Tuesday, April 16, 2013


(New York Times, Russian Times, Aljazeera, Asian Times, CNN news)

(List of Terrorists Incidents, The Religious Peace Group, Frazer Chronicle)


Yes there was a war zone at the end of the Boston Marathon at what will undoubtedly be called mile 26. However before rash decisions are made, as a nation we’d better stop and think for a minute or two about first, our initial reaction, and secondly about what we do in retaliation. Remember after September 11, 2001, we as a nation weren’t at our best, and made some knee jerk decisions that continue to affect us to this day.


Whoever did the dastardly bombing yesterday needs to be brought to justice, and if there are those that are responsible for organizing the bombings, we need to deal with them also. But hold the phone, we do not to act just yet, we first need to investigate any and all of those that might be responsible for the carnage that was caused on April 15, 2013.


As a nation we also need to understand several things before there is any kind of reaction either politically, or militarily. If the Mile 26 bombing was terrorist related, we need to identify if possible every member of the attack, where they live and what organization, or cause they represented. We need to have rock sound evidence before we move.


This time we also need to understand exactly why these people and organizations felt the need to bomb innocent law abiding citizens. What provocation caused the anger of these people, and if the act was not terrorist related, we also need to know what in hell was running through the persons head, if possible.


Individual stories are immerging that tell of personal fears, reactions to the bombs, and fear and apprehension for friends or family members who either were marathon runners or were at the race to watch friends or family members.


As with any explosive device, arms and legs can be blown off by the percussion as well as internal injuries. According to reports 3 people have lost their lives and more than 144 have been reported as injured, more than a dozen seriously.


As some in government or the military have said, “the world is a very dangerous and scary place,” and of course the Boston Marathon bombing gives credence to that statement. But to understand what is going on in the world, and to help us to understand, all a person needs to do is check the list of terrorist’s incidents recorded and listed on Wikipedia.



In January, 2013 there were a total of 19 reported incidents that cost the lives of 599, and injured 980, and the deaths and injuries ran the gamut of terrorist’s attacks, from ambushes, to road-side-bombings, shootings, suicide bombers, shootings and beatings.


The innocent that have lost their lives, the number of children and babies is an unaccountable figure as those people who keep these statistics can’t bother to sort out disfigured, the dismembered, and the bloody pulp that is sometimes left in the wake of a bombing attack.


I’ve fought a long time to not admit that the world is at war…..but I keep reading statistical information that has finally sunk in, and I gotta admit that sects of people, different religions types, and special interest world-wide groups are indeed waging a no-holds-barred attack on whoever they deem necessary to kill, mame or those people who inadvertently get in their way.


Your position or station in life, your job, your political views, your race or religion doesn’t seem to matter to these groups, they have tunnel vision, and they seemingly cannot be deterred from their objective, to wreck havoc on humanity.


And now the United States apparently can officially count itself as members of the global community and the war on terror. So far this year, in just over three months, 106 days, the world community has lost 1717 to terrorists’ activity and 3910 at least have been injured.


From Iraq, to Afghanistan, Syria, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, to India, and now the United States, people have died and have been injured. Entire families have died, and thousands of family’s lives have been changed forever. No matter what is done, the power struggle continues, and seems to even be gaining in momentive.


Many attacks across the world are highly coordinated, and the United States press fails to report on many of the attacks that are in fact a coordinated effort, which means that the perpetrators of these dastardly deeds may be a well oiled killing machine that we in fact…..as a people need to know about.


The Religious Peace organization lists 182 Islamic attacks in the past 30 days, March 15 to April 15, world-wide with hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries. Although I personally do not discount the report, I must add that the Religious Peace organization does have an agenda, and seem to be targeting the Islamic faith.


In this world outside United States borders, there is a real threat, and a smoldering hatred and dislike for the west in general and Americans particular. The liberty and the freedoms that we posses are the envy of many people in many lands, but obviously not as many as we are told, or I wouldn’t be blogging about multiple bombing in Boston.



Lately the news coming from around the world has been laced with talk of nuclear bombs, and atomic power being used for peaceful domestic reasons. The communist enemy, with the world’s fourth largest military has been trundling missiles around and threatening the United States with nuclear obliteration. Guam, Hawaii, and Washington D.C. are all targets.


The country’s military forces are rushing around, sending nuclear detection systems, and deploying missile-interceptor ships off the shores of South Korean. In addition the U.S. is sending nuclear capable B-2 Stealth bombers thousands of miles on mock bombing runs, and conducting large-scale war games with its South Korean ally.


There is really only one problem with trying to impress the North Koreans with these detecting systems, and nuclear capable weapons at the shores of South Korea; North Korea doesn’t have a nuke capable of traveling all those miles between the north of Korea and Guam, Hawaii, or Washington D.C. In addition North Korea has maybe one bomb, while the United States has 4,650 nuclear devises that each is capable of traveling to the tundra of North Korea…..check-mate…..right?


North Korea also is desperate for petroleum products, a necessary ingredient to develop jet engine fuel, so even if they did have a nuke to launch, they’d be hard pressed to get the thing off the ground. In short, North Korea is not a credible threat to the United States or any of her alleys!



We have a problem with terrorist groups from around the world; we need to do a better job of understanding the people, their religion and what they believe in from a day to day situation. Like do they really want the type of government that we practice here in the United States? Will women ever be treated as equals in all phases of their life?


By far the best that we can hope for as a nation is that the bomber, or bombers are nut jobs that are pissed off that they won’t get any tax returns this year. I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell don’t want another aftermath of what the country went through after September 11, 2001. Enough of our liberties have been eroded to keep us safe.


However if they are in fact a faction of terrorists, we will then need to deal in an honorable way with them as we bring them to justice. But above all else…..we need to know why, what’s the reason to let two bombs off that kill people, and disfigure so many others.


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