Thursday, February 19, 2015




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)

Rudolph William Louis “Rudy” Giuliani is hacking again, this time it’s the United States president that he’s barking about. You see he doesn’t think that President Obama loves the United States or the people in it. “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.”


Wow I am personally flabbergasted; I had no idea that it was necessary for the president of the United States to love the United States. I just assumed that it was a given that the president did love the United States. Why wouldn’t he, after all he’d (President Obama) had made hundreds of thousands of dollars while working for first the Illinois political system, and then in the highest office in the land.


But you know old Rudy, the prosecutor in him just popped out at a private group dinner in Manhattan, according to Politico. The dinner happened Wednesday, February 18 and featured presidential hopeful Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. In front of Walker and 60 right-leaning business executives and conservative media types, he directly challenged Obama’s patriotism, discussing what he called weak foreign policy decisions and questionable public remarks when confronting terrorists.


To me, as a regular blogger, and reader of current events more than the average person, I found Rudy’s remarks a bit, no actually, I find his remarks humorous as hell. What a buffoon, what a village idiot…..and really, who cares.


Giuliani was on a roll (and I don’t mean bagel) and just warming up during the dinner as the key-note speaker, or if he wasn’t the key-note speaker, he definitely took on that roll. Talk about a guy who was full of love, it’d be Rudy on this night. He lamented further about Obama’s lack of love by saying that he (the president) didn’t love me (Giuliani) and he doesn’t love you.


Clearly the speech made the wanna-be governor from Wisconsin, Walker just a bit nervous and his aides said the Giuliani’s comments were off the record.


“What country has left so many young men and women dead abroad to save other countries without taking land”?  “This is not a colonial empire that somebody has in his hands.” Like I said, “Rudy was on a roll.”


To my way of thinking when somebody talks publicly about a high ranking politician, and they are a high ranking individual, he’d better use a whole bunch of caution for obvious reasons. I suppose the least of which would be so that he/she doesn’t make themselves look like a fool.


Does President Obama love the United States, sure, why wouldn’t he, what possible advantage would be gained by not loving the country that one is a citizen in. I love America, but I don’t agree with a multitude of issues…..but down at the end of the day I still love my country.


I do have to agree with good old Rudy on one point though…..I don’t really love Rudy either…..ugh he’s not my type.



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