Tuesday, February 17, 2015




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)

Foreign relations between the United States and other countries varies from excellent to worse than poor. When the United States makes treaties with other nations, or when it sends ambassadors abroad, it is practicing foreign policy. And as we all should know, US foreign policy’s main goal is to preserve and strengthen the position of the United States as an independent and sovereign nation…..in other words, secure and maintain the best possible position for American business.


In my younger days I was foolish enough to think that the United States was fighting to give other countries freedom and the chance for prosperity…..for all the people. It was kind of the old axiom, “when I was young I thought as a young person, and as I grew older…..I became more cynical”. I long for those days of youth and innocence, you remember, when things were easy, and what you didn’t quite grasp, you passed on to somebody else to worry about.


It is pretty much an excepted opinion that the United States actually created some of the terrorism organizations that not only the United States is dealing with, but the rest of those countries that are allied with the US, and even those that are not.


Terrorism is a word that is used in everyday news story, and the term is used to describe everything from gorilla style warfare against U.S. troops overseas to the mass murder of civilians in the name of ideological and political agendas. Also today, due to the US political context, most Americans automatically associate terrorism with radical right-wing Islamic extremism.


The United States government and military uses semantics in every news release that is aired, whether on the radio or television, and is written in newspapers. Terrorists don’t execute prisoners, they murder them, terrorists don’t militarily invade an enemy, they commit terrorist’s acts and threaten peace loving individuals. Without exceptions terrorists are pictured in black garb and masks to hide their identity while the US and her allies are shown in a more favorable light.



There are so many talking points about the war on terror, so many people watching, listening, and then throwing in their own opinion (like me) that a politician, or somebody in the private sector needs to be aware of what he says…..pretty much because whatever you say just might be targeted and made an exception of.


It’s exactly what happened to President Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast when he suggested we get off our “high horse”, reminding the audience that the West had its own history of “terrible deeds” in the name of religion, including the Crusades, the Inquisition and slavery.


Of course the remarks touched off a predictable firestorm, and critics pounced, including cry-baby” look-alike Ted Cruz. “Words like radical Islamic terrorism do not come out of the president’s mouth. The word jihad does not come out of the president’s mouth…..and that is dangerous”.


And there were others, Republicans and conservatives all who came forward to bash the president, they were the usual suspects who seem to be waiting in the wings to jump out and attack whenever some liberal Democrat makes a slip of the lip and says something stupid. President Obama is not stupid, just kind of outspoken, careless, and full of himself…..in other words, he’s normal like the rest of us.


There are so many misconceptions about what a terrorist is, or why they actually would rather blow themselves to smithereens, and in the process take out four, five, or twenty civilians, that is unfathomable for most people in the West to grasp much less understand.


But the verbiage that one uses…..anyone, is inconsequential, these people, mostly Muslims, just use the words to justify their means. Many, many of these people are misguided, are being manipulated and taken advantage of. President Obama could have said “red rover, red rover let Joey come over”, and some terrorists sitting someplace could have taken exception, and either strapped himself with bombs, or wired somebody else so that somebody could have blown some infidels up…..it’s mostly how they operate.


You see I don’t believe that we here in the United States are really at war, if we were really at war efforts would be balls to the walls. It’s what happened in 1917-18, and again in late 1941, it’s the United States Modus-operandi, we take some crap, debate one with the other, and when something happens, and the United States raises up and doesn’t take any names, the United States just goes out and kicks butt.


And sadly this “kicking butt” does not take into account whether the cause is right or wrong, US citizens only know that there is a threat, it has to be dealt with…..so by God, get the lead out, and let’s get at the business of war. Semitics down at the end of the road has very little to do with how the United States reacts to a threat.          



Without exception down through the annuals of human history the acts of terrorism have been practiced and actually refined. Massacre is another word for terrorism and every country on the face of the planet has practiced the act during their history.


Russia during its time of civil disobedience, Germany during the 1st and 2nd world wars, Japan on many occasions, France, Great Britain, Australia and of course the United States. Each country, plus hundreds more used the brutal practices of human degradation as a tool of fear, genocide and control.


The United States is no better or worse throughout its history for how they have dealt with their enemies as well as those undesirables that were living in the continual United States. What has been worse, at least as far as the United States actions are concerned is the fact that powers that be felt that they were entitled to act in a terroristic manner because they were freeing people, or protecting their (US) property or natural resource extraction.


It was the late 1960’s that the modern international terrorists got their start, when the Palestinian secular movements such as Al Fatah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, (PFLP) began to target civilians outside the immediate area of conflict.


It was during this time that, in 1967, after the defeat by Israel forces of Arab forces, Palestine leaders realized that that the Arab world was unable to militarily confront Israel. At the same time there was lessons learned from revolutionary movements in Latin America, Southeast Asia as well as during the Jewish struggle against Britain in Palestine, saw the Palestinians move away from classic guerrilla, typically rural-based warfare toward urban Terrorism. Radical Palestinians took advantage of modern communications and transportation systems to internationalize their struggle. They launched a series of highjackings, kidnappings, bombings and shootings, culminating with the killings at the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972.


From 1972 on the words”terrorism, terror, or terrorists” begin to make the small hairs on the necks of security officials throughout the world stand up on end. The making of terrorists, or a terror cell was born out of necessity, and most everybody knows what happens when something is a necessity…..you sometimes get the mother of all inventions.



Glad you asked the question, it proves that you’re reading my blog. What do you think would happen if every single American military installation pulled up stakes, and returned home to the United States…..bag and baggage?


That question is easy to answer…..war for the United States would be over, we could sleep in, and believing that every day was like Saturday. We could put a huge 30’ high fence around our boarders, keeping all the immigrants locked out…..so folks, we got to first take care of our own…..it’s our new prime directive!


Military people would have to be assimilated back into normal society, while some, in critical positions would remain as a skeleton crews, serving as active soldiers, say maybe 500,000. These people would maintain military machinery, or putting the war wagons into moth-balls.


It would be…..it could be the most exciting time in the history of the United States, everybody would benefit from the fruits of their labor…..because everybody that was able to work, would. “What, huh,” do I hear a dissenter in the crowd, do I hear about our enemies, about jobs, about international trade, about our criminal element, about terrorists plots which involved our allies, do I hear something like…..”where will everybody work”. Again, glad you asked that question.”


Number 1 our enemies won’t be our enemies cause we won’t be threatening them anymore with our foreign policies. Number 2 jobs, well gee pal; we could finally as a people develop our assets to their fullest potential. The United States of America has been bestowed with a bountiful abundance of natural resources of all types…..plenty for everybody to flourish on, and work to harvest some of that bountiful resource. Number 3, international trade, it could continue, but more on a level playing field, and be strictly operated by whatever our Federal Government finally looked like.


And finally our criminal element, sadly that would remain; there are of course some bad parts in any dream. But one of the things that we would have to clean up would be that criminal side of our society. But on the bright side, there would be more jobs where people could work, and for some, that work chance might just tip the scales of crime.


Look at me; here I started out wanting to berate the United States foreign policies, and the apparatus that administers it. I have little left to say with regards to the current practice, and the reasons for how foreign policies are taken care of…..and by whom.


If we ceased to have embassies, if we ceased to have ambassadors, and if we discontinued to honor, or make treaties with our allies, and if we started to treat all people with dignity and respect we could actually rewrite how people view the United States of America…..now wouldn’t that be something!



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