Saturday, August 13, 2011


The heartbeat of American, the Chev motto from a few years ago, it must be true, I drive Chevrolet products, and every time I drive by a gas station, I swear to God my truck automatically slows down and tries to make a hard right or left turn into into that filling station, it's like the dam thing has a mind of it's own.

I have wondered for many long years why people in government talk about corporations having the same rights as an honest to goodness living, breathing persons. Do these ententes breath, bleed when their injured, can one corporation marry another, can they then corporations, called, corps. Can corporations get sick, suffer from illness, can they have hangovers, and can they be grounded for poor behaviour.

I guess if you really, really look with an analytical eye at any particular corporation operating either in America, or in most all developed countries, corporations do resemble people. If you figure that the owners and creators of a corporation are viewed like parents, and look at shareholders like  Aunts and Uncles.

Of course if you really believe that corporations are humans, then it follows that there are big ones, middle sized ones, or small ones. It then makes sense that the bigger corporations will have the loudest voice, then comes the mid-sized corporation, and so forth down the line.

The history of this hot debate in some corners on Capital hill today goes all the way back to America and 1815. In a Supreme Court ruling  that year, it was ruled that corporations had the same rights as people to make contracts, and to have these contracts honored. Some 55 years later, in 1868, after the Civil War, the 14th amendment to the Constitution gave every person equal rights under the law. The government meant to use the 14th amendment as a way to overturn state laws limiting the rights of freed slaves, but it soon opened the door for corporations to be given the same rights as people.

Since the 1868 ruling, there have been many bitter fights regarding whether a corporation is legally a person under the 14th amendment. Different Supreme Courts chipped away at the protective rights to corporations, while others have added mortar to bolster Corporate rights, basically creating a "wash".

Today the 14th amendment to the Constitution is used by corporations as a way to exercise a guarantee of free speech and to not be encumbered by limits of political campaign spending. With some form of restriction, it is next to impossible to limit the power of corporations.

We now address the real reason for today's message, George Romney's son, Mitt and his trip, "hopefully....for him," to the White House in  January 2013. In retorting to a heckler who wanted to know "why corporations shouldn't share more of the economic burden of reducing the deficit."

Romney's answer spoke volumes to his supporters and to corporations, "Corporations are people, my friend.....of course they are. Everything corporations earn ultimately goes to the people. Where do you think it goes.? Whose pockets? People's pockets. Human beings, my friend."

Hell, Romney is right, corporations are people, or rather lawyers, which can't be confused with real people, natural people, or as the "Mittster" puts it, "human beings." However, I'd like to clear one thing up right now, corporations weren't born in the natural way, there was no intent of creating a baby "corp," when the act of a union was made between a daddy corporation and a momma corporation.

Oh sure that was a whole bunch of huffing and puffing, breathless encounters, some mutual petting, and some strutting of stuff. But all of the above was caused from laying concrete, welding steel, digging ditches, securing tax abatement's and signing contracts with distributors for products made.

Eating at the public trough, nursing at the tit of tax breaks nurtured the baby corp, and soon it became full grown, and was ready to assume it's rightful place at the left hand of his "big daddy and momma" corporation. Yes, the baby corp is fully grown, thanks to a amendment that makes little sense, but sure as hell is embraced by the new young corporation. Thanks for the insight Mitt.

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