Wednesday, November 2, 2011


"YAHOO!" (Frazer Chronicle)

"Buckle up buttercup it's time to meet your maker." "Picture it," it's Friday night, your work week is over and it's time to "partay." You ease into your favorite stool at your friendly neighborhood tavern, ready to knock back a few Budweiser's. You survey the landscape, "scoping for chicks" and decide that pickens might  be just right, ah, a double threat guy, good lookin and personality, how can you go wrong, "how can the women go wrong."

It's now 9:00 P.M. you've been sitting with friends, but keeping an eye on one particular blond, contemplating the things the two of you might do to one another. You see a guy walk over to her table and start the usual small talk that "might" lead to a more interment conversation. You watch for several minutes and decide to make your play.

You slowly sidle up to her table and ask for a dance, you are confident, young and feel that you are doing her a "favor." The guy who had just struck up a conversation with the blond backs up, assuming a defensive posture and tells you to "piss off."

Well, "you say to yourself," "not only is that unfriendly, it's downright rude," and deserves a reaction. One word leads to another, and before long there is a pushing match and a possible reaction to the pushing, hand guns are drawn and the next thing you know, shots ring out and the young blond girl is laying on the floor in a pool of blood with a finger sized hole in her fore-head and a fist sized hole in the back of her head.

Far fetched you say, sadly it's not, it happens every single night of the week somewhere in the United States with the exception of Illinois. With the passage of the "concealed carry" law being enacted in Wisconsin, Illinois is the only state holding out from the madness that seems to be taking over our country.

I was listening to an N.P.R. "National Public Radio"  program yesterday and I couldn't believe some of the reasons that were being cited as reasons to carry concealed hand guns. "Stopping a possible bank robbery because the robbers would see that some bank patrons were packing," defusing the possible reaction from an accident  by flashing your "piece," personal protection in the streets, to protect your loved ones when you are on a strange town.

Did you ever shoot somebody, were you ever responsible for somebodies death, have you ever seen what a bullet can do to the human body. I've seen what a bullet can do to the body, and let me tell you, "it ain't pretty." The right sized caliber bullet not only penetrates the body, it mushes up the bone, muscle and cartilage and can render the use of that area of the body useless.

Shooting somebody is definitely "not a walk in the park," it's serious stuff that most of us are not ready for. Okay so gun laws are basically the rule of the land, and we are dependent to rely on the guys with the guns to act responsibly.  But if you pull a gun on me, you'd better not miss and you'd better finish the job, cause if you don't, I'll be coming after you and I won't miss, and I will finish the job. This is the attitude that guns can mean, "you shoot me, I'll kill you," madness.

Two of the most powerful lobbyist groups in the United States, the N.R.A. and the gun manufacturers have gotten us the right to keep and bear arms, and nether will be held responsible for any reverberations that might come from their efforts. Never once has a gun manufacturer been held responsible for weapon defect, or incident, never.

Who is the biggest exporter of weapons in the world.....the United States, it's an important business to these people. Weapons education is required in every state that has passed gun laws, I just hope that they do a good job, and gun owners practice good judgement. If not, it'll be "buckle up," yahoo, "I'm packen."


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