Tuesday, June 3, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


Does everything in today’s world have to be viewed under a twisted, complicated, and opinionated light, can’t some things just be left alone? I’m talking about this guy, Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, and his being rescued in exchange for five Taliban detainees’s who were incarcerated at Guantanamo. The length of the five terrorist’s imprisonment was not disclosed…..but the negative rhetoric spewed out of the Republican camp leaving little to debate as far as their mind-set on the issue.

And of course the issues are the (usual suspects) shock that the President would authorize such an agreement (5 for 1) or that the President did not follow normal protocol, that the terrorists were the WORST OF THE WORST, or that the President had put a price-tag on the value on other captured U.S. soldiers. Then there’s the argument about presenting to Congress a release, or swap of prisoners, and that there was a 30 day period to mull over the idea.

To my way of thinking, no matter the price, the United States got back one of its youngsters that were foolish enough to volunteer for a stupid war that was initiated for all of the wrong reason, and continues today, a decade and more after our President (at the time) declared that “all hostilities were over.” To me, what this issue is, is a study in exactly why we shouldn’t, as a nation, allow those chosen few (elected by us, the constituency) to bandy around the idea of war or military conflict. It has been proven over and over that the few that assume to have the power of the military to wage war do so with flawed vision and self motivated issues.

There are those people who talk about Bowe Bergdahl being a deserter, maybe he is, maybe he needs to be incarcerated here in the United States, I don’t know, and I’ll bet few people…..today…..do know. I think the simplest and the best way to deal with the Bergdahl issue is to keep your trap (mouth) shut, and to let the system work.

I do not have military roots in my family, unless you count a couple hundred years ago when most people’s primary job was to stay alive. My father wasn’t a military guy, my grandfather on either side held little interest in serving in the military. After catching a picture of Bergdahl’s parents in a news conference, I’m thinking that the hair care exhibited by the elder Bergdahl would not be viewed favorably by almost any military service.


If it were tough to produce military soldiers, if appropriations for military machines were like pulling teeth out of an old hound dog, if the United States population met the drums of war with a modicum of disdain, if the U.S. population took to task those people who suggested a military solution to disagreement…..if the U.S. citizen questioned…..we would not be in the pickle that we now find ourselves in.

Patriotism is a wonderful feeling, it is made up of different parts of a person, pride, fear, anger, forthright caring towards our human brothers and sisters, a keen insight into what is right and wrong…..justice, and probably a faith to a higher order, a trust in man’s innate goodness, and a willingness to forgive, with however the proviso attached that there will be no second “forgiveness’’ for another transgression of the same type.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…..War or an armed military exercise is to be avoided at all costs, and the United States, for whatever reason fails to understand this conception. With little exception, every country in the world understands that the U.S. is far and away the most advanced military power in the history of mankind,,,,, yet we seem, as a nation, to feel the need to flex our military might every once in a while.

The United States seems to be a freewheeling military juggernaut that is usually unchecked, piling up all sorts of offensive exercises that, in the end, go unanswerable to anybody. The U.S. seems to be a power unto themselves and you know what they say about absolute power, it usually corrupts absolutely. Our foreign policy has special interests between almost every line, and it is used to quell, or push through ideologies that favor U.S. procedures or practices.


Born in Sun Valley, Idaho, on March 28, 1986, Bowe Robert Bergdahl was home schooled by his mother, Jani, received a GED certificate through the College of Southern Idaho. Bergdahl studied and practiced fencing and martial arts before switching to ballet classes at the Sun Valley Ballet School in Ketchum, Idaho. Bergdahl never owned a car, instead rode a bicycle everywhere that he went.

Bergdahl graduated from infantry school at Fort Benning, Georgia, and was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division based at Fort Richardson, Alaska. According to his fellow soldiers, Bergdahl did not socialize with his fellow recruits, instead spending more time with the Afghani, read maps, and according to the elder Bergdahl, his son was “psychologically isolated.”

Bergdahl went missing during the evening of June 30, 2009 near the town of Yahya Kheyl in Paktika Province. In a video Bergdahl states that he was captured when he fell behind on a patrol. A Taliban source alleges that Bergdahl was ambushed after he got drunk off base, thus beginning almost five years of imprisonment. Of course the U.S. military deny the Taliban version, saying that the Taliban “is known for lying,” and that their version is completely false.

No matter how Bergdahl got himself captured, he was held against his will for just a few weeks short of five years. I’m not the most stable person in the world, but compared to Bowe Robert Bergdahl, I’m solid as a rock. Bergdahl seemed to be having several epiphanies during his time in the military…..and I’d guess the milk money that he’ll run as far as he can from the military, once it’s done with their debriefing procedures.


We are at war, as President George W. Bush explained, “we’ll be fighting terrorists for decades, and it’ll be called the long war!”  At the time, that statement by President Bush stopped me cold, in just a few words, I felt that Bush had summed up exactly what his administration was all about, and I felt that his legacy was complete, the “Bush war” would be carried on possibly for decades after his death.

Our military is completely volunteer, no draft or conscription, a young guy simply ambles into a recruiting office and signs on the bottom line…..and is off to exotic places, helping to protect freedom for the oppressed, to be ambassadors for the American way, and to keep American’s here, in the homeland safe from those people who hate our way of life.

Now if a pock marked acne riddled 20 year old falls for the above bull----, can he really be blamed, the kid who feels invincible, and is willing to take the extra chance to become a hero…..a living hero? I feel sorry for young people today, the crap that they have to go through, to digest, and to come out on the other end with a semblance of truth and a general idea of what is right and wrong is truly amazing. I couldn’t have done it…..hell I’ve got problems today in my life…..at 70 to understand all the bull---- that we are fed daily.



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