stay poor, not prosper and feeds its peoples once a day and keep them completely in the dark.

I guess President Obama hasn't seen the bleeding that is going on right here in America, the poor, the hungry, the scores of Americans without health insurance and the millions of foreclosures. What in the hell is going on here, exactly how can we keep spending our national "treasure" on these fool-hardy wars.

It is past the time that the president’s job description is completely re-written and much of the power that has been taken from the people is returned. These "jerk-offs" work for us, it's not the other way around. If I want government protection, I'll write a letter, or text a message to the war department, until then, "keep your ding dong hands off the money."

Does China represent a threat to the United States, of course they do, like George W. Bush would say, "they hate us," everybody hates the United States, "so the hell what." We simply can't afford to keep fighting everybody, there comes a time when the U.S. needs to recognize other countries, and that they too have abilities, wants, desires and needs, just like us. We need to GIVE a little ground to keep the peace.

I for one do not want to see another "hot spot" handled with guns, bullets, vast amounts of cash and dead bodies. We must get over ourselves and live in peace. Make love.....not war, it feels sooooo much better.

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