Saturday, April 20, 2013


(Republican Party of Pennsylvania, Daily Loaf, Mike Spindell, Reuters, ABC OTUS News)

(Associated Press, The Economy, Frazer Chronicle)


God, will these people ever get it right, I mean don’t they know who they represent, don’t they know that they are beholden to their constituents, the same as every elected official. It’s not about cocktail parties, and closed door meetings late at night, and it sure as hell isn’t about protecting your own ass for some sort of political expedient reason. It seems as if the whole country has gone completely over the edge.


Pollsters keep taking their polls, and sometimes ask evasive questions, made up with a pressure word that completely misconstrues your answer, they can do that you know…..its called spinning! It has to be that way, just look at the recent Senate vote on enhanced gun control legislation that failed. Polls said that there was overwhelming support by the nation, even the NRA and the GOA, so why did senators vote down the proposal…..maybe Rush Limbaugh was right, maybe President Obama wanted the measure to pass the senate, and be rejected by the Congress for some conspiratorial reason, it’s what Limbaugh said on the radio yesterday, 4-19-12.


All I remember during my formative years, when I thought I was the smartest guy on the face of the planet, smarter than my teachers, the professors, the instructors, and my parents who were molding my thought processes, was the fact that different political parties differed in their thought processes, but after the fire, the smoke and the rhetoric had stopped, and a winner was declared, politicians took some time off, had a few drinks, made a few speeches about the winners, went back to Washington, or the state capital…..and worked together on what was best for the country.


Boy was I stupid, without doubt, over the past four decades, a polarizing breeze has come over the country, a breeze that at first was sort of gentle, but by 2013 has grown into a gale force small craft warning situation.


Now it’s all about core support, about jerk-offs like Grover Norquist and his document with Republican signatures, pledging to never raise taxes. Ludicrous, how could anybody sign such a stupid document, and what legal hold would there be…..and anyways, how can anybody foresee future calamities and the possibility of needing a tax rise… I ask you, does not serve the electorate?



By far the worst statement that can be said anywhere on Capitol Hill, in state-houses across the nation, on television, radio, or in the printed media. Very few people want to hear about the core response to an issue, the core of a political party in American today is too small.


It is estimated…..from polling date that there is approximately an almost even split between registered Republicans and Democrats, something like a 31% Republican to a 29% Democrat. That leaves about a 40% independent group out there who need to be represented.


Core support needs to come from the 40% independents that either are smart enough to steer clear of core groups, way too much baggage is involved with core groups. The key word with some of these core people is their rigid belief in subjects…..ya that’s right, firm, stiff and inflexible. How in hell can you govern a country such as the United States…..where the majority is supposed to rule, if its citizens are firm, stiff and inflexible?



The short answer is, you can’t, and the long answer is the same… can’t, its an impossibility, everybody in the core group has an agenda…..and it usually is miles away from the other core group. Somehow we, as a people need to de-core ourselves.


An example of core agenda, some Republicans think that Democrats are using the Newtown disaster for political purposes! How can that even be thought…..let along said, it simply doesn’t make any sense, but the allegation is none the less being intimated.


Every time a situation of either regional or national concern happens, somebody from one party or the other spins the issue in a light that will help further their agenda. And the spinning of issues or events is not associated with one core group over the other; each group uses the media like a whipped stepchild.



Of course the United States has more than two issues that our elected officials are going to have to tackle over the next several years, both are contentious, and both affect most all of us. Forget about the health care plan that the president got through the proper channels of government to become an active issue that states are going to have to address. Forget about the war on terror, the billions it costs a year, and how the hell we are going to get out of the quagmire that the entire situation has become.


No-sir-e, the top two issues that should be of major concern on our elected officials minds is gun safety and the immigration question, why, because these two issues affect each and every one of us. I take my wife for her daily work-out, sometimes I do a work-out and sometimes I don’t, but that’s not the point. Across the street from the health club is a meat packing business that has become possible the biggest employer in the Green Bay area.


There are probably 2 or 3 thousand employees that work in the facility, they have a couple of places, there are two shifts, and in excess of 80% are Hispanic. How many are legal…..well let’s put it this way, about 2 in 10 speak English, the rest rely on friends, or their kids to translate.


In addition, during the summer months, like any other city across the lower United States, landscape business pops off like fireworks. Everybody seems to need lawn work done in Green Bay, not me, I do my own, anyways, a majority of these law care experts seem to be of the Mexican persuasion.


Again these people either nod when confronted with a question, or need a translator to clue them into the conversation. Now I’m not saying that these people are bad people, and it’s for damn sure that they aren’t lazy….but are they legally here in Green Bay, in Brown County Wisconsin, the Midwest, and the United States?


The other thing that touches us all is the violence that visits a city every swinging day of the week; nobody is safe from possible carnage in a moment’s notice.  People get killed every day by a firearm, or worse, they are incapacitated for life.


Newtown, the Colorado attack, Chicago and its legion of dead teenagers, the gun violence across the United States continues to be a huge problem for us all. The solution, very simple, laws need to be enforced with regards to illegal immigration…..first. A solution for those who are entrenched here in the United States, those folks who are here for 10, 15, or 20 years, a special dispensation policy needs to be created…..non-monetary in my opinion, and these people need to be identified and dealt with.



Gun violence…’s easy…..the solution, make all guns illegal, collect each and every firearm, and melt the suckers down into scrap metal. Now that that previous line has had a chance to sink in, let me tell you what I really think.


Nobody with a felony well be able to own even a pea shooter, no pedophiles, nobody who is accused of domestic violence, nobody who has been accused of D.W.I. (driving under the influence), nobody who has been in a war zone as a front liner, nobody who has been in a mental hospital, has seen a school councilor, (high school and college,) and nobody who has been restrained by a legal restraining order by the law.


Too confusing…..and how could you get the information…..and it’s a blatant invasion of privacy, all three questions are valid, and I’ll deal with each one in the following manner, computers, national data bases, and I could care less about invasion of privacy.


Get a fricken grip…..are privacy is invaded every stinking day of the week, or don’t you think that television security cameras aren’t taking pictures. What about all the crap information you have to fill out at the DMV or whenever you sign up for a new credit card, or you turn on your computer, or your cell phone, or check out a library book, or when you pay a toll, or apply for a job.


I could go on…..but I think I’ve already held your concentration about as long as I can, thanks for reading me, however let’s get the MIXERS AND HOOTENANNIES together.



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