Saturday, June 7, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


That’s right, I’m going to blog about homosexuals or gays, and I do so with a guarded feeling of excitement, I am so sick and tired of the subject, that I figured somebody who abhors the subject, but embraces the right of people to live and love however, and whomever they desire. To me the subject… most other seeming convoluted subjects are, well, really simple to deal with.

On the one hand, those who oppose gay relationships, bisexual or same gender living conditions want to have an end to the these people…..I say this, “go ahead, get your guns out, oil them, zero them in, and prepare to have a turkey hunt for these types.”  Isn’t that what those opposed to these types of shenanigans want… rid the world of these types, any which way possible?

Of course there are those who do not share ridding the world of gays by violent means, they say education would be the ticket for these people. Or maybe even better, corral these people up, and distribute them to camps around the country…..Queer camps I think is what they call these places. Every once in a while the issue of queers raises its ugly head and spews fourth its foul venom, forcing the hand of straights to act.

Oppression to an alternative lifestyle, man on man or women on women has been around and argued for ages, and in fact has been addressed in the Bible. In Corinthians there is talk about the wicked not inheriting the kingdom of God. In Genesis 19, God destroys the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah due to extensive sin and debauchery. Romans 1:26-27 discusses how people gave into their lust.


I’m not here to list my interpretation of the Bible,,,,,I can only say this, the people who initially wrote the Bible were a hell-of-a lot smarter than I am and I really believe that in many cases, what these scholars wrote down was inspired by a  higher being, or voice. Which parts were divinely inspired is problematic, and the issues will be argued forever.

I can’t stand the idea of two men getting together and…..well you know, doing the old mattress mambo, front to back, ugh, I simply could never….ever… would be way too traumatic for me. I’ve been around guys in the locker room for more years then I care to think about, and I know that there have been several of these guys that were… know…..geez, do I got to paint a picture, it was obvious that they liked guys more than women.

I have a dear, dear friend, have known him for forty years and more, and I’ve known for half that time that he preferred men to women as partners.  I’d be checking out the chicks, and he’d be checking out the guys. As our friendship grew, it became more obvious, but he’s never said anything, and I’ve never inquired…’s his business.

In the same Bible where it talks about a man lying with a man, or a women lying with a women, it also talks about staying true to your chosen mate. Chastity is the goal in every relationship between a man and women, when marriage is the ultimate aim.


On average marriages today are successful right around 50% of the time, there are all sorts of reasons why marriages fail, but the most common reason for failure is money…..or the lack thereof. The word marriage doesn’t even mean marriage… we as a culture uses it!  The word derives from the Latin word mas, meaning (male) or (masculine.) The earliest known use of the word in English dates from the 13th century.

Due to jobs, kids, television, the internet, hobbies, home and family responsibilities, the average married couple spends just four minutes a day alone…..together. More than 75% who marry from an affair eventually divorce, if you marry before 30 years of age…..chances are you’ll divorce…..and the numbers are dramatic, 65% of the time you’ll be paying child support through court decree and you’ll be living alone.

There is always the argument against same sex marriage that can be summed up in a single word…..sanctity, as in the sanctity of marriage!  I’ve been married for 47 years to the same wonderful women and counting. The entire superlatives that are written about a union between a man and a woman, my wife and I have…..she completes me.

However if some two people of the same sex want to enter into some sort of situation, like marriage, I have no problem with that desire. What same sex marriage boils down to is cash, paying taxes, buying insurance; the powers connected with marriage are the stumbling blocks as far as I’m concerned. And to my way of thinking, a damned silly argument for a union between two people, which at the end of the day is a private matter… it not?

There are problems in the world that need our attention, people are dying each and every day, kids are being sold into slavery, the elderly are being hoodwinked right out of their pants, and people’s civil rights are being trampled on right here in the United States.

It was against the law just 30 years ago for a black man to marry a white women; 85 years ago, the Irish were considered to be dirty and illiterate; and a hundred years ago, Polish were considered to be honkies and sub-human. The plight of these people was not addressed in the Bible…..maybe it should have, but for gay people to be labeled as bad people, as sinners, to me, raises some questions that should be answered.

After all, a gay man, or a lesbian women isn’t out to get into every man’s, or women’s pants, it isn’t how they operate. Like any straight, these people want meaningful relationships with substance, and a chance to grow and mature…..just like us heterosexuals. Even though I abhor seeing guys kiss one another on the mouth, I feel that it’s their right…..and we, as straights outta leave them alone.



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