Saturday, June 21, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)

I’m not sure why people still care whatever it is that Dick Cheney has to say, I personally tired of his act a decade ago…..and apparently time hasn’t helped this relic of a politician to come to grips with what he’s all about. Richard Bruce Cheney that’s who, the guy simply loves to hear himself pontificate… you know exactly what the word means…..pontificate, “to speak or write and give your opinion as if you actually knew what you were talking about.”

Yup that would be Dick Cheney alright; he’s never seen or heard of a political point of view that didn’t jibe with his wacky opinion that he didn’t either want to attack, or in fact did attack. What Dick Cheney has is a hard case of being vaccinated at birth with a Victrola needle (a Victrola was a phonograph machine that used to play records, the needle made the sounds on the (disc) audible to the human ear). The guy goes on and on, usually about America’s foreign policy and how only Dick Cheney knows what he’s talking about, and how the U.S. should act.

Now it seems that much of America’s news media, print, radio, and television are up in arms with how Cheney, and his daughter Liz disrespected President Obama, and how he’s carrying on with the mess in the Middle East. I hate to say this…..well wait a minute, I don’t actually HATE to say this, but the president being called out, or his decisions questioned actually is how a democracy is supposed to work…..jerks like Dick Cheney have the right to say whatever they might deem necessary about the president, his job performance, his decisions, in fact his mouth wash, and the brand of his cologne. It’s the great American experiment, and the experiment is ongoing, you know glass houses, stones and all that stuff.


According to the former Vice President in the George W. Bush administration, the current president Obama is wrong on so many issues. Cheney stated that President Obama is “wrong about so much at the expense of so many.” “To many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is ENDING the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan---as though wishing made it so.”

How quickly Mr. Cheney forgets what his boss, Commander in Chief, U.S. President George W. Bush proclaimed back on May 1, 2003….war in Iraq was at an end…..and that “the mission was accomplished.”

Or the other times when Cheney, some other administration official, or the president himself talked about weapons of mass destruction, or Saddam Hussein’s involvement with the attacks on the world trade centers, the Pentagon, or a rural area in Pennsylvania.

How about Cheney’s assessment that there was irrefutable proof that Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction were in strategic areas throughout the country, or (Saddam) had, or shortly would have, access to nuclear weapons or that Saddam would have nuclear capabilities within three years.

So now after eleven years, Dick Cheney and his daughter, Liz seem confident that enough time has passed, and that American citizens will have forgotten about all of the “gaffs” that the Bush administration uttered and issued during the eight years that it was in power. Like a line out of the movie, the Marathon Man…..”is it safe out,” Cheney figures that it’s safe out…..and he can rant.

For whatever reason many conservative Republicans and Teabaggers figure that there can only be peace through power or aggression. That attitude is actually full of holes, unless suddenly people like being shoved around and intimidated.


These talking Heads all seem to have a message, the same message, Limbaugh talked during his 6-18 broadcast that President Obama wants to destroy America, at least as it is known today. Late in the afternoon, Sean Hannity echoes the same message in substance as the Limbaugh talk, with just a different wrapping paper on the outside.

I think that it is silly for anybody to think that President Obama wants to weaken the nation through his actions as the countries commander and chief. After all, Obama’s got to live here too, he, his wife, and their two daughters.

How long does it take for these conservatives and Teabaggers to come to the realization that what is going on in the world… didn’t just happen overnight, it took at the very least a couple of decades for this silliness of what is now little more than a religious conflict of ideals.

Dick Cheney is 73, Dick Cheney is in ill health…..and the world, as Dick Cheney knew it, has passed him by. Sure, he might have more access to current events then I do…..but not much more. After all…..Dick… are a retired political official, and as such, you’ve been pushed out and to the sidelines.

Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran are all sites of a smoldering caldron of differences in religion, elitist power, and opportunities for personal wealth beyond simple dreams. I suppose that you could add a dash of ignorance, a measure of misunderstanding, topped off with a few sprinkles of misguided attitudes.

Iraq and Afghanistan were never areas of conflict and war that the United States was ever going to WIN, U.S. troops were, and are viewed as invaders, infidels, and thugs with guns. Iraq, and Afghanistan as well as the entire region became a giant marketing project, the U.S. with its masterful war machines, and the “terrorists” with their sticks and stones.


Suicide bombers are a unique type of person, apparently they’ve got some sort of death wish…..the only thing that I’d strap around my middle would be a money belt. Dynamite or plastic explosives and my Dunlop shall never meet. My belly is reserved for sun-tan oil, and the occasional T-bone expansion.

The Middle East has been at war for more than a thousand years, their hardened, tough, and don’t play backyard baseball in their formative years. I would venture to say that they probably “play some sort of war game” that hones their survival abilities.

These Iraqi’s, Afghans, Iranies have fought wars, and made wars down through the annuals of their history, blood-baths, missing body parts, and shooting somebody’s head off is second nature to a portion of these Middle Easterners.

For breakfast these people fry up a Dick Cheney, have a side of Paul Wolfowitz, and wash it down with a generous portion of Sean Hannity. You know, even though I feel that these conservatives are bad for America, I really believe that they love their country, and that is really the sad part. We can’t get together and share ideas…..and work for a better America in particular and a better world in general.



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