Monday, November 14, 2011


PIP SQUEAK COUNTRIES! (Frazer Chronicle)

Small sometimes, in the history of the world hasn't seemed to matter much.....when it comes to break-through technology, or war making. Throughout world history, small bands of people or countries have challenged superior numbers, or technology and walked away with riches, the scalps of the vanquished, or have completely obliterated entire civilizations.

In the 1930's and 40's, Germany took on the entire world with little help from their allies,  using instead a knack for cutting edge technology, which could be argued, brought the "free world" to the brink of defeat. Without the help of Adolf Hitler, it is not inconceivable to think that a teeny tiny country with a population of between 77,000,000 and 89,000,000 could have pulled off the biggest upset in the history of the world. Who knows, today, with a German victory in 1945, we all could be speaking German.

But through some of the most bizarre military tactics in history, the Hitler lead Nazi regime was doomed and defeated in the spring of 1945. The United States and her "coalition of the willing" has been at war in Afghanistan for 10 years, "since October 2001," and 8 years in Iraq, "March 2003." Both countries are small, with a combined population of less then 60,000,000, but unlike Germany, neither has the kind of technical capabilities that Hitler had at his disposal.

So one might ask, exactly why is the so called "war on terror" taking so long, "10 years and 8 years" with more then 6000 deaths and billions of dollars spent and no real sign of victory at hand.....well let me answer that thorny question, "the powers that be, probably in the world, do not want either wars to end." "What" you, money, money is the answer, $803,086,326,940 in Iraq and $474,647,080,752 in Afghanistan.

Yep, two backward countries seem to be holding parts of the "free" world hostage by their waring actions. The United States in turn use waterboarding, sleep, diet, body positioning, phyical beatings and water depervation as ways to collect intelligence. No "hi-tech" research needed, just people with little or no morals or scruples, pages right out of the Nazi interrogation book.

As President George W. Bush coined the phrase when explaining wars during his administration, "the long wars" will be necessary to defeat terrorisum. Of course he left out the part about prisoner treatment, how much the wars would cost, or what the run-away war spending would actually cost the American people.

Waterboarding is a brutal way to extract information and the information mostly is useless, given the fact that the waterboardee tells the waterboarder exactly what he wants to hear. And now we have these idiot Republican candidates calling for a military strike on Iran. Exactly what part of polls that show well over 60% of the American public that wants hostalities to end and not to start another war don't these people understand?

These pip squeak countries are bleeding the United States dry, they, with there sticks and stones are kicking the crap out of our military. Want proof, check on the length of the wars, and one of those web-pages with the cost clock moving at almost superconic speed and then read which companies are profiting from the "war effort."

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